Sir Ernest Shackleton's 晴雨計 is FOUND after 102 years: 器具 which hung on the 塀で囲む of the ship's cabin during the explorer's final 南極の 探検隊/遠征隊 goes up for auction - and could fetch £8,000

  • 素晴らしい piece of?航海の history is 存在 auctioned later this month
  • READ MORE: Sir Ernest Shackleton's lost ship Endurance is finally FOUND

If you've always dreamed of owning a 素晴らしい piece of British 航海の history, now is your chance ? but it won't come cheap.

A?晴雨計 owned by the 伝説の Anglo-Irish explorer?Ernest Shackleton is up for auction later this month, and is 推定する/予想するd to fetch up to £8,000.?

The 4.5-インチ 科学の 器具 対策 空気/公表する 圧力 and was 直す/買収する,八百長をするd to the 塀で囲む of Shackleton's 私的な cabin on the ship R.Y.S 追求(する),探索(する).

It was here where the explorer died in January 1922 from 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd heart 失敗 during an 探検隊/遠征隊 to the 南極の,?at the age of just 47.?

Amazingly, after more than 100 years, the?晴雨計 still 作品.?

A barometer that was used by famous explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton on his final expedition is up for auction later this month - and it could fetch £8,000

A 晴雨計 that was used by famous explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton on his final 探検隊/遠征隊 is up for auction later this month - and it could fetch £8,000

Photo of Sir Ernest Shackleton on board the 'Quest'. The legendary Anglo-Irish explorer?died in his cabin on board the Quest while it was anchored off South Georgia. He was 47 years old

Photo of Sir Ernest Shackleton on board the '追求(する),探索(する)'. The 伝説の Anglo-Irish explorer?died in his cabin on board the 追求(する),探索(する) while it was 錨,総合司会者d off South Georgia. He was 47 years old

READ MORE:?Sir Ernest Shackleton's lost ship Endurance is FOUND

Endurance was found 107 years after it became trapped in sea ice and sank

Endurance was 設立する 107 years after it became 罠にかける in sea ice and sank


Dr Leonard Hussey, the medic who tried to save Shackleton in his cabin, later took the 晴雨計 as a keepsake to remember him by.?

Dr Hussey gave the 装置 to a friend, someone called Major 支持を得ようと努めるd, and a 子孫 of his has now 申し込む/申し出d it for sale.

It is 存在 auctioned by Henry Aldridge & Son auctioneers, an auction house based in Devizes, Wiltshire.?

A spokesperson told MailOnline that bidding starts at £5,000, but the 推定する/予想するd sale price is anywhere from £5,000 to £8,000.??

'Sir Ernest Shackleton has been called "the greatest leader that ever (機の)カム on God's Earth 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 非,不,無",' said auctioneer Andrew Aldridge.?

'This unique piece of memorabilia 供給するs a 有形の link to not only his final 探検隊/遠征隊 but the last moments of this greatest of men.'?

It's believed Dr Hussey gave Major 支持を得ようと努めるd the 晴雨計 in the 1930s.?

The 現在の owner is now in his 60s and remembers the 反対する as a boy.?

But it has 'literally been in a drawer for the last 20 years', によれば the auction house 広報担当者.?

The lot, which is 存在 sold on April 27, 含むs a letter written by?Major 支持を得ようと努めるd when he was gifted the 反対する.?

It reads:?'This aneroid 晴雨計 was taken to the 南極の on the Shackleton-Rowett 南極の 探検隊/遠征隊 1921?22 and was screwed up in Sir Ernest Shackleton’s Cabin on R.Y.S. 追求(する),探索(する), given to me by Dr L.D.A. Hussey.'?

The barometer is accompani
ed by a letter stating: 'This aneroid barometer was taken to the Antarctic on the Shackleton-Rowett Antarctic Expedition 1921?22 and was screwed up in Sir Ernest Shackleton’s Cabin on R.Y.S. Quest, given to me by Dr L.D.A. Hussey'

The 晴雨計 is …を伴ってd by a letter 明言する/公表するing: 'This aneroid 晴雨計 was taken to the 南極の on the Shackleton-Rowett 南極の 探検隊/遠征隊 1921?22 and was screwed up in Sir Ernest Shackleton’s Cabin on R.Y.S. 追求(する),探索(する), given to me by Dr L.D.A. Hussey'?

The ship Quest used in the Ernest Shackleton expedition to Antarctica, arrives at St Katharine's Dock from Southampton, ahead of voyage, 1921

The ship 追求(する),探索(する) used in the Ernest Shackleton 探検隊/遠征隊 to Antarctica, arrives at St Katharine's ドッキングする/減らす/ドックに入れる from Southampton, ahead of voyage, 1921

READ MORE:?Sir Ernest Shackleton's Polar メダル may leave the UK unless 買い手 is 設立する

Pictured, the Polar Medal of Sir Ernest Shackleton which could leave the UK unless a domestic buyer can be found

Pictured, the Polar メダル of Sir Ernest Shackleton which could leave the UK unless a 国内の 買い手 can be 設立する


The 晴雨計?was 製造(する)d by Short and Mason, an 器具/備品 製造者 設立するd in London in 1864.?

It was?直す/買収する,八百長をするd to the 塀で囲む of Shackleton's 私的な cabin on the ship R.Y.S 追求(する),探索(する) during an 探検隊/遠征隊 to the?南極の in December 1921.?

Shackleton led the 追求(する),探索(する) 探検隊/遠征隊 to circumnavigate the 南極の continent six years after his 伝説の ship the Endurance sank.?

