EXCLUSIVEAmerica's fight to save handwriting from 絶滅 as IQs begin to 落ちる for first time ever and teachers 警告する some 20-year-olds can't 調印する checks anymore

  • Americans 報告(する)/憶測d they hadn't written a 公式文書,認める or personal letter in five years
  • People are having a hard time reading their own and others' handwriting
  • 熟考する/考慮するs show 令状ing can 増加する the brain's cognitive abilities?
  • READ MORE:?AI can now copy your HANDWRITING?

Several US 明言する/公表するs are trying to 妨げる handwriting from going extinct as classrooms ますます 交換(する) pen and paper for tablets and computers.

The US 政府 除去するd the 技術 from the 核心 curriculum?in 2010 予定 to (人命などを)奪う,主張するs it was time 消費するing and would not be useful in the age of 科学(工学)技術 which meant schools could instead 焦点(を合わせる) on typing classes.

Handwriting is considered a 罰金 モーター 技術 that 刺激するs and challenges the brain, but with schools turning to 科学(工学)技術 instead, some teachers are complaining students can barely 持つ/拘留する a pencil but can swipe and 二塁打-click on their 装置s.

Students with learning disabilities like dysgraphia - when children can read but have trouble 令状ing letters - can also be 影響する/感情d because methods of 打ち勝つing the disability 要求するs them to practice 令状ing by 手渡す.

Previous 熟考する/考慮するs have 明らかにする/漏らすd that IQ 得点する/非難する/20s have dropped for the first time in a century and indica ted that 科学(工学)技術 could be to 非難する.?

Teachers, parents and 専門家s who DailyMail.com spoke to said they were seeing kids and young adults who don't know how to 調印する their 指名する or read cursive.

Handwriting isn't being used in schools like it once was, and experts say they've noticed students are having trouble holding a pencil but are able to double-click or swipe on a digital device

Handwriting isn't 存在 used in schools like it once was, and 専門家s say they've noticed students are having trouble 持つ/拘留するing a pencil but are able to 二塁打-click or swipe on a 数字表示式の 装置

Handwriting isn't being used in schools like it once was, and experts say they've noticed students are having trouble holding a pencil but are able to double-click or swipe on a digital device Picture: A sixth-grader's cursive after it was removed from the common core standard in 2010

Handwriting isn't 存在 used in schools like it once was, and 専門家s say they've noticed students are having trouble 持つ/拘留するing a pencil but are able to 二塁打-click or swipe on a 数字表示式の 装置 Picture: A sixth-grader's cursive after it was 除去するd from the ありふれた 核心 基準 in 2010

Experts have urged schools to re-introduce cursive into the curriculum, citing the need to understand historical documents. Pictured: Cursive written before it was removed from the common core standard in 2010

専門家s have 勧めるd schools to re-introduce cursive into the curriculum, 特記する/引用するing the need to understand historical 文書s. Pictured: Cursive wri tten before it was 除去するd from the ありふれた 核心 基準 in 2010

New 法律を制定する 法案s have been passed in 明言する/公表するs like California and New York?要求するing students 老年の six to 12 years old to learn cursive 令状ing, but others are still 前進するing in 明言する/公表する 立法機関 while?some are still hesitant to 逆戻りする 支援する 含むing?Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada.

'I wish [students] would learn how to 令状 in cursive,' Tracy Bendish, an ABA autism therapist for Jefferson Public Schools told DailyMail.com.?

'But it is like the telephone on the 塀で囲む,' she said. 'いっそう少なく and いっそう少なく used and then not there anymore.'

There is a big 教育の 不平等 between schools that readily have 接近 to gadgets versus those that don't, 原因(となる)ing what's called the 数字表示式の divide.

Students who have better 接近 to 科学(工学)技術 will have better 教育の success than those who don't, which is 特に 関心ing as more teachers turn to 科学(工学)技術 in their courses.

'The 数字表示式の divide has 影響する/感情d individual students in the same school 同様に as groups of students across 地区s, lowering the academic 結果s of low-income, underserved students and 地区s,' によれば American University.

