Food scientist explains the four-step 過程 McDonald's uses to make its Coke taste so good

McDonald's Coca-Cola has long been touted as a 最高の,を越す-tier soft drink compared to other 急速な/放蕩な-food and restaurants, but now there is a 科学の 推論する/理由 why.

Abby Thiel, a food scientist, explained that the flavorful taste, the extra 泡s and the superior taste all 茎・取り除く from the chain's 治療 of the carbonated (水以外の)飲料.

The chain filters the water that 除去するs chlorine and other 化学製品s to give it a better taste and 蓄える/店s the Coca-Cola syrup in a stainless steel ケッグ-like コンテナ that 規制するs the 気温 and keeps the drink carbonated.?

McDonald's?also (人命などを)奪う,主張するs its wider straws fully expose 顧客's taste buds to the Coke.

McDonald's uses filtered water and colder temperatures to give it the extra sweet and bubbly taste that customers have grown to love. The restaurant partnered Coca-Cola in 1955, one year after it was franchised

McDonald's uses filtered water and colder 気温s to give it the extra 甘い and bubbly taste that 顧客s have grown to love. The restaurant partnered Coca-Cola in 1955, one year after it was franchised

McDonald's has the syrup used in Coke delivered in a stainless steel container that prevents it from losing its carbonation and keeps the temperature from fluctuating which contributes to the superior taste

McDonald's has the syrup used in Coke 配達するd in a stainless steel コンテナ that 妨げるs it from losing its carbonation and keeps the 気温 from fluctuating which 与える/捧げるs to the superior taste

For years, McDonald's-goers have taken to online 会議s with questions about how the Coke tastes better than at other 設立s, with some people (人命などを)奪う,主張するing it 'tastes way more refreshing than 瓶/封じ込めるd coke.'

McDonald's has 報道によれば 達成するd the perfect f our-step recipe to 申し込む/申し出 sublime Coca-Cola that leaves 顧客s raving about its 質 and taste.

Typically, soda is 蓄える/店d in plastic 捕らえる、獲得するs that are kept in a cardboard box and when the syrup from one 捕らえる、獲得する runs out, a 靴下/だます is unscrewed and reattached to a plastic cap in a new soda 捕らえる、獲得する.

To give Coke a better taste, McDonald's 逸脱するs off the beaten path and has their soda 配達するd in stainless steel 戦車/タンクs that can 持つ/拘留する 80 gallons of syrup.

The stainless steel コンテナs have the 二重の 目的 of 持続するing the 気温 so it doesn't fluctuate and 限界ing the light (危険などに)さらす.

The 戦車/タンク also 蓄える/店s CO2 - which 支配(する)/統制するs the 量 of carbonation - it 妨げるs the soft drink from losing its 泡s.

'Any carbonated 製品 that is kept in a コンテナ will 徐々に lose carbonation,' Thiel told Parade, 追加するing: 'This gives McDonald's the 利益 of carbonating the Coke on-場所/位置 and 権利 before you drink it.'

Most soda syrup 一括ing is mixed with water at a 率 of one part syrup to between three and six parts water which, when 連合させるd with ice, dilutes the flavor.

Because McDonald's 追加するs the carbonation on 場所/位置, it means that the taste won't become watered 負かす/撃墜する if you're given too much ice.

The コンテナs also keep the syrup 冷静な/正味の by using 絶縁するd tubes that connect the liqu id to the soda fountain which doesn’t 許す the carbonation to escape.?

McDonald's uses wider straws so the Coke can hit all of the customer's taste buds at once and carbonates the soda on site so it remains bubbly and flavorful

McDonald's uses wider straws so the Coke can 攻撃する,衝突する all of the 顧客's taste buds at once and carbonates the soda on 場所/位置 so it remains bubbly and flavorful

READ MORE: Why McDonald's ice cream machines are always broken

連邦の 機関s have requested 控除s to 許す franchise owners more freedom in 修理s as 現在の 制限s 限界 修理s to 権限を与えるd 専門家技術者s?


In 2021, McDonald's 簡潔に 定評のある that its Coke tastes better than other 設立s because it keeps the soda at colder levels and uses filtered water that 除去するs all chlorine and anything else that could (名声などを)汚す the taste.

'Soft drink 生産者s will usually have their own water 供給者 or a filtration system to 増加する the 質 of water,' Thiel told Parade.?

'Most often, chlorine is 除去するd as it can result in a '消毒薬' taste, the water hardness will be adjusted since it 影響する/感情s the 酸性 of the drink, and アイロンをかける will be 除去するd to 限界 color and flavor defects,' she continued.?

'Without this 治療, the end result is a Coke that has off-flavors and aromas 予定 to low-質, inconsistent water.'

McDonald's has also said its straw 衝撃s the taste because it is wider, 許すing the Coke to 攻撃する,衝突する all your taste buds.

Coca-Cola has had a special 関係 with McDonald's since 1955 when then-owner Ray Croc met with Waddy Pratt who ran the soft drink company's fountain 分割.

'Those two companies helped each other grow and 拡大する around the globe,'?刑事 Starmann who was の近くに with Croc told The New York Times?in 2014.

'Neither one would be what they are today without the other,' he 追加するd.