Michigan 認可するs '極端に 有毒な' 巡査 地雷 just 100ft from Lake Superior - which 地元のs 恐れる could destroy one of America's most beautiful 明言する/公表する parks

  • A 巡査 地雷 will become the closest 場所/位置 to open 近づく Lake Superior
  • 環境保護主義者s 恐れる the 地雷 will 配置する/処分する/したい気持ちにさせる 採掘 waste into the lake and park
  • The 採掘 company paid a $25,000 罰金 in 2018 for 損失ing 地元の wetlands
  • READ MORE:??ウラン 地雷 opens just miles from the Grand Canyon

Michigan?has 認可するd a $50 million 巡査 地雷 that has 誘発するd 乱暴/暴力を加える の中で 居住(者)s 予定 to its の近くに proximity to Lake Superior.

Canada-based?Highland 巡査 is 始める,決める to break ground 100 feet from the lake and start 生産/産物 in 2026, which the company said could produce 65 million 続けざまに猛撃するs of the metal over the course of 11 years.

論争 over the 地雷 kicked into high gear last year when the company (疑いを)晴らすd a section of the 明言する/公表する park's one-billion-year-old forest, filled in the wetlands and 永久的に コースを変更するd the North Country 追跡する's streams.?

巡査 地雷s are labeled as the most 有毒な to human health because they can 解放(する) 化学製品s like 水銀柱,温度計, arsenic and lead that have been identified as the '最高の,を越す 10 化学製品s of major public health 関心' by the World Health Organization.

The copper mine will be located only 100 feet from Lake Superior, making it the closest metallic sulfide site and raising concerns that the mining waste will harm the environment

The 巡査 地雷 will be 位置を示すd only 100 feet from Lake Superior, making it the closest metallic 硫化物 場所/位置 and raising 関心s that the 採掘 waste will 害(を与える) the 環境

Copperwood Resources has already cleared a section of the one-billion-year-old forest, permanently re-routed streams and filled in the wetlands

Copperwood 資源s has already (疑いを)晴らすd a section of the one-billion-year-old forest, 永久的に re-大勝するd streams and filled in the wetlands

Lake Superior sees 3.5 million visitors annually, meaning the lake's exposure to mining waste could not only pollute marine wildlife, but could also pose a harm to public health

Lake Superior sees 3.5 million 訪問者s 毎年, meaning the lake's (危険などに)さらす to 採掘 waste could not only 汚染する 海洋 野性生物, but could also 提起する/ポーズをとる a 害(を与える) to public health

巡査 is an 必須の 構成要素?used for heat, electricity, and renewable energy mediums like solar and 勝利,勝つd 力/強力にする.

The element is also used to create the 殴打/砲列s, wiring and 非難する 駅/配置するs for electric 乗り物s which are becoming 必須の as the US 押し進めるs for more EVs and 需要・要求するs for renewable energy grows.

The Copperwood 地雷 will be 位置を示すd in the 山のふもとの丘s of the Porcupine Mountains Wilderness 明言する/公表する Park, which has been 階級d as the most beautiful 明言する/公表する park in the US.

It will also be 隣接する to the North Country 追跡する - the longest 引き上げ(る)ing 追跡する in the country - which is drawn out across a 4,800-mile expanse from North Dakota to Vermont.

Highland 巡査 確認するd the 事業/計画(する) will be an 地下組織の 地雷 that uses the room-and-中心存在 採掘 method to 過程 nearly 7,500 トンs of 巡査 per day.

This method 要求するs 労働者s to 抽出する 巡査 by digging out 洞穴-like sections while leaving 中心存在s of dirt to support the roof of the 地雷.?

The Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park has been ranked the most beautiful national park in the US and includes the?North Country Trail, which is the longest in the country

The Porcupine Mountains Wilderness 明言する/公表する Park has been 階級d the most beautiful 国家の park in the US and 含むs the?North Country 追跡する, which is the longest in the country

Copperwood Resources started excavating the site last year, but first conducted exploratory drilling in 2018 when it received a $25,000 fine for?damaging the wetlands and discharging muddy water

Copperwood 資源s started excavating the 場所/位置 last year, but first 行為/行うd 探検の/予備の 演習ing in 2018 when it received a $25,000 罰金 for?損失ing the wetlands and 発射する/解雇するing muddy water

Quentin L. Messer, Jr., 長,率いる of the Michigan 経済的な 開発 会社/団体, said: 'The 経済的な 衝撃 of this 事業/計画(する) ? with high 行う direct 職業s and countless community-supporting indirect 職業s ? cannot be overstated, as it translates to greater 経済的な 安定 and 繁栄 for families, small 商売/仕事s, and the 地元の community.?