Last year, 研究員s at the University of Oregon and Northwestern 報告(する)/憶測d that IQ 得点する/非難する/20s had dropped because 科学(工学)技術 縮めるs attention (期間が)わたるs and 減少(する)s the need to think 深く,強烈に.

専門家s have been 勧めるing 政府s and school 行政官/管理者s to bring handwriting 支援する to schools, 特記する/引用するing sixth graders who have trouble 持つ/拘留するing a pencil but can use 数字表示式の 装置s with 緩和する.????

Dr. Lori Koerner, the assistant superintendent for the Riverhead Central School 地区 in New York, told DailyMail.com that it is 必須の for elementary and middle schoolers to be taught cursive.

'Though 科学(工学)技術 has its 利益s, children need to be able to read cursive in the event a 文書 is 現在のd to them along their 旅行.?

'They most certainly, at the very least, need to know how to 調印する their 指名する,' Koerner said.?

'I have 遭遇(する)d too many 第2位 students and 雇用 候補者s who cannot 調印する 文書s 親族 to their onboarding 過程.'?

Teachers and coworkers continue to struggle with ineligible handwriting, and a?2021 調査する 行為/行うd by OnePoll on に代わって of Bic USA Inc. 設立する that 45 パーセント of Americans struggle to read their own handwriting while a shocking 70 パーセント 報告(する)/憶測d that they have trouble reading 公式文書,認めるs or 報告(する)/憶測s from their coworkers.

Some people have 表明するd 類似の 見解(をとる)s, 説 that 調印 important 文書s will become a stressful practice without the ability to 令状 cursive.?

'My 20 year-old-granddaughter struggles to 調印する a check,' said Kimberly Jacovino of Monroe, Connecticut.

'It is very important and should be brought 支援する to all schools,' she 追加するd.

In the wake of turning to keyboarding instead of 令状ing by 手渡す, educators 設立する students' IQ levels are 縮むing and placed the 非難する on 科学(工学)技術 in the classroom, Psychology Today?報告(する)/憶測d.

Hetty Roessingh, a professor emerita of education at the University of Calgary echoed this 感情, 説 that five-year-olds are not 会合 academic (判断の)基準s because of the accessibility of 数字表示式の 装置s.

Roessingh has long 支持するd for schools to 押し進める handwriting and cursive on children because it is an important 道具 to engage the 手渡す-brain コンビナート/複合体 and circuitry that induces memory and retrieving (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) that typing 簡単に doesn't do.

A new 熟考する/考慮する published in February by 研究員s at the Norwegian University of Science and 科学(工学)技術 (NTNU) 設立する that handwriting is linked to 増加するd cognitive brain 機能(する)/行事, モーター 技術s and memory.?

'It is important to realize that the brain follows the 原則 of 'use it or lose it,' said Audrey 先頭 der Meer, the 熟考する/考慮する's lead author and neuropsychology professor at the NTNU.

'When 令状ing by 手渡す, most of the brain is active,' she continued.?

'This 要求するs the brain to communicate between its active parts which, in turn, puts the brain in a 明言する/公表する that helps both children and adults learn more and remember better,' 先頭 der Meer said.?

New legislative bills are now requiring students aged six to 12 years old to learn cursive writing, and experts argue that it's necessary to read historical documents like The Declaration of Independence

New 法律を制定する 法案s are now 要求するing students 老年の six to 12 years old to learn cursive 令状ing, and 専門家s argue that it's necessary to read historical 文書s like The 宣言 of Independence

Other documents, like the diary of Anne Frank (pictured), could become lost if schools don't keep cursive as part of the curriculum.

Other 文書s, like the diary of Anne Frank (pictured), could become lost if schools don't keep cursive as part of the curriculum.

Schools stopped t eaching cursive in 2010 when most US 明言する/公表するs 可決する・採択するd what's called ありふれた 核心 明言する/公表する 基準s, which 始める,決める (判断の)基準s for reading and math but didn't 含む cursive as part of the recommended curriculum.

