Is this the 重要な to finally finding life beyond Earth? 惑星s harbouring 外国人s may give off a 独特の purple hue, scientists say

  • Scientists 目録d the colours from a 範囲 of organisms and minerals
  • 分析 示唆するs?purple bacteria could be on 惑星s 軌道ing red dwarf 星/主役にするs?

It's one of the biggest unanswered questions in science ? is there life beyond Earth?And if so, where is it hiding?

Now, scientists from Cornell University believe they have taken a major step 今後 in the search for 外国人s.

In a new 熟考する/考慮する, they (人命などを)奪う,主張する that 惑星s harbouring 外国人 life may give off a 独特の purple hue.

'We are just 開始 our 注目する,もくろむs to these fascinating worlds around us,' said Dr Lisa Kaltenegger, co-author of the 熟考する/考慮する.

'Purple bacteria can 生き残る and 栄える under such a variety of 条件s that it is 平易な to imagine that on many different worlds, purple may just be the new green.'

Scientists from Cornell University believe they have taken a major step forward in the search for aliens. In a new study, they claim that planets harbouring alien life may give off a distinctive purple hue (artist's impression)

Scientists from Cornell University believe they have taken a major step 今後 in the search for 外国人s. In a new 熟考する/考慮する, they (人命などを)奪う,主張する that 惑星s harbouring 外国人 life may give off a 独特の purple hue (artist's impression)?

Life on Earth is usually associated with a familiar green hue.?

However, life on other 惑星s might look very different.

In their new 熟考する/考慮する, the team 始める,決める out to understand what 外国人-hunters should be searching for.

'We need to create a database for 調印するs of life to make sure our telescopes don't 行方不明になる life if it happens not to look 正確に/まさに like what we 遭遇(する) around us every day,' Dr Kaltenegger said.

The 研究員s 目録d the colours and 化学製品 署名s from a diverse 範囲 of organisms and minerals.

Their 分析 明らかにする/漏らすd that purple bacteria can use invisible infrared 放射(能) to 力/強力にする 光合成.

The researchers catalogued the colours and chemical signatures from a diverse range of organisms and minerals. Their analysis revealed that purple bacteria can use invisible infrared radiation to power photosynthesis

The 研究員s 目録d the colours and 化学製品 署名s from a diverse 範囲 of organisms and minerals. Their 分析 明らかにする/漏らすd that purple bacteria can use invisible infrared 放射(能) to 力/強力にする p hotosynthesis

For this 推論する/理由, purple bacteria are likely to have been 流布している on 早期に Earth before the advent of 工場/植物-type 光合成, the 研究員s said.

'They already 栄える here in 確かな niches,' said L?gia Fonseca Coelho, first author of the 熟考する/考慮する.

Beyond Earth, purple bacteria could be 特に 井戸/弁護士席-ふさわしい to 惑星s that 軌道 cooler red dwarf 星/主役にするs ? the most ありふれた type in our 星雲.

'Just imagine if they were not competing with green 工場/植物s, algae and bacteria,' Dr Coelho 追加するd,

'A red sun could give them the most favourable 条件s for 光合成.'

What's more, the 研究員s say that these worlds would produce a 独特の 'light 指紋' that we could (悪事,秘密などを)発見する using both ground- and space-based telescopes.

Beyond Earth, purple bacteria could be particularly well-suited to planets that orbit cooler red dwarf stars ? the most common type in our galaxy

Beyond Earth, purple bacteria could be 特に 井戸/弁護士席-ふさわしい to 惑星s that 軌道 cooler red dwarf 星/主役にするs ? the most ありふれた type in our 星雲

'If purple bacteria are 栄えるing on the surf エース of a frozen Earth, an ocean world, a snowball Earth or a modern Earth 軌道ing a cooler 星/主役にする, we now have the 道具s to search for them,' said Dr Coelho.

The new 熟考する/考慮する comes すぐに after scientists 示唆するd that 外国人 life could be hiding much closer to home.?

Scientists from the University of Washington (人命などを)奪う,主張する that 航空宇宙局 could 確認する 外国人?life in 2030 when it 開始する,打ち上げるs its $178 million (手先の)技術 to Jupiter's moon.

航空宇宙局 is 始める,決める to 開始する,打ち上げる its?Europa Clipper in October for its five and a half 旅行 to Europa where it will spend four years 調査/捜査するing the icy moon.

In a 最近の 熟考する/考慮する, the 研究員s 分析するd the 器具s onboard the (手先の)技術, finding they are 有能な of 選ぶing up a 選び出す/独身 living 独房 in a tiny ice 穀物 排除する/(飛行機などから)緊急脱出するd from t he moon's oceans.?