What is Havana syndrome? Symptoms explained after bombshell 60 Minutes episode

  • New 報告(する)/憶測s from US 外交官s and 秘かに調査するs 述べる loss of 見通し and chest 苦痛s
  • One 連邦検察局 counterintel スパイ/執行官 に例えるd the 'attack' to 'a dentist 演習ing on steroids
  • READ MORE: US 大使館 スタッフの一員's wife?'厳しく 毒(薬)d' by Havana Syndrome

A 素晴らしい expos? has 生き返らせるd 憶測 that 'Havana syndrome,' the mystery 病気 疫病/悩ますing US 外交官s and 秘かに調査するs, might be the work of covert ロシアの tech.

ロシアの 知能 部隊 29155, reputedly 仕事d with 'subversion, 破壊行為 and 暗殺' programs against the West, may be 責任がある the eerie and still as-yet-unexplained health 出来事/事件s, によれば a 共同の-investigative 報告(する)/憶測.

For years, the 申し立てられた/疑わしい (軍隊などの)展開,配備 of secret, directed-energy 武器s against US 公式の/役人s has been linked to?migraines, nausea, memory lapses, 審理,公聴会 loss, poor balance and dizziness?― and now more vivid symptoms have come to light.

One?連邦検察局?counterintelligence スパイ/執行官 仕事d with 跡をつけるing ロシアの 秘かに調査するs 国内で 述べるd her 趣旨d 小衝突 with the covert 武器 as feeling like 'a dentist 演習ing on steroids.'

The 遭遇(する) left her with memory 問題/発行するs, trouble multitasking and chest 苦痛s, she said, and at one point the 申し立てられた/疑わしい energy 武器 knocked her unconscious.

'My baseline changed,' as she told 60 Minutes. 'I was not the same person.'

Retired Army lieutenant colonel Greg Edgreen (above), who led a Pentagon investigation into Havana syndrome incidents, told 60 Minutes that he's 'confident' Russia is behind the attacks

Retired Army 中尉/大尉/警部補 陸軍大佐 Greg Edgreen (above), who led a 米国防総省 調査 into Havana syndrome 出来事/事件s, told 60 Minutes that he's '確信して' Russia is behind the attacks

'There's no environmental cause that causes the body damage that I saw,' an anonymous PhD source told DailyMail.com last year. 'I don't know how you create damage inside of a body, like what was seen, that comes on all of a sudden, and could be called "pre-existing conditions"'

'There's no 環境の 原因(となる) that 原因(となる)s the 団体/死体 損失 that I saw,' an 匿名の/不明の PhD source told DailyMail.com last year. 'I don't know how you create 損失 inside of a 団体/死体, like what was seen, that comes on all of a sudden, and could be called 'pre-存在するing 条件s''

CBS's?60 Minutes, German magazine?Der Spiegel and a Latvian journalism outfit called The Insider pooled their 報告(する)/憶測ing for the new investigativ e 共同.

Their marquee scoop 残り/休憩(する)s on 爆発性の findings from The Insider's Christo Grozev?that Russia's 隠しだてする?部隊 29155 was 'rewarded for 首尾よく 実験(する)ing "非,不,無-lethal acoustic 武器s"' on American civil servants and 秘かに調査するs.

But the team's bombshells have also 明らかにする/漏らすd new 事例/患者 熟考する/考慮するs, 拡大するing public understanding of what 'Havana syndrome' might be and how it 衝撃s the 団体/死体.

One US 政府 従業員 影響する/感情d,?the 中央情報局's former 副 長,指導者 of 操作/手術s in Europe and Eurasia,?Marc Polymeropoulos,?told?Der Spiegel?that he had first 混乱させるd his symptoms with 'food 毒(薬)ing' six years ago.

But, when the painful 'attack' (機の)カム again just a few days later, Polymeropoulos realized it had to be something else.

The ex-副 中央情報局 長,指導者 told the German magazine that it has felt like 'a 副/悪徳行為 on my skull' and that his 見通し has gotten so bad at times that he couldn't even 運動 a car.

