Tesla?has 報道によれば 停止(させる)d all Cybertruck 配達/演説/出産s 予定 to a 潜在的に 致命的な 欠陥 that 原因(となる)s the accelerator pedal to become stuck.

Many 顧客s (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have received messages from Tesla and car dealerships, 通知するing them that their 配達/演説/出産 任命 had been 取り消すd, with some messages 説 出荷/船積みs will not 開始する until after April 20.

Dan Ives, managing director at New York’s Wedbush 安全s, told DailyMail.com 'We are not 確信して this will be 解決するd the next few weeks.'?

The 解任する comes after a new Tesla owner 株d the design 欠陥 in a ビデオ, (人命などを)奪う,主張するing the pedal cover slipped 今後 and wedged the accelerator under the 内部の that was held 負かす/撃墜する 100 パーセント.

It is more 悲惨 for Tesla as 1,400 従業員s were laid off, many of whom work at the Texas Gigafactory where the Cybertruck is produced.?

Tesla has halted Cybertruck deliveries due to a potentially fatal flaw that causes the accelerator pedal to become stuck and send the EV at top speeds. Customers found an issue with how the cover was welded onto the pedal

Tesla has 停止(させる)d Cybertruck 配達/演説/出産s 予定 to a 潜在的に 致命的な 欠陥 that 原因(となる)s the accelerator pedal to become stuck and send the EV at 最高の,を越す 速度(を上げる)s. 顧客s 設立する an 問題/発行する with how the cover was welded の上に the pedal

Some customers have received text messages from the company saying it is replacing the acceleration pedal and is waiting for parts to come in

Some 顧客s have received text messages from the company 説 it is 取って代わるing the acceleration pedal and is waiting for parts to come in

Earlier this month, a California Cybertruck owner claimed the EV's brakes malfunctioned just weeks after purchase, sending the vehicle crashing into the pole of a road sign

Earlier this month, a California Cybertruck owner (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the EV's ブレーキs 機能不全d just weeks after 購入(する), sending the 乗り物 衝突,墜落ing into the 政治家 of a road 調印する

Ives also told DailyMail.com that it appears all Cybertruck 配達/演説/出産s have been paused.?

It is not (疑いを)晴らす if the 解任する is 予定 to the 最近の ビデオ showing the cover slide off the pedal or another ブレーキ 問題/発行する that surfaced earlier this month.

A California Cybertruck owner?(人命などを)奪う,主張するd the EV's ブレーキs 機能不全d ju st weeks after 購入(する), sending the 乗り物 衝突,墜落ing into the 政治家 of a road 調印する.

Images of the 出来事/事件 showed the shiny steel 前線 end 粉砕するd, the 味方する パネル盤 hanging off and the hood bent on the 味方する of the 衝撃.

The driver said they 試みる/企てるd to slow the Cybertruck by 圧力(をかける)ing the ブレーキs, only to find they did not engage - and 公式文書,認めるd the 空気/公表する 捕らえる、獲得するs also did not (軍隊を)展開する,配備する when the EV 衝突する/食い違うd with the 政治家.?

While Tesla has not made an 公式の/役人 告示, many of its fan accounts on X have spread the news.

Many customers awaiting their Cybertruck delivery have claimed that Tesla notified them that their EV would be delayed

Many 顧客s を待つing their Cybertruck 配達/演説/出産 have (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that Tesla 通知するd them that their EV would be 延期するd

Whole 火星 Catalog, which seems to have a 関係 with Elon Musk, 地位,任命するd:? 'Tesla has stopped all Cybertruck 配達/演説/出産s for seven days 予定 to an 問題/発行する with the accelerator pedal.'?

Sawyer Merrit, a?Tesla 投資家, also 株d the same update.?

DailyMail.com has 接触するd Te sla for comment.?

Many 顧客s を待つing their Cybertruck 配達/演説/出産 have (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that Tesla r 売買業者s have 通知するd them that their EV would be 延期するd.

