乱暴/暴力を加える as Tesla starts shipping $3,000 Cybertruck テント that looks nothing like as advertised

Cybertruck?顧客s are once again 乱暴/暴力を加えるd over broken 約束s after Tesla started shipping the first (製品,工事材料の)一回分 of テント attachments that leaves much to be 願望(する)d.

The Basecamp テント, which comes with the hefty price tag of $3,000, appears to be 行方不明の the allure of the company's 宣伝の pictures, 含むing an 'ultra-soft mattress' and '高めるd (軍の)野営地,陣営ing experience.'

宣伝s of the Basecamp テント 誇るd that it would 平等に attach to the 支援する of the Cybertruck and a ビデオ shows two parents and a child fitting comfortably in the テント and 審査するd windows to 供給する 'a 見解(をとる) of the 星/主役にするs.'

But, new owners have 株d ビデオs and pictures of what appeared to be a tarp 拡張 on the 支援する of their new EV トラックで運ぶ, with some 説 it wasn't any different from a 伝統的な テント and could fit a 最大限 of two people.

Tesla's Cybertruck Basecamp tent looked more like a tarp than the sleek design the company promised when it advertised the attachment

Tesla's Cybertruck Basecamp テント looked more like a tarp than the sleek design the company 約束d when it advertised the attachment

Tesla released photos of its Basecamp tent when it announced the Cybertruck in 2019, promising a unique and comfortable camping experience

Tesla 解放(する)d photos of its Basecamp テント when it 発表するd the Cybertruck in 2019, 約束ing a unique and comfortable (軍の)野営地,陣営ing experience

The Basecamp tent costs $3,000 in addition to upwards of $90,000 that the Cybertruck costs

The Basecamp テント costs $3,000 in 新規加入 to 上向きs of $90,000 that the Cybertruck costs

'Nothing about the 2019 CyberTruck 明らかにする/漏らす is 会合 期待s,' X 使用者 Dangum P.I. 地位,任命するd on the Elon Musk-owned 壇・綱領・公約.

'The reality is this thing is a monumental 失敗. Which is unfortunate because it could have been a 革命の.'

Plump Pixel, a design company, also 株d on X that it believes the Basecamp テント is 基本的に an 'unpolished homeless 野営.'?

Tesla 明らかにする/漏らすd its?Cybertruck?and Basecamp 追加する-on in 2019 and finally started shipping the 乗り物 to 買い手s at the end of November 2023 but 消費者s still couldn't 購入(する) the テント until 早期に last month.

The 取り付け・設備 過程 isn't as simple and straightforward as Tesla advertises, because before the 買い手 can use the テント, they need to visit a Tesla Service 中心 to have a professional attach テント brackets to the 乗り物's 味方する rails.

The 手動式の pump needed to inflate the テント also makes it a more time-消費するing 過程 than 買い手s were led to believe.?

The テント is also supposed to have an 自動車 leveling feature,?called 'テント 方式,' which 作品 by straightening out the Cybertruck so the person doesn't feel like they're 事情に応じて変わる out of the テント if the car is parked on an incline.

The reality of the Basecamp tent (pictured) looks nothing like the expectation in Tesla's pictures

The reality of the Basecamp テント (pictured) looks nothing like the 期待 in Tesla's pictures

Tesla advertised a comfortable sleeping experience (pictured) with a 'high-quality mattress'

Tesla advertised a comfortable sleeping experience (pictured) with a 'high-質 mattress'

The Basecamp tent can on
ly be installed after visiting the Tesla Service Center to attach the tent brackets

The Basecamp テント can only be 任命する/導入するd after visiting the Tesla Service 中心 to attach the テント brackets

One Cybertruck owner 地位,任命するd their experience on the Cybertruck Owners Club website, calling the supposed 'テント 方式' feature 'MIA (行方不明の in 活動/戦闘).'?

The 買い手 報告(する)/憶測d that the 欠如(する) of 'テント 方式' feature is 'a bit of a red 旗 because the 噂するd self-levelling element is a pretty big 取引,協定 for roof-最高の,を越す-テント (軍の)野営地,陣営ing.

'簡潔に laying on the sleeping mat while parked in my gently sloped driveway I could feel myself rolling downhill.'

READ MORE:?New Cybertruck owners are re-selling EVs for more than $200,000?

New Cybertruck owners are bound to a 契約 that 禁じるs them from re-selling the EV before one year or 直面する a $50,000 罰金.?


While the Cybertruck 使用者 said he does does love the new 乗り物, he 追加するd: 'The 陪審/陪審員団 is still out on the Basecamp because I'm not yet 納得させるd that the brilliant elements outweigh the areas that need 改良.'?

The 'テント 方式' is an important facet to the Basecamp 取り付け・設備 過程 and is supposed to be accessible through the 乗り物's touchscreen.

'It costs three thousand dollars and the 指示/教授/教育s tell you to 活動させる/戦時編成する 'テント 方式,' which does not 存在する in the car,' one person complained?on X.

Cybertruck owners 以前 問題/発行するd (民事の)告訴s that their?$60,000 to $96,000 乗り物s were showing 調印するs of rust いっそう少なく than two weeks after 購入(する)ing them.

すぐに after the Cybertruck was 解放(する)d, 買い手s said they noticed orange 位置/汚点/見つけ出すs had formed after 運動ing the Cybertruck for two days in the rain.

'The Cybertruck has 381 miles on it, and has spent much of the 11 days in my 保護/拘留 parked in 前線 of my house,' a 顧客 wrote in a Cybertruck Owners Club 地位,任命する.

'冷淡な 天候, rain and some direct sunlight later, I 大(公)使館員d a few photos of the corrosion 位置/汚点/見つけ出すs and a ビデオ.'

While there are some 肯定的な reviews about the Cybertruck's smooth ride, design and 工学, the 判決 appears to still be out for some who question if the high-dollar price tag and lofty 追加する-on features is 価値(がある) it.?