Just before 追求(する),探索(する) left Rio de Janeiro for the sub-南極の island of South Georgia, Shackleton 苦しむd a 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd heart attack but 宣言するd himself better the next morning.?

However, during the two week voyage, Shackleton was seen to drink ひどく to deaden the 苦痛 he was in, すなわち with シャンペン酒.?

Dr Alexander Macklin, who was on watch on the evening of January 5, 1922, had visited Shackleton in his cabin.

After encouraging Shackleton to take things 平易な, Macklin was rebuked with the words:?…'You always want me to give up something. What do you want me to give up now?'

Macklin replied: '主として alcohol, Boss, I don't think it agrees with you.'

Soon afterwards Shackleton had a very 厳しい intensification of symptoms, during which he died,?just after its arrival at South Georgia.?

Note on the back of the?barometer reads: 'Given to me by Dr L. D. R Hussey LONDON See his letter in?Shackleton's book'

公式文書,認める on the 支援する of the?晴雨計 reads: 'Given to me by Dr L. D. R Hussey LONDON See his letter in?Shackleton's 調書をとる/予約する'?

The scientific instrument was fixed to the wall of Shackleton's private cabin on the ship R.Y.S Quest. It was the ship the great British hero died on from suspected heart failure while in South Georgia Harbour. Pictured is?British antiques dealer Paul Martin with the device

The 科学の 器具 was 直す/買収する,八百長をするd to the 塀で囲む of Shackleton's 私的な cabin on the ship R.Y.S 追求(する),探索(する). It was the ship the 広大な/多数の/重要な British hero died on from 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd heart 失敗 while in South Georgia Harbour. Pictured is?British a ntiques 売買業者 Paul ツバメ with the 装置

Quest passing through Tower Bridge, London.?Shackleton died aboard the ship as it reached?the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia

追求(する),探索(する) passing through Tower 橋(渡しをする), London.?Shackleton died 船内に the ship as it reached?the sub-南極の island of South Georgia

Dr Hussey, who was also the 探検隊/遠征隊's 気象学者 and assistant 外科医, later wrote in a letter: 'It was a terrible blow to us even though in our 医療の work we have had 得点する/非難する/20s of people dying in our 手渡すs yet somehow his was different.?

'I tried to 注入する some ether to 刺激する his heart but in three minutes he was dead.'

Dr Hussey, who had 以前 served with Shackleton on the Endurance 探検隊/遠征隊, …を伴ってd his 団体/死体 to Uruguay where he cabled England with news of the explorer's death.?

Shackleton's 未亡人 答える/応じるd that he should be buried in South Georgia and Hussey carried out her 指示/教授/教育s.?

Shackleton was buried on March 5 with Dr Hussey the only one of his former comrades 現在の.?

Although 試みる/企てるs by the remaining 乗組員 were still made to reach Antarctica, 激しい packs of ice made it imp ossible.?

Instead, in May 1922, 追求(する),探索(する) turned 支援する and sailed to Cape Town as part of a 計画(する) to refit and 再供給する the ship for a second 試みる/企てる the に引き続いて year ? one that never happened.?

Sir Ernest Shackleton: Famed Anglo-Irish 南極の adventurer

Sir Ernest Shackleton during the 1908 expedition to Antarctica

Sir Ernest Shackleton during the 1908 探検隊/遠征隊 to Antarctica

Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton??was an Anglo-Irish 南極の explorer who led three 探検隊/遠征隊s to the frozen continent.?

He was at the heart of a period in history that later (機の)カム to be known as the 'Heroic Age of 南極の 探検'.

Born in Ireland, Shackleton moved to London with his family when he was 10 and first experienced polar 気候s as an officer on Captain Robert Falcon Scott's 発見 探検隊/遠征隊 of 1901?1904.

H e was sent home 早期に from that 探検隊/遠征隊 after work experiencing poor health that had been ascribed to scurvy. New 熟考する/考慮するs 示唆する he had?beriberi.?

During the Nimrod 探検隊/遠征隊 of 1907?1909, Shackleton and his companions created a new 記録,記録的な/記録するd of farthest south latitude at 88 degrees south.?

災害 struck his next 探検隊/遠征隊, the 皇室の Trans-南極の 探検隊/遠征隊, 1914?1917, when the ship, the Endurance, became 罠にかける in pack ice.

The 乗組員 were able to escape by 開始する,打ち上げるing lifeboats and reaching nearby islands, travelling through 嵐の oceans for 830 miles.

He returned to the 南極の for one final time in 1921 with the Shackleton?Rowett 探検隊/遠征隊, but died of a heart attack on January 5, 1922, while his ship was moored in South Georgia.?

While Shackleton is best known for his 探検, his 遺産/遺物 is also one of enabling a かなりの 量 of 科学の 研究.

?His 探検隊/遠征隊s helped produce 包括的な 科学の and geographical 調査するs ― の中で which were the first 調査するs of Antarctica's 内部の and the 効果的な 場所 of the 磁石の South 政治家.

'Shackleton is an iconic 人物/姿/数字 of 南極の history with the most incredible 遺産/遺物 of courage and endeavour,' 公式文書,認めるd the UK 南極の 遺産 信用's CEO, Camilla Nichol.

'But we いつかs overlook the 出資/貢献 his 探検隊/遠征隊s made to science.

'To this day Antarctica is an 必須の 晴雨計 for 気候 change at the heart of 気候 science.?

'We 保存する Shackleton's 遺産/遺物 to 奮起させる the next 世代 of 開拓するing scientists and explorers.'