The iconic American rivers becoming so filthy with 汚染 they are '危うくするd'

  • The 最高裁判所 rolled 支援する 保護(する)/緊急輸入制限s for the Clean Water 行為/法令/行動する
  • ?The 決定/判定勝ち(する) led to 10 rivers becoming 危うくするd 予定 to 汚染
  • 地雷s and 産業の 場所/位置s won't need a 許す to build 近づく 孤立するd wetlands
  • READ MORE:?Nearly HALF of tap water in U.S. is laced with 'forever 化学製品s'?

Rivers across the US have been みなすd 危うくするd 予定 to extreme 汚染 and 減ずるd clean water 保護s.

A 報告(する)/憶測 解放(する)d by the American Rivers 協会 設立する all of New Mexico's Rivers,?which 含む the Rio Grande, Gila, San Juan and Pecos, are the most at-危険 in the nation - and more than 85 パーセント of 居住(者)s in the 明言する/公表する rely on these systems.

専門家s 非難する a 宙返り飛行 穴を開ける in the?2022 Clean Water 行為/法令/行動する?that means rivers that only run 季節的に are not 保護するd?from run-off of wastewater 治療 工場/植物s, 地雷s and 産業の 場所/位置s.

Under the rollback of the Clean Water 行為/法令/行動する, the rivers that 供給(する)s millions of people with drinking water will become 汚染するd, making people sick and 害(を与える)ing the ecosystem.?

Other 危うくするd rivers were identified as?the Tijuana River in California and the Santa Cruz River in Arizona.

All rivers in New Mexico are 危うくするd after the 最高裁判所 stripped 保護(する)/緊急輸入制限s from the Clean Water 行為/法令/行動する that 保護する rivers and wetlands from 汚染 run-off from wastewater 治療 工場/植物s, 地雷s and 産業の 場所/位置s

Rivers throughout the US provide drinking water to local communities, serve as a habitat for wildlife and are stopovers for major migratory birds. Pictured:?Duck River, Tennessee

Rivers throughout the US 供給する drinking water to 地元の communities, serve as a habitat for 野性生物 and are 途中滞在s for major 移住する birds. Pictured:?Duck River, Tennessee

The Duck River in Tennessee (pictured) is one of the top three most biodiverse rivers in the world used for drinking water, agriculture and large-scale manufacturing

The Duck River in Tennessee (pictured) is one of the 最高の,を越す three most biodiverse rivers in the world used for drinking water, 農業 and large-規模 製造業の

'All water is connected. We cannot 許す 汚染 anywhere without 危険 to the rivers we rely on for our drinking water,' said?Tom Kiernan, 大統領 and CEO of American Rivers, a nonprofit 環境の advocacy organization 焦点(を合わせる)d on 保護するing the nation's rivers.?

'Our leaders must 持つ/拘留する polluters accountable and 強化する the Clean Water 行為/法令/行動する to 保護(する)/緊急輸入制限 our health and communities.'

The 最高裁判所's 決定/判定勝ち(する) in 2022 除去するd 保護 for rivers that only run 季節的に - in the 落ちる and winter - when there are higher levels of precipitation.

最高の,を越す 10 危うくするd rivers?

  • 1. Rivers of New Mexico
  • 2.? Big Sunflower and Yazoo Rivers, Mississippi
  • 3. Duck River, Tennessee
  • 4. Santa Cruz River, Arizona
  • 5. Little Pee Dee River, South Carolina and North Carolina?
  • 6. Farmington River, Connecticut and Massachusetts
  • 7. Trinity River, California
  • 8. Kobuk River, Alaska
  • 9. Tijuana River, California
  • 10. Blackwater River, West Virginia?

And that 大部分は 影響する/感情d systems in?New Mexico, because of the 明言する/公表する's dryer 気候, the rivers only run during the 雨の season or 予定 to snowmelt.

'These 判決,裁定s 飛行機で行く in the 直面する of 設立するd science and ignore the value that small streams and wetlands have to their broader watersheds, communities, and economies, 特に in places with 乾燥した,日照りの 気候s like New Mexico,' the 報告(する)/憶測?said.

The rivers in New Mexico 供給する clean drinking water, irrigation, rich cultural 資源s and house fish and 野性生物 habitat, making them 必須の to the 環境 and 概略で 87 パーセント of the 全住民 that relies on the rivers.

More than 供給するing 資源s to the 即座の area, 汚染 in the 危うくするd rivers can also have more 悲惨な consequences by 延長するing to rivers like the Rio Grande which 供給するs water for だいたい six million people and countless 野性生物.

