The skies of Southern California were aglow Monday evening as a?SpaceX ロケット/急騰する streaked across on its way into space.?

The Falcon 9 開始する,打ち上げるd from Vandenberg Space 軍隊 Base?in Santa Barbara 郡,?160 miles northwest of Los Angeles, around 7:30pm leaving a 有望な plume of smoke in its wake.

The visuals were perhaps even more 素晴らしい that usual as the sun had only 始める,決める 15 minutes earlier, but light from our closest 星/主役にする still 攻撃する,衝突する the plume illuminating it.

It 確実にするd the long-追跡するing cloud was 明白な across the 地域 含むing in 隣接地の Arizona.

開始する,打ち上げるs either just before sunset or just 事前の to sunrise usually 供給する the best 見解(をとる)s as the ロケット/急騰する 反映するs the sun's rays with a dark sky background.

An evening launch of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying 22 Starlink satellites to low-E
arth orbit is seen blasting off from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California on Monday night

An evening 開始する,打ち上げる of a SpaceX Falcon 9 ロケット/急騰する carrying 22 Starlink 衛星s to low-Earth 軌道 is seen 爆破ing off from Vandenberg Space 軍隊 Base in California on Monday night

People stand on a pier beneath the contrail from a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying a payload of 22 Starlink internet satellites into space

People stand on a pier beneath the contrail from a SpaceX Falcon 9 ロケット/急騰する carrying a payload of 22 Starlink internet 衛星s into space

A SpaceX Falcon 9
 rocket flies above the Pacific Ocean

A SpaceX Falcon 9 ロケット/急騰する 飛行機で行くs above the 太平洋の Ocean?

The launch was visible across much of Southern California and above San Clemente Pier

The 開始する,打ち上げる was 明白な across much of Southern California and above San Clemente Pier

SpaceX had been due to launch the rocket on Saturday but a weekend storm meant the departure was delayed

SpaceX had been 予定 to 開始する,打ち上げる the ロケット/急騰する on Saturday but a 週末 嵐/襲撃する meant the 出発 was 延期するd?

SpaceX had been 予定 to 開始する,打ち上げる the ロケット/急騰する on Saturday but a 週末 嵐/襲撃する meant the 出発 was 延期するd.

This time the ロケット/急騰する was carrying a payload of 22 Starlink 衛星s?into low-Earth 軌道.

The 開始する,打ち上げる was the 11th from Vandenberg Space 軍隊 Base. It was also the 32nd Falcon 9 開始する,打ち上げる of 2024, and the 21st used to help build out the 'Starlink megaconstellation.'

After the 衛星s were (軍隊を)展開する,配備するd, the booster landed on the 'Of Course I Still Love You' droneship in the 太平洋の Ocean.

Starlink is 'the world's first and largest 衛星 星座 using a low Earth 軌道 to 配達する broadband internet 有能な of supporting streaming, online gaming, ビデオ calls and more,' によれば the service's website.

The?SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket can be seen launching out of of Vandenberg Space Force Base in Santa Barbara County, California

The?SpaceX Falcon 9 ロケット/急騰する can be seen 開始する,打ち上げるing out of of Vandenberg Space 軍隊 Base in Santa Barbara 郡, California

People walk on a pier beneath the contrail from a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket in San Clemente

People walk on a pier beneath the contrail from a SpaceX Falcon 9 ロケット/急騰する in San Clemente

The launch was the 11th from Vandenberg Space Force Base

The 開始する,打ち上げる was the 11th from Vandenberg Space 軍隊 Base?

The rocket was carrying 22 Starlink satellites into low-Earth orbit and blasted off at 7:30pm

The ロケット/急騰する was carrying 22 Starlink 衛星s into low-Earth 軌道 and 爆破d off at 7:30pm?

It was also the 32nd Falcon 9 launch of 2024, and the 21st used to help build out the 'Starlink megaconstellation'

It was also the 32nd Falcon 9 開始する,打ち上げる of 2024, and the 21st used to help build out the 'Starlink megaconstellation'?

Launches either just before sunset or just prior to sunrise usually provide the best views as the rocket
 reflects the sun's rays with a darker sky background

開始する,打ち上げるs either just before sunset or just 事前の to sunrise usually 供給する the best 見解(をとる)s as the ロケット/急騰する 反映するs the sun's rays with a darker sky background

The rocket can be seen lifting off with the mountains in the distance

The ロケット/急騰する can be seen 解除するing off with the mountains in the distance

The booster rocket can be seen making the return back to Earth and is the object in the middle of this photo

The booster ロケット/急騰する can be seen making the return 支援する to Earth and is the 反対する in the middle of this photo

The '星座' of 衛星s consists of thousands of 衛星s that 軌道 Earth at an 高度 of about 340 miles.

The 衛星s then connect to antennas that 使用者s 始める,決める up at their home to 供給する internet 接近.

When light 条件s are 権利, the 衛星s appear in a train as they parade across the night sky.?

The 衛星s are いつかs 明白な in the first few minutes after sundown and before sunrise when the sun is below the horizon, but the 衛星s are high enough to 反映する direct sunlight.