Beware hackers on a 計画(する): Tech 専門家 明らかにする/漏らすs the dos and don'ts of using in-flight Wi-Fi

  • In-flight Wi-Fi can leave your 装置s open to hackers lurking in the 影をつくる/尾行するs?
  • A tech 専門家 株d tips such as using VPNs that will keep your 装置 私的な
  • ?Stay tech-savvy with 専門家 Kim Komando’s 解放する/自由な newsletter, over 500K people do. 調印する up here

得点する/非難する/20! Your flight has Wi-Fi. But before you start shopping or doing a quick check on your 財政/金融s, you need to know hackers use sneaky 策略 to ハイジャック(する) your privacy in-flight.

One thing in their 好意: VPNs are more likely to 減少(する) in and out in the 空気/公表する than on the ground.?

Without that 層 of 保護, cybercriminals using the same 航空機による Wi-Fi can easily tap into your 装置s, 接近 your (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) and spread malware.

Bad, bad news. Let's 直す/買収する,八百長をする it with a few dos and don'ts to keep you 安全な.

Without that layer of protection, cybercriminals using the same airline Wi-Fi can easily tap into your devices, access your information and spread malware

Without that 層 of 保護, cybercriminals using the same 航空機による Wi-Fi can easily tap into your 装置s, 接近 your (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) and spread malware

Do 立証する you're on the 権利 網状組織

Most of us see a 網状組織 指名する that looks 権利 and click it without much thought - and that's what hackers are banking on.

Crooks can create 偽の Wi-Fi 網状組織s with almost 同一の 指名するs to the 航空機による's. If you're not careful, you could plug into a copycat 網状組織 instead of the legit one.

If 多重の 選択s look 類似の, ask a member of the 航空機による staff which 網状組織 is the 権利 one. Hey, they may even give an in-空気/公表する PSA if you 位置/汚点/見つけ出す a 偽の.

Do use a VPN

As said, a VPN (事実上の 私的な 網状組織) isn't やめる as reliable in the 空気/公表する, but it still 作品 when switched on.?

One thing in their favor: VPNs are more likely to drop in and out in the air than on the ground

One thing in their 好意: VPNs are more likely to 減少(する) in and out in the 空気/公表する than on the ground

Usually, what you do on the internet is open for anyone with the 権利 know-how to peek in on. A VPN encrypts your data ― 事実上の/代理 as a 保護物,者 from 調査するing 注目する,もくろむs.

It's a must if you visit any 場所/位置 that 含む/封じ込めるs 財政上の or other identifying, important (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状). Do yourself a 好意 and be sure your VPN is active before you スピードを出す/記録につける in.

Ab out Kim Komando

Sound like a tech プロの/賛成の, even if you're not! Award-winning popular host Kim Komando is your secret 武器.?

Listen on 425+ 無線で通信する 駅/配置するs or get the podcast.?And join over 500,000 people who call her 解放する/自由な?5-minute daily email newsletter.?


Do stick to encrypted 場所/位置s

This is a good 支配する of thumb all the time, but 特に when you're on an unfamiliar 網状組織. Only visit encrypted websites ― the ones that start with 'HTTPS.'

That 'S' is important; it stands for 安全な・保証する.

This 一般に 封鎖するs a hacker from 見解(をとる)ing your activity on a given 場所/位置, like the password or credit card number you typed in.

Don't download any とじ込み/提出するs

Let's ignore 速度(を上げる) and data caps and 焦点(を合わせる) on 安全 here. Data 移転 is exposed with unsecured 関係s (like the one on your flight).?

A hacker doesn't have to work very hard to 迎撃する the download and read everything in it.?

Not a 抱擁する 取引,協定 if it's an audiobook. What about a bank 声明 or important work 文書?

It's smart to download anything you'll need ahead of time before you go to the airport, or 持つ/拘留する off until you land and get to a 信用d 網状組織.

始める,決める your Gmail and 運動 to offline 方式?

いつかs the 関係 is so bad you can't even 負担 your inbox. Lucky you, you can still get your replies all 列d up if you 計画(する) ahead.

In Gmail on your desktop:

● 攻撃する,衝突する the settings cog > See all settings.

● Choose the Offline tab, then check the box next to Enable offline mail.

● From here, choose as how many days of messages you want to sync.

● Click Save changes.

Now, do the same for your most-used 文書s in Google 運動. You need to do this for each 文書, so be sure to take care of it ahead of time.

First, enable the setting:

● Open Google 運動.

● At the 最高の,を越す 権利, click the settings cog > Settings.

● Turn on Offline.

Depending on your 貯蔵, 最近の とじ込み/提出するs will be automatically saved offline. To manually select とじ込み/提出するs:

● On the とじ込み/提出する you want to use, 攻撃する,衝突する とじ込み/提出する > Make 利用できる offline.