The Tijuana River in California was 指名するd の中で the most 危うくするd rivers 予定 to 汚染 that is 'making people sick,' said Kristan Culbert, the associate director of American Rivers.

Data is still 存在 gathered to 決定する the number of people who got sick from the river.

'We know 海軍 SEALs have had to 取り消す training 開会/開廷/会期s 予定 to 汚染するd water; we've seen news 報告(する)/憶測s showing r ivers of raw 汚水 flowing into the 太平洋の Ocean,' California Rep. Scott Peters told?The San Diego Union-Tribune.

The Farmington River (pictured) runs in Connecticut and Massachusetts and is among the top 10 endangered rivers in the US. The rollback of the Clean Water Act means there will be a growth of toxic pollution including waste and raw sewage, rendering rivers unclean and unsafe Pictured: Little Pee Dee River, South Carolina

The Farmington River (pictured) runs in Connecticut and Massachusetts and is の中で the 最高の,を越す 10 危うくするd rivers in the US. The rollback of the Clean Water 行為/法令/行動する means there will be a growth of 有毒な 汚染 含むing waste and raw 汚水, (判決などを)下すing rivers unclean and 危険な Pictured: Little Pee Dee River, South Carolina

A study published by the Rivers are Life coalition in December found that of the 7,000 people surveyed, 86 percent reported the polluted waterways are negatively affecting human health. Pictured: Little Pee Dee River in South Carolina

A 熟考する/考慮する published by the Rivers are Life 連合 in December 設立する that of the 7,000 people 調査するd, 86 パーセント 報告(する)/憶測d the 汚染するd 水路s are negatively 影響する/感情ing human health. Pictured: Little Pee Dee River in South Carolina

有毒な 汚染 含むing waste and raw 汚水 are 汚染するing the river's 水路s and carrying it 石油精製 to 影響する/感情 people on both 味方するs of the US 国境.?

'The Tijuana River has 衝撃d the lives of countless community members from Mexico, the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs, and Indigenous Peoples for 10年間s,' said Courtney Baltiyskyy of YMCA of San Diego 郡.?

READ MORE:?North Carolina and Iowa drinking water is worst for 'forever 化学製品s' after 産業の waste was 捨てるd into rivers for DECADES

Tap water is 特に 有毒な in the areas 供給(する)d by the Cape 恐れる River in North Carolina partly because of the DuPont 工場/植物 in Fayetteville and its spin-off, Chemours?


'It is not just the river that is 危うくするd,' she said, 'but also cultures, 暮らしs, family homes, and the unique 身元 of the 地域.'

The Big Sunflower and Yazoo Rivers in Mississippi are home to more than 450 種類 of birds, fish and 野性生物 but is 脅すd by the Yazoo Backwater Pumps.

The pumps is also called the 'Zombie 事業/計画(する)' which is draining and 損失ing 200,000 acres of waterfowl habitat - an area that is larger than all five boroughs of New York City.

The 事業/計画(する) was 権限を与えるd in 1941 to 支配(する)/統制する flooding, but instead has inadvertently drained the wetlands that serve as a major 途中滞在 habitat in the US for 移住する birds, 含むing waterfowl.

When its turned on, the Yazoo Backwater Pumps moves up to six million gallons of water per minute from one 味方する of a flood-支配(する)/統制する structure to the other 味方する.

一方/合間, 団体/死体s of water like the Santa Cruz River was 追加するd to the 危うくするd 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) because of the 危険 of water scarcity.

This river was once a 砂漠 oasis that 乾燥した,日照りのd up and was 汚染するd for 10年間s and has only started to come 支援する to life in 最近の years, but 気候 change and water scarcity are 脅すing that 進歩, によれば American Rivers.?

The rollbacks to the Clean Water 行為/法令/行動する will 妨げる any 前進 the river has made to 補充する itself, the 協会 警告するd and has called on the Biden 行政 and 地元の 国会議員s to pass 立法機関 that will 再提出する 保護s to 水路s.

A 熟考する/考慮する published by the Rivers are Life 連合 in December 設立する that of the 7,000 people 調査するd, 86 パーセント 報告(する)/憶測d the 汚染するd 水路s are negatively 影響する/感情ing human health.

'I believe that 演説(する)/住所ing the 汚染 of 水路s starts wit h 認識/意識性 and education, and encouraging people to collectively take 活動/戦闘,' Chris Keefer, the co-創立者 of Rivers are Life told Forbes.

'Our hope is that in learning about just how important rivers are to our communities globally, we can all take 活動/戦闘 to 保護する these 決定的な 水路s and 認める them as the lifeblood of our 惑星,' said Keefer.