病気 殺人,大当り beavers in Utah 'can spread to humans,' 公式の/役人s 警告する

A dead 病気 is 感染させるing beavers throughout Utah, which 専門家s 警告する could become life-脅すing to humans.?

The 病気, called tularemia, is also known as rabbit fever, hare 疫病/悩ます and deer 飛行機で行く fever that can 原因(となる) ulcers on the 肌 and swollen (分泌する為の)腺s, の中で other symptoms if passed to a human.

The Utah 分割 of 野性生物 資源s (DWR) has 設立する the remains of nine beavers who died of tularemia, which has shocked 専門家s because the last animal death connected with the 病気 was in 2017.

The 病気 is typically transmitted from a tick or deerfly bite, by coming into direct 接触する with the 血 of 感染させるd animal s, drinking 汚染するd water or ingesting undercooked rabbit meat from an 感染させるd animal.

Nine beavers were found dead throughout three counties in Utah, and tests showed they had contracted rabbit fever, also called tularemia

Nine beavers were 設立する dead throughout three 郡s in Utah, and 実験(する)s showed they had 契約d rabbit fever, also called tularemia

Symptoms of tularemia (pictured) include skin ulcers, swollen glands and can escalate to coughing up blood and fevers over 103 degrees Fahrenheit

Symptoms of tularemia (pictured) 含む 肌 ulcers, swollen (分泌する為の)腺s and can 増大する t o coughing up 血 and fevers over 103 degrees Fahrenheit

The beavers' carcasses were 設立する across three 郡s 含むing Utah, 首脳会議 and Wasatch and 実験(する)s on three of the animals were 肯定的な for tularemia.

Although the 病気 is 流布している throughout much of the area, what's surprising to 地元の 野性生物 公式の/役人s is the growing number of animals dying from it.?

'The bacteria that 原因(となる)s this 感染 is known to be in the 環境 in many parts of Utah; however, it is unusual to see this many animals die from it at once,' said DWR veterinarian Ginger Stout.

This is the first time the 病気 has killed an animal in more than five years, with the last 報告(する)/憶測d when a cottontail rabbit was 設立する in the Kanab area of Utah.

Humans can become exposed to the 病気 if they receive a tick or deerfly bite in the summer or 扱う the 感染させるd animals they are 収穫ing in the 追跡(する)ing and trapping seasons.

The beavers were found in Summit, Wasatch and Utah counties and is the first time an animal was killed by the disease since 2017

The beavers were 設立する in 首脳会議, Wasatch and Utah 郡s and is the first time an animal was killed by the 病気 since 2017

Tularemia can spread to humans through deerfly or tick bites and can become fatal if left untreated.

Tularemia can spread to humans through deerfly or tick bites and can become 致命的な if left untreated.

READ MORE:?世界保健機構 警告するs more than half the world 直面するs high 危険 of measles 突発/発生s this year?

冷淡な-like symptoms, such as a fever, cough and a runny or 封鎖するd nose, are usually the first signal of measles?


より小数の than 300 事例/患者s of tularemia 感染s are 報告(する)/憶測d in the US each year, and while there are 抗生物質s to 扱う/治療する the 病気, it can become 致命的な if left unchecked.

専門家s are 関心d that the 増加するd number of animal deaths from the 病気 could mean that the number of 事例/患者s could rise.

This isn't the first time the 病気 has been on the rise, as a 2023 熟考する/考慮する by Texas A&M University 明らかにする/漏らすd that tularemia 増加するd between 2011 and 2019 with 1,984 事例/患者s 報告(する)/憶測d during that time.

Tularemia is a type of bacteria that is 消費するd by your 免疫の system's 独房s when it enters the 団体/死体, and although the 独房s would 普通は destroy bacteria, instead it 原因(となる)s a multiplying シナリオ.

The bacteria duplicates inside the 独房s before destroying it and spreads throughout the 残り/休憩(する) of your 団体/死体, 類似の to how a 毒(薬) would trickle through the bloodstream.?

It takes about three to five days for symptoms to appear after you have been exposed, but it could (問題を)取り上げる to two weeks for some people.?

The symptoms can 徹底的に 増大する to a fever of 103 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, coughing up 血, 厳しい 復部の 苦痛, and hypoxia - blueish 肌, nails or lips.?

'There is a 関心 about the 可能性 of tick-borne or 飛行機で行く-borne 病気s, so it's advised to take the necessary 警戒s by wearing 保護の 着せる/賦与するing, using appropriate insect repellent and checking for ticks after 存在 in brushy areas,' Stout said.?