Who's a clever boy? Dogs excel in different 知能 仕事s - just like humans, 熟考する/考慮する (人命などを)奪う,主張するs

  • Canines have the 'g factor' just like 最高の,を越す students at school, scientists say?
  • READ MORE: Why you should?teach your old dog new tricks によれば a 熟考する/考慮する

At school there was always one pupil who seemed to excel in every 支配する, from maths to literature and music.?

Scientists call this 現象 'general 知能' or the 'g factor' ? and for the first time they've 設立する 証拠 that it 存在するs in dogs too.?

The 研究員s in Budapest, Hungary 新採用するd over 100 dogs for さまざまな 仕事s, 実験(する)ing 重要な 技術s like memory, learning and problem-solving.

Rather than just excelling in one area, the smartest dogs tended to 得点する/非難する/20 高度に across the board, just like a 最高の,を越す student at school, they 設立する.?

While the g factor in humans is linked with better academic and workplace 業績/成果 in life, gifted dogs may be better able to fend for themselves or 補助装置 humans in a 危機.?

Just like humans, dogs excel at different tasks involving different cognitive skills, regardless of breed, the new study shows. In this task from the experiments that tested problem-solving, dogs had to locate the entrance to a box containing food, when the position of the box's opening kept being moved

Just like humans, dogs excel at different 仕事s 伴う/関わるing different cognitive 技術s, 関わりなく 産む/飼育する, the new 熟考する/考慮する shows. In this 仕事 from the 実験s that 実験(する)d problem-solving, dogs had to 位置を示す the 入り口 to a box 含む/封じ込めるing food, when the position of the box's 開始 kept 存在 moved

READ MORE:?Why you should teach your old dog new tricks?

A study
 looked at brain structures of 43 middle-aged beagles over three years

A 熟考する/考慮する looked at brain structures of 43 middle-老年の beagles over three years?



'The 熟考する/考慮する 示唆するs that the structure of cognitive abilities in dogs is 類似の to that of humans,' 熟考する/考慮する author Professor Enik? Kubinyi at E?tv?s Lor?nd University (ELTE) told MailOnline.?

'Dogs have a general 知能 that 影響(力)s their 業績/成果 on a 範囲 of cognitive 仕事s in a 類似の way to humans.'?

In psychology, the g-factor is a '根底となる 構成要素 of 知能' and is closely 関係のある to academic and workplace success.?

'The 概念 of 'g-factor' or general 知能 comes from human psychology,' Professor Kubinyi 追加するd.?

'It 言及するs to the idea that individual cognitive (mental) 業績/成果 is based on a 選び出す/独身, overarching cognitive ability across different 仕事s.'?

To see if it 存在するs in dogs, the team used seven 仕事s to 査定する/(税金などを)課す the cognitive 業績/成果 of 129 国内の dogs 老年の between three and 15 years, over the course of two-and-a-half years.?

The 見本 consisted of 59 mixed-産む/飼育する dogs and 70 purebred dogs from 33 different 産む/飼育するs belonging to families.?

The researchers in Budapest, Hungary recruited over 100 dogs for various tasks, testing key skills like memory, learning and problem-solving

The 研究員s in Budapest, Hungary 新採用するd over 100 dogs for さまざまな 仕事s, 実験(する)ing 重要な 技術s like memory, learning and problem-solving

In one task, dogs had to follow a person's pointing gesture when locating a hidden food reward, while in another, they had to remember which pot a treat in

In one 仕事, dogs had to follow a person's pointing gesture when 位置を示すing a hidden food reward, while in another, they had to remember which マリファナ a 扱う/治療する in

In the pot task, the dogs saw which pot the food had been placed in but was then distracted by commands or petting and talking. Dogs with higher intelligence could remember the food's location later on despite the distraction

In the マリファナ 仕事, the dogs saw which マリファナ the food had been placed in but was then distracted by 命令(する)s or petting and talking. Dogs with higher 知能 could remember the food's 場所 later on にもかかわらず the distraction??

READ MORE:?Scientists discover new type of training that makes dogs better behaved

Dogs bad behavior can be curbed by scent training, according to a new study

Dogs bad 行為 can be 抑制(する)d by scent training, によれば a new 熟考する/考慮する


一般に, the 仕事s 実験(する)d either learning ability and problem-solving ability (which 含むd 実験(する)s of memory and 'persistence').?