'We were portrayed,'?Polymeropoulos said about himself and the dozens of other US 政府 従業員s who have 苦しむd from Havana syndrome, 'as people who had fallen 犠牲者 to 集まり hysteria.'

Above, an old American car passes by the US Embassy in Havana on December 17, 2015

Above, an old American car passes by the US 大使館 in Havana on December 17, 2015

One Georgetown neurologist told DailyMail.com that his own 2017 and 2018 analysis of Havana Syndrome patients for US Special Operations Command, found lasting problems in patients' brain function but not to their brain structure ? similar to so-called 'mini-strokes'

One Georgetown neurologist told DailyMail.com that his own 2017 and 2018 分析 of Havana Syndrome 患者s for US Special 操作/手術s 命令(する), 設立する 継続している problems in 患者s' brain 機能(する)/行事 but not to their brain structure ― 類似の to いわゆる '小型の-一打/打撃s'

This March, a 政府 熟考する/考慮する 跡をつけるing over 80 self-報告(する)/憶測d 犠牲者s of 'Havana Syndrome' 設立する no 調印するs of brain 傷害?―?にもかかわらず also identifying 'real symptoms' of the mystery 病気 that?研究員s called 'やめる 深遠な' and '無能にするing.'

As one Georgetown neurologist, Dr. James Giordano, who 行為/行うd 早期に 研究 into the syndrome for the 米国防総省's?Special 操作/手術s 命令(する), told DailyMail.com, this absence should not be taken as 証拠 of '集まり hysteria.'

Dr. Giordano,?who teaches neurology at the Georgetown University 医療の 中心 in Washington DC, said the findings published last month?危険 creating 'a 誤った 結論 that nothing happened to these people's brains.'?

That 熟考する/考慮する, published last month by the?定期刊行物 of the American 医療の 協会?(JAMA), 成し遂げるd MRI ざっと目を通すs on 81 out of 86 明言する/公表する Dept 従業員s and their adult family members who 報告(する)/憶測d?'anomalous health 出来事/事件s (AHIs).'

The 研究 team, part of the 国家の 学校/設けるs of Health (NIH) in Maryland, 重さを計るd the results of these MRIs against the MRIs of 48 支配(する)/統制する 関係者s.

執拗な dizziness and balance 問題/発行するs were の中で those real symptoms for 28 パーセント of the 大使館 公式の/役人s and other 患者s 熟考する/考慮するd, によれば the 報告(する)/憶測.

In a statement one year ago this March, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines? said the 'symptoms reported by US personnel were probably the result of factors that did not involve a foreign adversary, such as preexisting conditions, conventional illnesses, and environmental factors'

In a 声明 one year ago this March, Director of Nationa l 知能 Avril Haines? said the 'symptoms 報告(する)/憶測d by US 職員/兵員 were probably the result of factors that did not 伴う/関わる a foreign adversary, such as preexisting 条件s, 従来の illnesses, and 環境の factors'

'One of the considerations, here, was that if, in fact, these individuals were exposed to some form of electromagnetic and/or acoustic 刺激,' Dr. Giordano explained, 'the nature of the 損失 would be 機能の, rather than 構造上の.'??

He 述べるd the new 熟考する/考慮する as 一貫した with his own 2017 and 2018 分析 of Havana Syndrome 患者s for US Special 操作/手術s 命令(する), which 設立する 継続している problems in 患者s' brain 機能(する)/行事 but not to their brain structure?― consequences 類似の to いわゆる '小型の-一打/打撃s' or transient ischemic attack 事例/患者s.

'Let me be very 最終的な, we're not talking about a 機能の neurological disorder, which is a psychosomatic disorder,' Dr. Giordano told DailyMail.com.

'We're talking about a disruption of neurological 機能(する)/行事, that then created a host of 影響s, 含むing 石油精製 physiological 影響s that manifested themselves cognitively, motorically, and behaviorally.'

Unlike the '集まり hysteria' explanation that has 疫病/悩ますd the 明言する/公表する Department's self-報告(する)/憶測d 犠牲者s of Havana Syndrome, the neurologist に例えるd the findings to a variety of other long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 brain 条件s where physical 証拠 of the 損失 quickly dissipates.?

