New sonar images of Francis Scott 重要な 難破 明らかにする/漏らすs look of the mangled 橋(渡しをする) 50 feet below the Patapsco River

  • A 20-person, 海軍-led team is mapping the 橋(渡しをする) 難破させる through clouds of mud
  • US Govt. hopes to 除去する enough to (疑いを)晴らす a 35ft-深い '限られた/立憲的な 接近 Channel'
  • READ MORE:?明言する/公表するs?陰謀(を企てる) to shore up 組織/基盤/下部構造 after Baltimore 橋(渡しをする) 難破させる


US 海軍 divers have 安全な・保証するd new sonar images of the 難破させるd Francis Scott 重要な 橋(渡しをする), swimming into '事実上の 不明瞭' inside murky clouds of 追い出すd river mud.

Their sonar 逮捕(する)d the deepest remains of the 悪名高い 橋(渡しをする) 崩壊(する) from the lowest point of Baltimore's Patapsco River 連邦の shipping channel - 50 feet below the water's surface.

The new look of the 難破 below the depths shows the metal 枠組み 低迷d below the mudline, which 公式の/役人s said would be more difficult to 海難救助.

The 海軍 has 供給するd three 船s, at a 連合させるd 解除するing capacity of 1,350 トンs, with another 400-トン capacity 船 on 大勝する, for the clean-up and 海難救助 成果/努力.

US Navy divers swimming in 'virtual darkness' through murky plumes of displaced river mud have secured new sonar images of the wrecked Francis Scott Key Bridge. The bridge's submerged metal frame extends above the waterline, visible as a blue line in the sonar images

US 海軍 divers swimming in '事実上の 不明瞭' through murky plumes of 追い出すd river mud have 安全な・保証するd new sonar images of the 難破させるd Francis Scott 重要な 橋(渡しをする). The 橋(渡しをする)'s 潜水するd metal でっちあげる,人を罪に陥れる 延長するs above the waterline, 明白な as a blue line in the sonar images

Their sonar captures the deepest remains of the infamous bridge collapse from the lowest point of the Baltimore?s Patapsco River's federal shipping channel, 50 feet below the surface

Their sonar 逮捕(する)s the deepest remains of the 悪名高い 橋(渡しをする) 崩壊(する) from the lowest point of the Baltimore's Patapsco River's 連邦の shipping channel, 50 feet below the surface?

Government agencies are now racing to clear the Key's mangled steel trusses and remove the grounded, 984-foot cargo ship, the Dali, which smashed into the bridge on 
March 26 (above) - killing six construction workers and laying waste to the vital commuter bridge

政府 機関s are now racing to (疑いを)晴らす the 重要な's mangled steel trusses and 除去する the grounded, 984-foot 貨物 ship, the Dali, which 粉砕するd into the 橋(渡しをする) on March 26 (above) - 殺人,大当り six construction 労働者s and laying waste to the 決定的な 通勤(学)者 橋(渡しをする)?

Army 軍団 of Engineers Col. Estee Pinchasin said during 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 this month: '調査するs are 示すing the 難破 on the 底(に届く) of the 50-foot channel is far more 広範囲にわたる than we could have imagined.

'It’s not just sitting on the 海底, it’s 現実に below the mud line. That makes it very difficult to know where to 削減(する) and how to 削減(する), and how to 装備する and 解除する.'???

The 海軍 joins 明言する/公表する, 地元の and 連邦の 機関s now racing to (疑いを)晴らす the 重要な's mangled steel trusses and the grounded, 984 foot-long 貨物 ship, the Dali,?which 粉砕するd into the 橋(渡しをする) on the morning of March 26?― 殺人,大当り six construction 労働者s?as it laid waste to the 批判的な 通勤(学)者 橋(渡しをする).?

政府 公式の/役人s hope to carve out a 一時しのぎの物,策 shipping 小道/航路 by the end of April: a smaller 280-foot-wide and 35-foot-深い channel which they hope will 回復する commercially 決定的な activity 支援する to the Port of Baltimore.?

The sonar dives, which use the 3D underwater sonar imaging 道具 指名するd CODA Octopus, are 重要な to the 必須の, but painstaking 段階 of identifying and 位置を示すing all of the 本体,大部分/ばら積みの 破片 that was once the Francis Scott 重要な.

'にもかかわらず the CODA (映画の)フィート数 that we're using […] it still takes time,' said Captain Sal Suarez, the 海軍's 監督者 of 海難救助 and 飛び込み, in a ビデオ last week.

