How monkeys are 存在 乱用d to make your coconut milk: Shocking 調査 明らかにする/漏らすs the 条件s of animal '労働者s' in Thailand - as Co-Op becomes the 最新の major supermarket to stop selling Thai milk

  • Co-Op has become the 最新の major supermarket to stop selling Thai coconut milk
  • 調査 明らかにする/漏らすd cruel 治療 of monkeys used to 選ぶ the coconuts

A 主要な supermarket has 溝へはまらせる/不時着するd trendy coconut milk produced by 'cruel' monkey 労働.

The Co-Op has become the second?major supermarket after Asda to stop selling all coconut milk from?Thailand from its 2,800 蓄える/店s.

It comes after an undercover 調査 明らかにする/漏らすd the cruel 治療 of the monkeys used to 選ぶ the coconuts.

Coconut milk has become a popular 代案/選択肢 to 伝統的な 酪農場 milk の中で vegans and shoppers 関心d about the 福利事業 of 酪農場 cows.

But an 調査 by the animal 福利事業 group PETA 設立する the macaque monkeys used to climb high 支店s to get the coconuts 苦しむd 冷気/寒がらせるing 乱用.

The Co-Op has become the first major supermarket to stop selling all coconut milk from Thailand from its 2,800 stores. It comes after an undercover investigation revealed cruel treatment of the monkeys used to pick the coconuts

The Co-Op has become the first major supermarket to stop selling all coconut milk from Thailand from its 2,800 蓄える/店s. It comes after an undercover 調査 明らかにする/漏らすd cruel 治療 of the monkeys used to 選ぶ the coconuts

The Co-op is only selling coconut milk sourced from Sri Lanka a product which is not produced with monkey labour

The Co-op is only selling coconut milk sourced from Sri Lanka a 製品 which is not produced with monkey 労働

Now the Co-op is only selling coconut milk sourced from Sri Lanka a 製品 which is not produced with monkey 労働.

The 調査 by PETA 調査/捜査するd coconut farms in nine 州s in southern Thailand.

の中で (人命などを)奪う,主張するd 乱用s in the 調査 was a trainer caught on camera dangling a 叫び声をあげるing monkey by the neck and striking him with a tether.

In another 事例/患者 a monkey used for 産む/飼育するing was kept chained in the sun, without 接近 to water, while other young monkeys were 限定するd in cramped cages.

Labourers spoken to by the 捜査官/調査官s said some monkeys 苦しむd broken bones from 落ちるing out of trees ? or 存在 yanked 負かす/撃墜する by humans.

The investigation by PETA investigated coconut farms in nine provinces in southern Thailand

The 調査 by PETA 調査/捜査するd coconut farms in nine 州s in southern Thailand

Among claimed abuses in the investigation was a trainer caught on camera dangling a screaming monkey by the neck and striking him with a tether

の中で (人命などを)奪う,主張するd 乱用s in the 調査 was a trainer caught on camera dangling a 叫び声をあげるing monkey by the neck and striking him with a tether

One 労働者 told the 捜査官/調査官s most monkeys were kidnapped from their families in nature, even though the 種類 偉業/利用するd by the coconut 貿易(する) are 脅すd or 危うくするd.

PETA's 上級の 法人組織の/企業の 事業/計画(する)s 経営者/支配人 Dr Carys Bennett said: 'Peta is calling on all retailers to stop selling any Thai coconut milk 製品s until monkeys are no longer used and 乱用d for 利益(をあげる).

She 追加するd: 'We 勧める the Thai 政府 to put an end to the exploitative practice of 軍隊ing 捕虜 monkeys to 収穫 coconuts'.

The Thai 政府 has 否定するd (人命などを)奪う,主張するs of 普及した 乱用, 説 the 伝統的な practice of using monkeys to 収穫 coconuts is almost 非,不,無-existent in 産業, which, 予定 to its 規模, instead depends upon human 労働 and 機械/機構.

One worker told the investigators most monkeys were kidnapped from their families in nature, even though the species exploited by the coconut trade are threatened or endangered

One 労働者 told the 捜査官/調査官s most monkeys were kidnapped from their families in nature, even though the 種類 偉業/利用するd by the coconut 貿易(する) are 脅すd or 危うくするd

A Co-op spokesperson said: 'As a convenience retailer, we continually review our ranges to ensure we're providing the best quality products for our member owners and customers and have been rolling out Co-op's first Sri Lankan own-brand coconut milk since March' (stock image)

A Co-op spokespers on said: 'As a convenience retailer, we continually review our 範囲s to 確実にする we're 供給するing the best 質 製品s for our member owners and 顧客s and have been rolling out Co-op's first Sri Lankan own-brand coconut milk since March' (在庫/株 image)

However, 最近の 見積(る) by 野性生物 Friends 創立/基礎 Thailand 概算の that Thai 農業者s keep a total of 4,000 to 5,000 monkeys, with around a third used for 労働.

野性生物 専門家s say that growers typically use two 種類 of monkeys: northern and southern pig-tailed macaques, with the northern 種類 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d as 攻撃を受けやすい and the southern 危うくするd によれば the International Union of 自然保護 of Nature red 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる).

A Co-op spokesperson said: 'As a convenience retailer, we continually review our 範囲s to 確実にする we're 供給するing the best 質 製品s for our member owners and 顧客s and have been rolling out Co-op's first Sri Lankan own-brand coconut milk since March.'?

  • A previous 見解/翻訳/版 of the article said that the Co-op was the first major supermarket to stop selling Thai coconut milk. In fact, it was the second after Asda.

Almond and soy and coconut- oh my! 専門家s 明らかにする/漏らす best milk for the 団体/死体 and say trendy varieties could be 十分な of PESTICIDES?

Navigating the ever-拡大するing 選択 of milk and 酪農場 代案/選択肢s can leave your 長,率いる spinning.

伝統的な cow’s milk, a dietary 中心的要素 for thousands of years, has fallen out of fashion, より勝るd by trendy oat and nut milks, which have legions of wellness-minded and lactose-intolerant 信奉者s.

There are dozens of types of animal- and 工場/植物-based milks to choose from, but not all are created 平等に, with each 影響する/感情ing the 団体/死体 - and 惑星 - 異なって.

Some, like almond milk, have high levels of bone-強化するing calcium but use an 超過 量 of water to make, while others, such as oat milk, 原因(となる) a spike in 血 sugar but have a very low 環境の 衝撃.

最終的に, dietician Maya Feller told Goop the best way to choose which milk to buy is up to the individual 消費者, who knows their health best.