Five UFO 誘拐 事例/患者s that could FINALLY be solved - as new 熟考する/考慮する 調査/捜査するs 30-years' 価値(がある) of 証拠

概略で 100 外国人 誘拐 事例/患者s spanning over the past 30 years are 始める,決める to be 調査/捜査するd by scientists with hopes of unraveling the mysterious experiences.

研究員s at Rice University in Texas 計画(する) to 分析する a trove of 古記録s consisting of thousands of 文書s in the form of 調書をとる/予約するs, 定期刊行物s, photographs, slides, 報告(する)/憶測s, 会合 公式文書,認めるs and letters.

The 事例/患者s 含む the famous story of?Betty and Barney Hill, a New Hampshire?couple who say they were 誘拐するd in 1961 while 運動ing up a mountain.

Other 事例/患者s 含む one that 奮起させるd a new Netflix show - the Pascagoula 誘拐.

Roughly 100 alien abductions spanning over the past 30 years are set to be investigated by scientists with hopes of unraveling the mysterious experiences

概略で 100 外国人 誘拐s spanning over the past 30 years are 始める,決める to be 調査/捜査するd by scientists with hopes of unraveling the mysterious experiences

The '古記録 of the Impossible' at Rice University plays host to 構成要素 from Jacques Vallee (whose work 奮起させるd Steven Spielberg's 'の近くに 遭遇(する)s of the Third 肉親,親類d') and author Whitley Streiber, who (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have been 誘拐するd by 外国人s in his 1987 調書をとる/予約する Communion の中で hundreds of other 誘拐 stories.

The Pascagoula 誘拐

Featured in the new Netflix series 'とじ込み/提出するs of the Unexplained', the Mississippi 誘拐 of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker occurred happened in 1973.

The two men 報告(する)/憶測d to the 郡保安官's department that they had been 誘拐するd by 外国人s while fishing - and each appeared with a 穴をあける 負傷させる in their arm.

Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker claimed to have been abducted in 1973

Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have been 誘拐するd in 1973

Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker claimed to have been abducted in 1973

Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to h ave been 誘拐するd in 1973

As UFO's blue lights flashed and it descended closer to the marshland below, three, five-foot grey 'wrinkled-skin creatures' with 'pincer-like' claws (illustrated above) seized the two men ? subjecting to them to examination, according to Parker, 'just like any doctor would'

As UFO's blue lights flashed and it descended closer to the 湿地帯 below, three, five-foot grey 'wrinkled-肌 creatures' with 'pincer-like' claws (illustrated above) 掴むd the two men ― 支配するing to them to examination, によれば Parker, 'just like any doctor would'

Both men passed polygraph 実験(する)s when interviewed about their experiences - and it appeared their stories matched.

The two men 報告(する)/憶測d 存在 manipulated by 外国人s with pincer-like claws and 実験d on.

Hickson told The Washington 地位,任命する, 'I was just getting ready to get some more bait, when I heard a 肉親,親類d of zipping sound. I looked up and saw a blue flashing light. Calvin turned aro und too.

'We saw a 30-foot-long 反対する with a little ドーム on 最高の,を越す.'

探偵,刑事s 内密に left a tape recorder running to catch the men out but they did not '減少(する) the 行為/法令/行動する' once police left the room.

Another 証言,証人/目撃する, Maria Blair, recently gave ビデオ 証言 that was 得るd by, which appeared to 確認する the men's story.?

Whitley Strieber

Science fiction and horror writer Whitley Strieber's 誘拐 story in his 1987 非,不,無-fiction 調書をとる/予約する Communion has become one of the iconic stories of 外国人 誘拐.

The cover image of the 調書をとる/予約する, showing a slender, almond-注目する,もくろむd 外国人 is an iconic image of what UFO fans 言及する to as 'grey' 外国人s.

Science fiction and horror writer Whitley Strieber

Science fiction and horror writer Whitley Strieber

Christopher Walken in the film Communion, based on Strieber's experience

Christopher Walken in the film Communion, based on Strieber's experience

The 申し立てられた/疑わしい 誘拐 happened on ボクシング Day in 1986, after Strieber and his wife went to bed after eating Christmas leftovers.

Strieber 述べるs the 存在s he 遭遇(する)d as '訪問者s', but makes no 結論 about their origin.

Strieber wrote, 'In 1985 I had an experience of の近くに 遭遇(する) that 脅すd and 混乱させるd me. I was 負傷させるd by it but still could not believe that it had been a physical experience. It was just too strange.?

'Still, I was very curious and began going out into the 支持を得ようと努めるd at night from our little upstate New York cabin to try to somehow re-engage.'