Government officials hope to carve out a small, makeshift shipping lane by the end of April: a 280-foot-wide and 35-foot-deep channel that they hope will restore commercially vital activity back to the Port of Baltimore. Above, more new sonar imagery released Wednesday

政府 公式の/役人s hope to carve out a small, 一時しのぎの物,策 shipping 小道/航路 by the end of April: a 280-foot-wide and 35-foot-深い channel that they hope will 回復する commercially 決定的な activity 支援する to the Port of Baltimore. Above, more new sonar imagery 解放(する)d Wednesday

Haunting satellite images show the aftermath of the Francis Scott Key Bridge's destruction after being struck by a 105,000 ton shipping container

Haunting 衛星 images show the 影響 of the Francis Scott 重要な 橋(渡しをする)'s 破壊 after 存在 struck by a 105,000 トン shipping コンテナ

EXCLUSIVEREAD MORE: Engineers 非難する $3m 構造上の '欠陥' for Baltimore's Francis Scott 重要な 橋(渡しをする) 崩壊(する)ing - and tens of thousands of 橋(渡しをする)s across US could also have fault

No 橋(渡しをする) can withstand millions of 続けざまに猛撃する of 軍隊 from a strike, as with the 貨物 ship that 攻撃する,衝突する the Francis Scott 重要な 橋(渡しをする).?


CODA Sonar images of the 難破 began trickling in over the course of 早期に April as the dive team's first mapped the 難破 in shallower depths of the river.

Visibility for the divers reaches just 'one to two feet' ahead of their 注目する,もくろむs, (許可,名誉などを)与えるing the?Army 軍団 of Engineers, because of the?four to five feet of mud and loose silt kicked up after the 橋(渡しをする) 難破's 衝撃 with the 底(に届く) of the Patapsco River.?

'Divers are 軍隊d to work in 事実上の 不明瞭, because when lit, their 見解(をとる) is 類似の to 運動ing through a 激しい 降雪 at night with high-beam headlights on,' a 広報担当者 with the 軍団 地位,任命するd to Facebook.

'So murky is the water, divers must be guided 経由で 詳細(に述べる)d 言葉の directions from 操作者s in 大型船s topside who are 見解(をとる)ing real-time CODA imagery.'?

The dive teams are 記録,記録的な/記録するing no underwater river (映画の)フィート数 themselves because, as one 海軍-led diver put it, 'There's no need take ビデオ of something you can't even see.'

レーザー-based 'Light (犯罪,病気などの)発見 and 範囲ing' or LiDAR is also in use by?監督者s on land, to better 供給する the divers in the water with situational 認識/意識性 of the 絡まるd, and clouded 難破 lidar, Capt. Suarez said at a news 会議/協議会 last?Thursday.?

Capt. Suarez and his 20-person team have also been 仕事d with 査定する/(税金などを)課すing the 損失 to the Dali, as part of their?緊急 契約.

'You're 限られた/立憲的な by how much time you can spend on the 底(に届く) depending on the depth for each diver,' Capt. Suarez, who is 公式に the?director of ocean 工学 for US?海軍の Sea Systems 命令(する) (NAVSEA), said.

'You're also 限られた/立憲的な by the safety factor,' he explained. 'This is 難破 in all sort of 形態/調整s and sizes and it's dangerous.'

現在/一般に, no active-義務 海軍 divers are part of the 海難救助 事業/計画(する), にもかかわらず the 海軍 職員/兵員 主要な the 成果/努力.?

Since the 橋(渡しをする)'s 崩壊(する) on?March 26, at least??135 海軍 職員/兵員, two 公共事業(料金)/有用性 boats, a 山の尾根d 船体 inflatable boat,?several?tugboats, and 12 crane and support 大型船s have all 長,率いるd to the?Patapsco to 援助(する) in the 海難救助 and clean-up 操作/手術.

海難救助 teams also began 除去するing mangled コンテナs from the deck of the Dali 貨物 ship this week, from where the 大規模な 大型船 remains pinned beneath the 難破 of the Francis Scott 重要な.

The Dali's 22-man 乗組員 from India has spent nearly two weeks 立ち往生させるd on board, with it 不明瞭な when they will be able to disembark the ship which had been only minutes into a 28-day 旅行 when it lost 力/強力にする and 衝突,墜落d.

The 乗組員 is 無事の and has been 供給するd with food, water, and 燃料 供給(する)s, によれば the New York Times.

The 除去 of コンテナs from the deck of the Dali is 始める,決める to continue this week as 天候 許すs, によれば the 重要な 橋(渡しをする) 返答 統一するd 命令(する).

'The 限られた/立憲的な 接近 Channel will 許す larger ships in and out,' the US Army 軍団 of Engineers Baltimore 地区 office said in a 声明 on social マスコミ Wednesday.

海洋 強く引っ張るs, 海上の 行政 (MARAD) boats, and c argo 大型船s used for 'Roll-on/Roll-off' shipping, which?move automobiles and farm 器具/備品,?will be の中で those (疑いを)晴らすd for the 一時的な, more shallow channel.

The?Army 軍団 of Engineers said it has 始める,決める an 'ambitious' but 試験的な 最終期限 to fully (疑いを)晴らす and 回復する channel 接近 to the Port of Baltimore by the end of May.