'外国人 mummies' 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 descends into 大混乱 as Peruvian 公式の/役人s try to 掴む new '妊娠している 見本/標本' with three fingers and toes

In a scene straight out of a sci-fi thriller, a 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 showcasing '外国人 mummies' took a bizarre turn after?Peruvian 当局 試みる/企てるd to 掴む a '妊娠している' new 見本/標本.

As part of the event, hosted by?ufologist Jaime Maussan in Peru, a new '外国人' 見本/標本 指名するd Montserrat was 現在のd to those in 出席.

Maussan, 70, known for his prolific 研究 into extraterrestrial phenomena, had 以前 made headlines by 現在のing two 申し立てられた/疑わしい mummified 外国人s - 設立する in Palpa and Nazca in Peru in 2016 - at the Mexican congress in September 2023.

The ufologist has been (人命などを)奪う,主張するing there is '最終的な proof' on the いわゆる tridactyl mummies, 予定 to them having three fingers and toes, for several weeks.?

Now, seven months on, he 明かすd his 最新の 発見 - a mummified 存在 指名するd Montserrat that is (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have been 妊娠している at the time of her death.

A press conference showcasing ' alien mu
mmies' took a bizarre turn after Peruvian officials attempted to seize a 'pregnant' new specimen

A 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 showcasing ' 外国人 mummies' took a bizarre turn after Peruvian 公式の/役人s 試みる/企てるd to 掴む a '妊娠している' new 見本/標本?

As part of the event, hosted by ufologist Jaime Maussan in Peru, a new 'alien' specimen named Montserrat was presented to those in attendance

As part of the event, hosted by ufologist Jaime Maussan in Peru, a new '外国人' 見本/標本 指名するd Montserrat was 現在のd to those in 出席

Pictured: Jois Mantilla is interrupted by the Peruvian authorities

Pictured: Jois Mantilla is interrupted by the Peruvian 当局

によれば event's host, the '外国人' had been 推定する/予想するing a tridactyl foetus, now affectionately 指名するd as Rafael by Maussan.?

However, in a 劇の turn, the 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 was interrupted by 公式の/役人s from the Peruvian 省 of Culture who 嵐/襲撃するd the event with the 意向 of 掴むing Montserrat's mummified 団体/死体.?

…を伴ってd by specialised police officers, 公式の/役人s interrupted a speech given by 研究員 and 新聞記者/雑誌記者 Jois Mantilla to take 支配(する)/統制する of the microphone.

The 公式の/役人 said: 'Sorry for the interruption, we are taking an 予期しない 予防の 活動/戦闘 with the 省 of Culture and the Specialised Cultural 遺産 Police regarding the 展示 of the tridactyl mummies that you have 報告(する)/憶測d on social 網状組織s.'

But, in an even eerier 新たな展開, 計画(する)s to 押収する Montserrat's 団体/死体 were 停止(させる)d after stunned 省 公式の/役人s learned that the physical mummy was not 現在の at the event.

Instead, Maussan and 同僚s were carrying out a ビデオ 贈呈 on the tridactyl mummy, which resulted in 公式の/役人s 存在 招待するd to watch the 15-minute ビデオ と一緒に the audience.?

The 贈呈 伴う/関わるd 分析 by 法廷の odontologist and retired professor at the University of Colorado, John McDowell.

He was …を伴ってd by William Rodriguez, 法廷の anthropologist for Maryland 明言する/公表する 医療の Examiner, and Dr. James Caruso, a 医療の examiner based in Denver, Colorado.

Pictured: Jaime Maussan

Pictured: Jaime Maussan

Pictured: Jois Mantilla is interrupted by the Peruvian officials, who took control of the microphone to announce their intention of seizing?Montserrat's body

Pictured: Jois Mantilla is interrupted by the Peruvian 公式の/役人s, who took 支配(する)/統制する of the microphone to 発表する their 意向 of 掴むing?Montserrat's 団体/死体

Pictured: The press conference is interrupted by Peruvian authorities

Pictured: The 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 is interrupted by Peruvian 当局

The Peruvian Ministry of Culture stormed the event with the intention of seizin
g Montserrat's mummified body - but later discovered the actual mummy was not present

The Peruvian 省 of Culture 嵐/襲撃するd the event with the 意向 of 掴むing Montserrat's mummified 団体/死体 - but later discovered the actual mummy was not 現在の

According to event's host, the 'alien' had been expecting a tridactyl foetus, now affectionately named as Rafael by Maussan

によれば event's host, the '外国人' had been 推定する/予想するing a tridactyl foetus, now affectionately 指名するd as Rafael by Maussan

Officials maintain that the bodies are 'dolls' made of human bones, which are likely to have been dug up by
 grave looters to sell on to the black market

公式の/役人s 持続する that the 団体/死体s are 'dolls' made of human bones, which are likely to have been dug up by 墓/厳粛/彫る/重大な 略奪者s to sell on to the 黒人/ボイコット market

The guest (衆議院の)議長s 結論するd that the mummified 団体/死体s are to を受ける その上の 調査 and cannot yet be 解任するd as 偽の.

公式の/役人s 持続する that the 団体/死体s are 'dolls' made of human bones, which are likely to have been dug up by 墓/厳粛/彫る/重大な 略奪者s to sell on the 黒人/ボイコット market, as 報告(する)/憶測d by NeedToKnow.

Science writer Mick West said: 'There are many 推論する/理由s why the Peruvian 政府 might want to take 活動/戦闘 against Jamie Maussan's 外国人 mummy.

He 追加するd: '墓/厳粛/彫る/重大な 強盗? 違法な transportation of human remains? 密輸するing of archaeological artefacts? 詐欺? We'll have to wait and see.'

一方/合間, another 始める,決める of '外国人 mummies' surfaced in March - with the three-fingered 存在s said to be from Peru - によれば filmmakers who (人命などを)奪う,主張する to have X-rayed the 申し立てられた/疑わしい 死体 s.

One seemingly plaster-encased, four-foot tall 見本/標本, these documentarians said, 含む/封じ込めるs a new form of デオキシリボ核酸 and appears to show 調印するs of '遺伝子工学.'