He has since written several 調書をとる/予約するs on the 支配する of 外国人 遭遇(する)s.

Betty and Barney Hill

Betty and Barney Hill's 1961 experience became one of the iconic 外国人-誘拐 stories - with the couple 遭遇(する)ing a strange light on a road in New Hampshire's White Mountains.

The couple couldn't remember some of the 運動, and their watches had stopped working.

Betty and Barney Hill's 1961 experience became one of the iconic alien-abduction stories

Betty and Barney Hill's 1961 experience became one of the iconic 外国人-誘拐 stories

Betty and Barney Hill's 1961 experience became one of the iconic alien-abduction stories

Betty and Barney Hill's 1961 experience became one of the iconic 外国人-誘拐 stories

Psychiatrist and hypnotist Benjamin Simon helped the couple to remember their experience of 存在 walked into a 飛行機で行くing saucer by grey-skinned 外国人s.

Under hypnosis, they 解任するd 存在 大(公)使館員d to needles 大(公)使館員d with long wires, as 外国人s took 見本s of their hair and 肌.

The couple's story became a 調書をとる/予約する and a film starring James Earl Jones - and both stuck by their story until their deaths.

Travis Walton

The 誘拐 of Travis Walton in 1975 gathered 国家の attention because of the presence of six 証言,証人/目撃するs - fellow 植林学 労働者s.

On November 5, 1975, the 22-year-old UFO 熱中している人 Walton spotted a light in a forest, and ignored 警告s and ran に向かって it.

The abduction of Travis Walton in 1975 gathered national attention

The 誘拐 of Travis Walton in 1975 gathered 国家の attention

His experiences formed the basis of a 1993 film

His experiences formed the basis of a 1993 film

Struck by a blue light, Travis disappeared and the other 植林学 労働者s fled the scene.

It was the first UFO 誘拐 to be 報告(する)/憶測d while the 犠牲者 was still 行方不明の.

Seven days later, Walton 再現するd - and revea led that he awoke 存在 観察するd by three small 外国人s, and then 設立する himself walking along a 主要道路 five days later.

He 詳細(に述べる)d his experiences in a 調書をとる/予約する, which became the 1993 film 解雇する/砲火/射撃 in the Sky: in 2021, he appeared on Joe Rogan's podcast.

Dr Leo ぱらぱら雨

Many UFO 誘拐 experiences are 脅すing and 乱すing - but some who (人命などを)奪う,主張する to have 遭遇(する)d 外国人s have a more 肯定的な 見解(をとる) of their abductee.

Dr Leo ぱらぱら雨, a psychologist at the University of Wyoming, hypnotically regressed 申し立てられた/疑わしい abductees in the Sixties, に引き続いて Betty and Barney Hill's 遭遇(する).

Dr Leo Sprinkle, a psychologist at the University of Wyoming, became involved in hypnotically regressing alien abductees

Dr Leo ぱらぱら雨, a psychologist at the University of Wyoming, became 伴う/関わるd in hypnotically regressing 外国人 abductees

ぱらぱら雨 結局 identified as an abductee himself - believing that the 外国人s are helpful 'cosmic 国民s' helping humans to を取り引きする their problems.

ぱらぱら雨 went on to 持つ/拘留する an 年次の Rocky Mountain UFO 会議/協議会 on the more 肯定的な 面s of UFO 遭遇(する)s be fore retiring from the university in 1989.

ぱらぱら雨 (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that UFO 遭遇(する)s are part of 'cosmic consciousness 条件ing', designed to 高める human consciousness.

Nigel Watson, author of 逮捕(する)d by 外国人s? A History and 分析 of American 誘拐 (人命などを)奪う,主張するs, told, 'I think it is 広大な/多数の/重要な that they are 行為/行うing an 激しい 分析 of the data in these とじ込み/提出するs, and it will be fascinating to see what they do with this 構成要素.

'The major problem with 外国人 誘拐s is that we have to consider how they come about. Such psychological 概念s as sleep paralysis, fantasy proneness and 誤った memory syndrome have all been used to 'explain' 外国人 誘拐 experiences.

'Even the methods by which we use psychology to 診察する these 過程s in 追跡 of 外国人 誘拐 調査 can be 条件d by our culture.?

'In the USA there has been far more 頼みの綱 to using polygraph 実験(する)s and hypnotic regression compared to other countries.'

'Besides looking at those areas of 'normal' psychology and sociology, perhaps this new 熟考する/考慮する 事業/計画(する) might discover rarer factors 伴う/関わるd with the 誘拐 experience.?

'Will it even support the popular idea that real extraterrestrial 外国人s have come here to take and 診察する humans against their will?'