In one 仕事, dogs had to follow a 研究員's pointing gesture?when 位置を示すing a hidden food reward, while in another, they had to remember which マリファナ 含む/封じ込めるd a 扱う/治療する.?

In another 仕事, the canines had to 得る 扱う/治療するs from a?Kong Wobbler dog toy, which sits upright until 軽く押す/注意を引くd by the paw or nose.??

全体にわたる, 研究員s 設立する that the dogs who 成し遂げるd 井戸/弁護士席 on problem-solving 仕事s also 成し遂げるd 井戸/弁護士席 on learning 仕事s.?

This 示唆するs that there's a 'general cognitive factor' that 関係 them together ? which they christen the 'canine g factor'.

'The general cognitive factor (g) showed consistency over a period of at least 2.5 years,'?Professor Kubinyi told MailOnline.

Because of the 多様制 of the dogs used in the 実験s ? 33 different 産む/飼育するs in all ? the findings are generalisable to all dogs, she 追加するd.?

研究員s also 設立する the g factor of dogs got lower with age, but only when general health 拒絶する/低下するd at the same time.

Dogs who continued to be in good health as they 老年の didn't really を煩う a 拒絶する/低下する in their general 知能.??

While the g factor in humans is linked with better academic and workplace performance in life, gifted dogs may be better able to fend for themselves or assist humans in a crisis

While the g factor in humans is linked with better academic and workplace 業績/成果 in life, gifted dogs may be better able to fend for themselves or 補助装置 humans in a 危機

Generally, the tasks tested either learning ability and problem-solving ability (which included tests of memory and 'persistence')

一般に, the 仕事s 実験(する)d either learning ability and problem-solving ability (which 含むd 実験(する)s of memory and 'persistence')

The g factor of dogs got lower and lower as they aged, but only when their general health declined at the same time. Dogs who continued to be in good health as they aged didn't suffer from a decline in their general intelligence

The g factor of dogs got lower and lower as they 老年の, but only when their general health 拒絶する/低下するd at the same time. Dogs who continued to be in good health as they 老年の didn't を煩う a 拒絶する/低下する in their general 知能

This ageing-pattern 似ているs human ageing and 現在のs another 平行の with canines, によれば the 専門家s, who publish their findings in?GeroScience.?

'The 熟考する/考慮する 供給するs novel (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) about canine cognition, 特に regarding its structure, 安定, and the 衝撃 of 高齢化 and health status,' said?Professor Kubinyi.?

'Additionally, it 最高潮の場面s the value and the translational relevance of dogs as models for 熟考する/考慮するing human cognition and 高齢化.'??

E?tv?s Lor?nd University 定期的に 行為/行うs 研究 into doggy behaviour ? and previous 研究 also 示唆するs they're incredibly 類似の to us にもかかわらず 存在 a different order of 哺乳動物 完全に.??

A?2020 熟考する/考慮する?設立する that both dogs and humans 過程 the intonation ? how a 発言する/表明する rises and 落ちるs ? and the meaning of words in different parts of the brain.

一方/合間, a 2022 熟考する/考慮する 設立する they recognise the difference between speech and gibberish and can even distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar languages.?

会合,会う Goldilocks, the dog of the 未来: All 産む/飼育するs would 合併する into ONE within just five years without humans, 専門家 (人命などを)奪う,主張するs - here's what it would look like?

It's the age-old question ? if humans were wiped off the 直面する of the 惑星, what would happen to the 残り/休憩(する) of Earth's 種類?

井戸/弁護士席, によれば one 専門家, dogs?would all look the same within five years ? and?産む/飼育するs would 中止する to 存在する.?

Dr Dan O'Neill, professor of animal epidemiology at 王室の Veterinary College, says pooches of all 形態/調整s and sizes would be able to mate with each other.

As a result, 'unnatural' and unhealthy せいにするs like flat 直面するs and long sausage-like torsos?would soon die out, 結局 主要な to a 選び出す/独身 perfect canine 詳細な計画.

Dr O'Neill 言及するs to this hypothetical dog as the 'Goldilocks 産む/飼育する', because it's 'just 権利' and doesn't を煩う any human-原因(となる)d abnormalities.?

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