'World's most 前進するd' humanoid robot 長,率いるs to Scotland: Ameca can mimic human speech and facial 表現 with eerie precision - and will be showcased to 'demystify コンビナート/複合体 科学(工学)技術s'

  • Ameca is able 'to interact with people in a natural and engaging way'
  • The 取得/買収 目的(とする)s to 'foster a greater understanding of 利益s of ロボット工学'?

A humanoid robot 述べるd as the most 前進するd in the world will be showcased in Scotland.

The 国家の Robotarium, the UK's centre for ロボット工学 and 人工的な 知能 (AI) based at Heriot-ワット University in 共同 with The University of Edinburgh, has 購入(する)d the robot, 指名するd Ameca, from Engineered Arts.

Ameca is 述べるd as able 'to interact with people in a natural and engaging way', and facial 表現s 含む 'playful' and 'pondering'.

The 取得/買収 is a 企て,努力,提案 to 'demystify コンビナート/複合体 科学(工学)技術s and foster a greater understanding of the 可能性のある 利益s of ロボット工学', and AI.

The robot has embedded microphones, cameras, facial 承認 ソフトウェア and articulated motorised 構成要素s.

A humanoid robot described as the most advanced in the world will be showcased in Scotland

A humanoid robot 述べるd as the most 前進するd in the world will be showcased in Scotland

The National Robotarium, the UK's centre for robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) based at Heriot-Watt University in partnership with The University of Edinburgh, has purchased the robot, named Ameca, from Engineered Arts

The 国家の Robotarium, the UK's centre for ロボット工学 and 人工的な 知能 (AI) based at Heriot-ワット University in 共同 with The University of Edinburgh, has 購入(する)d the robot, 指名するd Ameca, from Engineered Arts

The 国家の Robotarium hopes to break 負かす/撃墜する 障壁s and build 信用 between humans and robots by 展示(する)ing Ameca in schools and workshops to 供給する 適切な時期s for people of all ages to interact 直接/まっすぐに with the robot and learn about the 最新の 進歩s in ロボット工学 and AI.

The 施設 is supported by £21 million from the UK 政府 and £1.4 million from the Scottish 政府 in a 企て,努力,提案 to turn Edinburgh into the data 資本/首都 of Europe.

研究員s will also use Ameca to 熟考する/考慮する public perceptions and 態度s に向かって humanoid robots, 集会 価値のある insights to 知らせる the 開発 of 未来 科学(工学)技術s that prioritise 信用, transparency and 使用者-friendliness.

Steve Maclaren, 長,指導者 operating officer at the 国家の Robotarium, said: 'The arrival of Ameca at the 国家の Robotarium 示すs a 重要な step 今後 in our 使節団 to make ロボット工学 more accessible and relatable to the people of Scotland, the UK and beyond.

'Since 開始 our doors in September 2022, we've 首尾よく hosted more than 100 in-person and 事実上の events and engaged thousands of school-老年の children.

'Ameca 代表するs an exciting 適切な時期 to build on that success and take public 約束/交戦 to the next level.

'By giving people the chance to interact with this 明言する/公表する-of-the-art humanoid robot first 手渡す, we 目的(とする) to demystify ロボット工学, foster 信用 in human-robot interaction, and showcase the remarkable 可能性のある of these 科学(工学)技術s to 改善する our daily lives and 利益 society as a whole.'

Will Jackson, 創立者 and 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある of Engineered Arts Ltd, said: 'We are incredibly proud to have Ameca join the many preeminent robots at The 国家の Robotarium.

'会合 an AI-具体的に表現するd humanoid robot is a unique experience that very few people have 証言,証人/目撃するd and we are very excited to be able to 株 what can be a 深遠な moment with a wider audience.'


Physical 職業s in predictable 環境s, 含むing machine-操作者s and 急速な/放蕩な-food 労働者s, are the most likely to be 取って代わるd by robots.

Managem ent consultancy 会社/堅い McKinsey, based in New York, 焦点(を合わせる)d on the 量 of 職業s that would be lost to automation, and what professions were most at 危険.

The 報告(する)/憶測 said collecting and 過程ing data are two other 部類s of activities that ますます can be done better and faster with machines.?

This could 追い出す large 量s of 労働 - for instance, in mortgages, paralegal work, accounting, and 支援する-office 処理/取引 過程ing.

Conversely, 職業s in 予測できない 環境s are least are 危険.

The 報告(する)/憶測 追加するd: '占領/職業s such as gardeners, plumbers, or providers of child- and eldercare - will also 一般に see いっそう少なく automation by 2030, because they are technically difficult to 自動化する and often 命令(する) 比較して lower 給料, which makes automation a いっそう少なく attractive 商売/仕事 proposition.'