'Copperwood 地雷 is another example of a company てこ入れ/借入資本ing Michigan 資産s to 確実にする our continued leadership in sustainability and mobility 革新.?

'We will 反対/詐欺 tinue working to 勝利,勝つ 事業/計画(する)s, 投資する in places and attract people as we encourage 商売/仕事s of all sizes to 'Make it in Michigan.'

However, hundreds of 地元のs have 展示(する)d an opposite opinion about the 事業/計画(する) 含むing petitioners and 環境保護主義者s who are fighting to stop the Copperwood 地雷, 説 it will 害(を与える) the area.

Wakefield 郡区 居住(者) and 嘆願(書) writer Tom Grotewohl told 地元の WNMU-FM?that the 地雷 would be a 脅し to the 環境, public recreation, and the 地元の economy.

Grotewohl also 公式文書,認めるd that most of what is 始める,決める to be 地雷d would not 現実に be 巡査.?

The Copper Mine will be open for 11 years and the company said it will process 7,500 tons of copper per day

The 巡査 地雷 will be open for 11 years and the company said it will 過程 7,500 トンs of 巡査 per day

'Because only 1.45 パーセント of what comes out of the ground is 巡査 and the remaining 98.55 パーセント is 有毒な waste, which 含む/封じ込めるs at least 15 選挙権を持つ/選挙人s of 環境の health 関心, incl uding 水銀柱,温度計, arsenic, cadmium, selenium, lead.'

John Coleman, with the 広大な/多数の/重要な Lakes Indian Fish and 野性生物 (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限, said the (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 has raised 関心s about the 事業/計画(する) for more than a 10年間.

'We have 関心s about the tailings 水盤/入り江, the long 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 安定, and have asked [the Michigan Department of 環境, 広大な/多数の/重要な Lakes, and Energy] to 含む the 広大な/多数の/重要な Lakes Indian Fish and 野性生物 (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 in review of the final design,' he said.

Highland 巡査 has 以前 明言する/公表するd that the company is 用意が出来ている to 最小限に減らす and mitigate 汚染, and have 安全な・保証するd nearly all 要求するd 許すs from Michigan’s 環境の regulatory 機関.?

A Change.org 嘆願(書) that's been 調印するd by more than 19,700 people, argued that for every トン of 鉱石 抽出するd, 29 続けざまに猛撃するs will be 巡査 while the remaining 1,971 続けざまに猛撃するs will consist of waste.

READ MORE: Tiny backwater town in North Carolina will help 燃料 world's AI 革命

?The Sibelco 地雷 is 位置を示すd in Spruce Pine, North Carolina and is the 最高の,を越す 生産者 of the world's high-潔白 quartz


採掘 waste could expose people to 潜在的に harmful levels of 有毒な 実体s like arsenic, 水銀柱,温度計 and cadmium - a white metal 設立する in zinc 鉱石s.

巡査 地雷s have a poor 跡をつける 記録,記録的な/記録する for 含む/封じ込めるing waste, によれば Earthworks?an 環境の 保護 organization, which 設立する that 100 パーセント of 巡査 地雷s had pipeline 流出/こぼすs and 92 パーセント didn't adequately 支配(する)/統制する 地雷 wastewater.

Earthworks also 報告(する)/憶測d that 28 パーセント of 巡査 地雷s failed to impound its tailings which 汚染するd 海洋 野性生物, drinking water, 野性生物 habitat, and 脅すd the public's health.?

Highland 巡査, parent company of Copperwood 資源s, also has a 疑わしい 跡をつける 記録,記録的な/記録する.

In 2018, the company was 罰金d $25,000 for 損失ing the wetlands and 発射する/解雇するing muddy water while 行為/行うing 探検の/予備の 演習ing under Porcupine Mountains 明言する/公表する Park.

The petitioners 言及/関連d the 罰金 as one of the 推論する/理由s they don't want the 地雷 nearby but 追加するd that the 消極的な 衝撃 it will have on the 野性生物 makes it 必須の that Copperwood stops 生産/産物.

They said the signees 'are not calling for a 支払い猶予/一時停止 on all 採掘, nor are we 明言する/公表するing that the 産業 is inherently evil.?

'We are 単に 演習ing what is called ありふれた sense.'

They 追加するd: 'Just as we would not 許す a 最大限 安全 刑務所,拘置所 next door to a pre-school, we should not entertain a metallic 硫化物 地雷 at the juncture of a historic 引き上げ(る)ing 追跡する, a 指定するd Wilderness Area, and a freshwater sea. This is not a controver sial 見解(をとる).'

DailyMail.com has reached out to Copperwood 資源s for comment.?