At the time, critics said teaching 成果/努力s would be better spent on developing new 技術s like coding and keyboarding while others called the 令状ing style 'old fashioned.'

When dropping cursive from ありふれた 核心, 国会議員s argued that cursive was time-消費するing and wouldn't be as useful as other 技術s like typing, that students would need at they moved on to junior and high school,' a then-spokesperson for Georgia Department of Education told ABC News?at the time.

Cursive also wasn't on the 実験(する)s that 階級d schools under the No Child Left Behind 法律 which was put in place by the Bush 行政 in 2002 and ended in 2015.

Schools would typically gear their learning curriculum around what was 要求するd under the No Child Left Behind 行為/法令/行動する (NCLB) which 始める,決める (判断の)基準s for academic 業績/成果 that all schools had to 会合,会う.

If they continuously failed to 会合,会う the NCLB 基準s, the 明言する/公表する had the 権利 to change the school's leadership team or even の近くに the school.

Forty-one 明言する/公表するs 可決する・採択するd the ありふれた 核心 curriculum and while 個々に they were able to choose to teach cursive, California and Massachusetts were の中で the few 明言する/公表するs to 選ぶ in.?

概略で six years later, 14 明言する/公表するs 再提出するd the 令状ing style into all classes, and by 2019, that number grew to 20 明言する/公表するs.

Democratic assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva introduced a 法案 in California last year, 特記する/引用するing the need for students to not only be able to 令状 in cursive but to read it 同様に.

The California 法案 will go into 影響 for the 近づいている 2024-2025 school year but 類似の 法案s are still 未解決の in 明言する/公表するs like Kentucky?where, if it's passed, would be 器具/実施するd in the 2025-2026 academic year.

The 押し進める is also in 返答 to the ever-増加するing 人工的な 知能 科学(工学)技術, which Quirk-Silva believed will 原因(となる) teachers to return to handwritten essay exams necessitating students' ability to 令状 in cursive because it is faster than print.?

A new study revealed that handwriting contributes to sensory and memory and triggers a cognitive response. Pictured: Audrey van der Meer, the study's lead author and neuropsychology professor at the NTNU with Katja testing her brain's cognitive response to typing versus handwriting

A new 熟考する/考慮する 明らかにする/漏らすd that handwriting 与える/捧げるs to sensory and memory and 誘発する/引き起こすs a cognitive 返答. Pictured: Audrey 先頭 der Meer, the 熟考する/考慮する's lead author and neuropsychology professor at the NTNU with Katja 実験(する)ing her brain's cognitive 返答 to typing versus handwriting

READ MORE:?Social マスコミ 使用者s 株 the most 満足させるing handwriting examples they've ever come across

People from around the world have 株d the most gorgeous handwritten letters - with the very best collated in a gallery.


If handwriting becomes extinct, it would be a major loss to understanding history or connecting with our past, Roessingh said.

'It is about the 具体的に表現するd cognition and the circuitry behind personal messages that are 有益な both for the person who wrote it and the person who read it,' she said.

Handwriting, 特に cursive, 現在のs the idea of what's called 具体的に表現するd cognition, meaning it 行為/法令/行動するs as a switch to lock in your memory.

This makes it ますます important for kids to 令状 by 手渡す and learn cursive because they are 'essentially tactile and sensory 存在s who take in the world through 約束/交戦,'?Roessingh explained.

More than that, a piece of history could be lost to younger 世代s who aren't taught to read and 令状 cursive, leaving them unable to read major historical 文書s like the diary of Anne Franke, the US 憲法 and the 法案 of 権利s.

Chelsea Hayes,?a Maryland mom, said 関わりなく what schools decide, she 計画(する)s on making sure her three-year-old daughter knows how to 令状 in cursive when she gets older.

'I do think it's important. Not just for historical 目的s, but also just as a 技術. I think it's almost like learning another language,' Hayes said.

'You don't teach kids art or music because of history, though I guess there's a historical 構成要素 you can put in there.?

'It's just another 技術 I think she should have. If she never uses it, oh 井戸/弁護士席. If she does, 広大な/多数の/重要な.'