WhatsApp backtracks on subtle change that saw 資本/首都 letters 追加するd - as it 安心させるs furious 使用者s 'it's going 支援する to normal now'

  • 'Online' and 'Typing' had a 資本/首都 'O' and a 資本/首都 'T' in the WhatsApp app
  • WhatsApp has 確認するd it has backtracked on the change に引き続いて (激しい)反発?

WhatsApp 攻撃する,衝突する the headlines this week after 使用者s noticed a subtle change within the app.?

'Online' and 'Typing' - words 陳列する,発揮するd under the other 使用者's 指名する in your 雑談(する)s - had changed from having lowercase first letters to a 資本/首都 'O' and a 資本/首都 'T'.?

While this sounds 公正に/かなり minor, many 使用者s were not happy about it, with one (人命などを)奪う,主張するing it '傷つける my soul.'

If you were 苦痛d by the 資本/首都 letters, there's good news - WhatsApp has 確認するd that it's backtracking on the change.

'This was just a small 実験(する), but it's going 支援する to normal now,' a spokesperson said.?

WhatsApp hit the headlines this week after users noticed a subtle change within the app (stock image)

WhatsApp 攻撃する,衝突する the headlines this week after 使用者s noticed a subtle change within the app (在庫/株 image)?

Previously, the words 'online' and 'typing' had lower-case first letters
Users noticed that the 't' and 'o' had been capitalised

'Online' and 'Typing' - words 陳列する,発揮するd under the other 使用者's 指名する in your 雑談(する)s - had changed from having lowercase first letters to a 資本/首都 'O' and a 資本/首都 'T'?

The subtle change was introduced on both the iOS and Android WhatsApp apps last week.?

While WhatsApp did not 正式に 発表する it, it 獲得するd 抱擁する attention across social マスコミ.?

Taking to X, one 使用者 wrote: 'Anyone else get irrationally annoyed by WhatsApp's 最新の iOS update where, if someone is online, it's now with a 資本/首都 "O" (Online), or when someone is typing, it's a 資本/首都 'T' (Typing).

'Only a 資本/首都 letter different, but I hate it so much.'

Another 追加するd: 'Anyone else really, admittedly irrationally, hate WhatsApp for 追加するd a 資本/首都 letter at the beginning of Online and Typing?'

'Is anyone else really bothered by WhatsApp giving "online" & "typing' a capital letter now? It's hurting my soul,' one user vented on X (formerly Twitter)

'Is anyone else really bothered by WhatsApp giving 'online' & 'typing' a 資本/首都 letter now? It's 傷つけるing my soul,' one 使用者 vented on X (以前は Twitter)

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One tweeted: 'Anyone else notice WhatsApp have changed the typing and online part at the top and made it a capital letter?! 'Making my eye twitch'

One tweeted: 'Anyone else notice WhatsApp have changed the typing and online part at the 最高の,を越す and made it a 資本/首都 letter?! 'Making my 注目する,もくろむ twitch'