孤児d baby orca 立ち往生させるd in Canadian lagoon will be airlifted out to join new pod in the 太平洋の Ocean - after it spent weeks 辞退するing to leave its dead mom's 団体/死体

A two-year-old orca that has spent weeks circling a Canadian lagoon where its mother died will soon be airlifted out and 解放(する)d into the 太平洋の Ocean.

The baby 鯨's mother became beached on March 23, leaving 救助者s 緊急発進するing to save the calf from the same 運命/宿命.

Teams are now gearing up to ひもで縛る the 孤児d 鯨 into a sling and use a ヘリコプター to carry her out sea where she will hopefully find a new pod to join.?

The 広大な/多数の/重要な escape is scheduled for two weeks and is 決定的な for the 鯨's 生き残り - さもなければ, the baby is likely to die from 餓死.

A baby orca named?k?iisa?i?is (pronounced kwee-sahay-is) was stranded in a Canadian lagoon last month after a mistimed attack by her mom.

A baby orca 指名するd?k?iisa?i?is (pronounced kwee-sahay-is) was 立ち往生させるd in a Canadian lagoon last month after a mistimed attack by her mom.

k?iisa?i?is stayed by her mom's side after she breached during low tide in the lagoon and was left lying on her side. Rescuers attempted to douse the mom, named Spong, with water and roll her onto her belly, but after two hours she died.

k?iisa?i?is stayed by her mom's 味方する after she 違反d during low tide in the lagoon and was left lying on her 味方する. 救助者s 試みる/企てるd to 浴びせる/消す the mom, 指名するd Spong, with water and roll her の上に her belly, but after two hours she died.

The baby orca was left 立ち往生させるd with her 14-year-old 妊娠している mother who 違反d 近づく the shore - dying two hours after they were spotted and にもかかわらず 試みる/企てるs to save her.

The Ehattesaht First Nation tribes are part of the 地元の community that met with?Canada's 漁業s department on Wednesday to discuss 補欠/交替の/交替する 選択s to 救助(する) the 鯨 and 決定するd that airlifting her was the best 選択.

The team will ひもで縛る the two-year-old calf into a sling?connected to a ヘリコプター, which will then carry the young orca to the sea before placing her in a netted pen until a pod is spotted.??

地元の tribes 指名するd the baby orca k?iisa?i?is (pronounced kwee-sahay-is), which means '勇敢に立ち向かう Little Hunter.'

She and her mother, Spong, were dis covered in a remote lagoon off the coast of northern Vancouver and 専門家s believe they were 立ち往生させるd by a mistimed attack that left the mother wedged on her 味方する, in a 不景気 along the shore.

Although 救助(する) teams tried to roll Spong の上に her belly and 浴びせる/消すd her with water, she passed away two hours later.

k?iisa?i?is has refused to leave the site where her mom died, even as rescuers have attempted to lure her out of the lagoon using calls to mimic the sound of her pod

k?iisa?i?is has 辞退するd to leave the 場所/位置 where her mom died, even as 救助者s have 試みる/企てるd to 誘惑する her out of the lagoon using calls to mimic the sound of her pod

The post mortem revealed that Spong, who was 14 years old, was pregnant when she died

The 地位,任命する mortem 明らかにする/漏らすd that Spong, who was 14 years old, was 妊娠している when she died

Rescuers are now planning to airlift?k?iisa?i?is out of the lagoon using a sling attached to a helicopter. She will be placed in a netted enclosure in the ocean until her pod comes close enough that they can be reunited

救助者s are now planning to airlift?k?iisa?i?is out of the lagoon using a sling 大(公)使館員d to a ヘリコプター. She will be placed in a netted enclosure in the ocean until her pod comes の近くに enough that they can be 再会させるd

救助者s tried to 誘惑する the calf out of the lagoon using acoustic orca calls to mimic k?iisa?i?is' pod and used metal oikomi 麻薬を吸うs that reverberate in the water to herd 鯨s.

試みる/企てるs to 誘惑する k?iisa?i?is into the ocean during high tide were 不成功の because of the calf's 拒絶 to leave the 場所/位置 where her mom died.?

'鯨s are connected for a lifetime with their family,' Janie Wray, CEO and lead 研究員 for BC 鯨s told The 後見人.

READ MORE:?Astonishing moment orca kills 広大な/多数の/重要な white shark after slamming into it at high 速度(を上げる) is 逮捕(する)d in rare (映画の)フィート数?

?The (映画の)フィート数, 逮捕(する)d by 国家の Geographic as part of the series 'Queens', shows a 60-year-old grandmother 殺し屋 鯨 called Sophie 続けざまに猛撃するing into a 広大な/多数の/重要な white shark off the coast of South Africa.


'And I just can't stop thinking about what that calf is going through because the calf doesn't understand why its mother is no longer there for her.'

Paul Cottrell, a 海洋 哺乳動物 調整者/コーディネーター with the 漁業s department told the Vancouver Sun:?'I've been 伴う/関わるd in a lot of 鯨 救助(する)s and other 海洋 哺乳動物 救助(する)s in this ーに関して/ーの点でs of the 複雑さs and variables with it 存在 a 潮の lagoon, an 孤児d calf, a 脅すd 種類, I've never been 伴う/関わるd in such a コンビナート/複合体 操作/手術 (that is) multivariable and really difficult.'

He continued: 'It's not, definitely not, going to be an 平易な road ahead.?But everybody's 楽観的な and really working together to make this happen.'

He went on to 追加する that k?iisa?i?is remains active and doesn't appear to be 栄養失調の.

栄養失調の 鯨s develop a peanut-形態/調整d profile, called 'peanut 長,率いる,' after losing their fat reserves, he told the 出口.

The 漁業s department is looking at 部分的に/不公平に 補足(する)ing the orca's food and put out harbor 調印(する) meat on Tuesday which was gone, although no one saw k?iisa?i?is eat it.

Ehattesaht First Nation 長,指導者 Simon John spoke about the 全世界の support they have received surrounding their 救助(する) 成果/努力s, after a 会合 with the 漁業s department.?

'Everybody's worried about the 鯨 up and 負かす/撃墜する the coast,' he said. 'This whole 過程 has been to 再会させる it with its pod.'

Cottrell 追加するd: 'We look at this 選択 as the most viable 選択 to helping this 鯨,' said Cottrell during the 会合 at the First Nation office.

'Everybody is やじ for us. If we don't 試みる/企てる it, the calf's life is a worry.'