Darick Hemphill Missouri 株d on the Cybertruck Owners Club 会議 that he was 始める,決める to puck his up this past 週末.

'Just got a call that there was a 解任する on the トラックで運ぶ,' the 地位,任命する reads.

'(機の)カム in about 15 minutes ago per the person who called me.

'They 明言する/公表するd that there was a problem with the accelerator and that they would know on Monday how soon parts would arrive to 直す/買収する,八百長をする it. If this is a practical joke from a friend of 地雷.... It is perfect.

'I was so excited to finally get my Cybertruck. Now just broken-hearted.'

The recall comes as Tesla is set to layoff 14,000 employees, roughly 10 percent roughly 10 percent of its workforce under founder Elon Musk

The 解任する comes as Tesla is 始める,決める to layoff 14,000 従業員s, 概略で 10 パーセント 概略で 10 パーセント of its 全労働人口 under 創立者 Elon Musk

The recall comes after a new Tesla owner shared the design flaw in a video , claiming the pedal cover slipped forward and wedged the accelerator under the interior that was held down 100 percent

The 解任する comes after a new Tesla owner 株d the design 欠陥 in a ビデオ , (人命などを)奪う,主張するing the pedal cover slipped 今後 and wedged the accelerator under the 内部の that was held 負かす/撃墜する 100 パーセント

Other 使用者s of the 壇・綱領・公約 checked the accelerator pedal of their 乗り物s - some 設立する no 問題/発行するs, while others were able to pull the cover off 即時に.

'I popped 地雷 off without trouble. Only held on there by two plastic clips. For now, I'll just 運動 without the cover,' one California 使用者 株d.

'If yours is 安全な・保証する like some are 報告(する)/憶測ing, I wouldn't worry about it at all.

'Just be aware and also keep in mind that you can 圧力(をかける) the ブレーキ pedal to 無視/無効 the accelerator.'

READ MORE:? 顧客s discover '致命的な' design 欠陥 in Tesla's $80,000 Cybertruck?

New owners of Tesla's sleek, stainless-steel Cybertruck may want to watch their fingers の近くにing the electric 乗り物s doors and its 前線-直面するing trunk.


Another 顧客 said they received a call from Tesla Paramus and the 代表者/国会議員 told them the 予期しない Cybertruck 延期する was 予定 to a 'ブレーキ 関心.'

While the 最新の 問題/発行する may 茎・取り除く 問題/発行するs with ブレーキing and the accelerator, other Cybertruck owners have 設立する 問題/発行するs under the hood with the steering system.

A handful of ビデオs have been 株d online showing 顧客s 運動ing their new Cybertruck off the lot just to have it break 負かす/撃墜する in a few minutes.?

Entrepreneur Thomas Remo 株d a ビデオ of him 選ぶing up the $82,000 EV in Irvine, California, later finding it 'broke not even six インチs off the lot' and failed another '30 times' after on the first day.?

Moments after Remo excitedly steps on the gas peddle, the 中心 審査する started flashing red and beeping to 警報 him about a 批判的な steering 問題/発行する.

Entrepreneur Thomas Remo 株d a ビデオ of him 選ぶing up the $82,000 EV in Irvine, California, later finding it 'broke not even six インチs off the lot' and failed another '30 times' after on the first day.

Moments after Remo excitedly steps on the gas peddle, the 中心 審査する started flashing red and beeping to 警報 him about a 批判的な steering 問題/発行する.

?While Tesla has not 定評のある the 問題/発行する or 供給するd 詳細(に述べる)s to what could be 原因(となる)ing it, others believe the 欠陥 is with the steer-by-wire system.?

The new 科学(工学)技術 除去するs the physical 関係 between the steering wheel and the wheels of a car by using electrically controlled モーターs to change the direction of the wheels and to 供給する feedback to the driver.

The downsides of a steer-by-wire system are 維持/整備 and cost - and if the 関係 is not perfect, drivers will experience what happened to Remo.