For its part, Russia has previously denied any involvement and dismissed the allegations as 'groundless' today. Above,?Russia's President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting with members of his Security Council via video link in Moscow on March 29, 2024

For its part, Russia has 以前 否定するd any 関与 and 解任するd the 主張s as 'groundless' today. Above,?Russia's 大統領 Vladimir Putin 議長,司会を務めるs a 会合 with members of his 安全 会議 経由で ビデオ link in Moscow on March 29, 2024

After US officials and embassy staff reported hundreds of cases in nearly 70 countries, new reports of Havana syndrome declined sharply starting in early 2022. But the mystery of what caused the ailments and the alarm remains. (Above a timeline map of key incidents)

After US 公式の/役人s and 大使館 staff 報告(する)/憶測d hundreds of 事例/患者s in nearly 70 countries, new 報告(する)/憶測s of Havana syndrome 拒絶する/低下するd はっきりと starting in 早期に 2022. But the mystery of what 原因(となる)d the 病気s and the alarm remains. (Above a timeline 地図/計画する of 重要な 出来事/事件s)

EXCLUSIVEREAD MORE: NIH 熟考する/考慮する finds Havana Syndrome 犠牲者s' symptoms are 'real' and 'やめる 深遠な' - 傷害s are much like a '小型の 一打/打撃,' one 米国防総省 医療の 顧問 tells DailyMail.com

A new 熟考する/考慮する by the 国家の 学校/設けるs of Health 跡をつけるd over 80 self-報告(する)/憶測d 犠牲者s of 'Havana Syndrome' - finding no 調印するs of brain 傷害 on MRI にもかかわらず identifying 'real symptoms' of the mystery 病気 that they called 'やめる 深遠な' and '無能にするing.' But one Georgetown neurologist, who 行為/行うd 早期に 研究 into the syndrome for the 米国防総省's Special 操作/手術s 命令(する), tells DailyMail.com that the NIH's new findings 危険 creating 'a 誤った 結論 that nothing happened to these people's brains'?


'いつかs when there's a 小型の 一打/打撃,' Dr. Giordano said, 'it very often does not produce what is a structurally evident artifact [in the brain] that is 持続する.'?

'You may see some 初期の changes during the TIA [transient ischemic attack] in 進化,' he 追加するd, 'but with time those are 解決するd.'

事例/患者s of 'decompression sickness,' or the bends, he 公式文書,認めるd, have also manifested like 小型の-一打/打撃s or Havana syndrome, 配達するing long-継続している impairments to brain 機能(する)/行事 that were not paired with 明白な forms of 継続している brain 損失.?

For its part, Russia has 以前 否定するd any 関与 and 解任するd the 主張s as 'groundless' today.

'This topic has been talked up in the 圧力(をかける) for many years already. And from the very beginning most often it's linked to the ロシアの 味方する,' Kremlin 広報担当者 Dmitry Peskov told a news 会議/協議会.

But retired Army 中尉/大尉/警部補 陸軍大佐 Greg Edgreen, who led the 米国防総省 調査 into the Havana syndrome 出来事/事件s, told 60 Minutes?that he is '確信して' that Russia is behind the attacks and that 認めるing the 可能性のある use of sonic 武器s would bring up 安全 questions.

Lt. Col. Edgreen said the 重荷(を負わせる) of proof under both the Trump and Biden 行政 was 始める,決める impossibly high, explaining: 'I think it was 始める,決める so high because we did not, as a country, and a 政府, want to 直面する some very hard truths...'?

'Can we 安全な・保証する America? Are these 大規模な 反対する 知能 失敗s? Can we 保護する American 国/地域 and our people on American 国/地域? Are we 存在 attacked and if we're 存在 attacked, is that an 行為/法令/行動する of war?'

Lt. Col. Edgreen also (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that the attacks are part of a 世界的な 使節団 by Russia 的ing US 公式の/役人s to '中立にする/無効にする' them.?