Tech 専門家 明らかにする/漏らすs 5 travel mistakes that 始める,決める you up for a vacation 災害

  • A tech 専門家 has 警告するd against using no-指名する 場所/位置s to 調書をとる/予約する 取引,協定s for flights
  • They also 勧めるd 旅行者s to check their smartphone 計画(する)s before making calls
  • READ MORE: Stay tech-savvy with 専門家 Kim Komando’s 解放する/自由な newsletter, over 500K people do. 調印する up here

Quick travel checklist: Pack an extra phone charger, put your 搭乗 pass on your phone and bring more 軽食s than you think you'll need.

I wish tech advice were that simple. But the 関わりあい/含蓄s are a lot worse, too.?

From 調書をとる/予約するing to setting off, here are five mistakes that'll 戦車/タンク your vacation―and smart advice for smooth sailing.

A tech expert has revealed five common mistakes people make when traveling - and one of them is using no-name sites to find killer deals on flights

A tech 専門家 has 明らかにする/漏らすd five ありふれた mistakes people make when traveling - and one of them is using no-指名する 場所/位置s to find 殺し屋 取引,協定s on flights

1. Buying flights on a no-指名する 場所/位置 with a KILLER 取引,協定

You search for 航空機による tickets online or reply to an email. 圧倒するd by all the 場所/位置s and apps, you 選ぶ the cheapest 選択.

The 場所/位置 約束s a 広大な/多数の/重要な 率, so you 支払う/賃金 for the ticket. You 調書をとる/予約する what appeared to be a 確認するd seat and get receive an email that you're all 始める,決める.?

You visit the 航空機による's main 場所/位置, enter your (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) and bo om ― there's your reserved seat.

The reserved 持つ/拘留する runs out two weeks later, and your seat evaporates. You find this out and try to get help from the 航空機による. Usually, they can do nothing for you since only a 保留(地)/予約 was 現実に 調書をとる/予約するd.

Crooks are 広大な/多数の/重要な at creating 偽の apps and 場所/位置s to 引き裂く you off. Fortunately, there are 調印するs to watch for that can help to 避ける them.

● Check 公式の/役人 資源s: The Better 商売/仕事 Bureau can be a 広大な/多数の/重要な 援助(する) in 決定するing whether a 商売/仕事 is legit. The 機関 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)s real companies; if you can't find the one you're working with, it's best to run away.

● Online reviews and ratings: Read online reviews and ratings on 場所/位置s like TripAdvisor, Yelp or Google. 極端に 肯定的な and 消極的な reviews could be 偽の. Watch for a balance of reviews and 一貫した 主題s.

● Accreditation and licensing: Many 合法的 travel 機関s are members of 認めるd 産業 organizations like the American Society of Travel 助言者s (ASTA) or have IATA (International 空気/公表する 輸送(する) 協会) accreditation. Check for 信任状 on their 場所/位置.

● Transparent pricing: 合法的 場所/位置s are (疑いを)晴らす and upfront about all costs. Beware of 場所/位置s that have hidden 料金s or don't 明確に explain costs.

● 安全な・保証する 支払い(額) 選択s: Reputable travel 場所/位置s 申し込む/申し出 安全な・保証する, 井戸/弁護士席-known 支払い(額) 選択s. Be 用心深い of 場所/位置s that only 許す bank 移転s or money orders.

2. 非難する at a public charger in the airport

A public 非難する 駅/配置する feels like a godsend when your 殴打/砲列 is dying, and you don't have anywhere to plug in, but they are shockingly 平易な to tamper with.?

With just a USB cord, a cybercriminal can 任命する/導入する malware or suck data from every 装置 that plugs in to 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金.

If you're desperate for juice, you can use a USB 関係 安全に … with the 権利 cable. Pack a 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金-only cable for your trip. They're cheap, compact and don't 許す for data 移転.

Don't keep your AirDrop on public when traveling

Don't keep your AirDrop on public when traveling

And if your phone is a few years old or newer, it'll ask if you want to '信用 this 装置' or '株 data' when you plug in. Always say no when traveling!?

These 選択s 許す data communication between your phone and the 非難する 金物類/武器類, which could be 感染させるd malware.

Choose the '告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 only 選択.' If that 選択's not 利用できる, keep walking.

3. Leaving AirDrop 始める,決める to public

Keyloggers keep 跡をつける of every 選び出す/独身 thing you type, and 犯罪のs love to pass them along using Apple's AirDrop feature.?

Don't 受託する 減少(する)s from strangers in flight.

On your iPhone:

● Go to Settings > General > AirDrop.

You can 始める,決める your phone to 拒絶する all AirDrop requests, only 許す them from 接触するs or 許す from everyone. (That last one is not the best idea for travel. )

On a Mac:

● Click 支配(する)/統制する 中心 in the menu 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 (it's the icon with two toggles).

● Click AirDrop. From here, you can turn it on or off and choose who can send items.

4. 手渡すing your phone to a stranger to snap a pic

My friend Mary was on vacation in Rome with her 14-year-old daughter.?

They stopped to take selfies and a seemingly 肉親,親類d stranger ― a man in his 30s ― 申し込む/申し出d to take their picture.

Mary punched in her PIN, 手渡すd the phone over and the supposed Good Samaritan snatched it and ran away.

One of the major mistakes is handing your smartphone to a stranger while on vacation. The Good Samaritan may just end up running off with your phone

One of the major mistakes is 手渡すing your smartphone to a stranger while on vacation. The Good Samaritan may just 結局最後にはーなる running off with your phone

?Your phone is way more 価値のある than just the 量 someone could sell it for. (Though that's a pretty enticing 量 if you have a newer phone.)?

About Kim Komando

Sound like a tech プロの/賛成の, even if you're not! Award-winning popular host Kim Komando is your secret 武器.?

Listen on 425+ 無線で通信する 駅/配置するs or get the podcast.?And join over 500,000 people who call her 解放する/自由な?5-minute daily email newsletter.?


Think about all the accounts connected to it: your bank and other 財政上の apps, email inbox and 私的な text messages 含む/封じ込めるing who knows what.

There are a few simple ways you can 保護する yourself:

● When you're out in public, 保護物,者 your PIN. If you need to open your phone in 前線 of people, use 直面する ID or your 指紋.

● Don't use an 平易な PIN, either. No four digits! Make it as long as you can remember.

● If you don't want to use 直面する ID, use a passcode with numbers and letters if your phone 許すs it.

5. Forgetting to check roaming 率s/service

Ouch, your aching wallet. Before you 攻撃する,衝突する the road, sea or skies, スピードを出す/記録につける の上に your 動きやすい provider's website or call them up to find out 正確に/まさに what you're する権利を与えるd to when you travel. You may only get service in 確かな countries, at 確かな times or up to a 明確な/細部 限界.

Know that in 前進する, not once you get 攻撃する,衝突する with the 法案. Depending on what you find, you may be better off getting a travel SIM or eSIM card.