- MailOnline …に出席するs the first tasting 開会/開廷/会期 by Netherlands company Meatable??
- Its lab-grown pork sausages are made from a 選び出す/独身 独房 見本 from a living pig?
It may seem like a 概念 from freaky sci-fi novels 描写するing a dystopian 未来.?
But lab-grown food really 存在するs ? and 政府s around the world are 徐々に? 認可するing it for public 消費.?
One of the 主要な developers is Meatable, which has hosted tastings of its first ever 製品, a 'cultivated' pork sausage.?
The Dutch 会社/堅い can turn a pig 独房 into a banger in just four days?? 60 times faster than 後部ing a pig for pork on a 伝統的な farm.?
MailOnline travelled to the company's HQ in Leiden to see lab-grown sausages 存在 made in its labs, and see how the final 製品 compares with the real 取引,協定.?
Dutch company Meatable has hosted the first tasting event for its lab-grown or 'cultivated' pork sausage - its first ever 製品?
MailOnline's Jonathan Chadwick travelled to the company's HQ in Leiden to see lab-grown sausages 存在 made in its labs, and see how the final 製品 compares with the real 取引,協定
Meatable CEO Krijn de Nood wants lab-grown meat to 申し込む/申し出 an 代案/選択肢 to meat from 虐殺(する)d cattle, rather than 取って代わる it 完全に, to?削減(する) 温室 gases and help save the 惑星.?
'It's literally in our デオキシリボ核酸 to eat meat so I don't see that changing,' he told MailOnline at the company's offices.?
'However there's more and more downsides to how meat is 存在 produced.
'70 billion animals are 存在 虐殺(する)d every year for our food and I think 科学(工学)技術 can play a big 役割.'?
Meatable's lab-grown sausage is a 小型の-bratwurst 含む/封じ込めるing 28 per cent cultivated meat, 連合させるd with typical filler 成分s ? flour, wheat protein, flavorings and?water, which helps it sizzle in the pan.?
For a taste comparison, Meatable 現在のd me with a vegan sausage with all the 成分s of the pork 見解/翻訳/版 apart from the lab-grown pork.?
As someone who eats 工場/植物-based 'meat' やめる often, this vegan 見解/翻訳/版 tasted very familiar ? starch y and spongey with not too much flavour.?
But as soon as I chomped 負かす/撃墜する on the lab-grown 見解/翻訳/版 I could 即時に tell a 抱擁する difference.?
There's was a 独特の piggy flavour ? smokey with a touch of farmyard, but with no 化学製品 強い味 of 研究室/実験室 as I'd 恐れるd.?
Pictured, 見本s of the vegan sausage (最高の,を越す left) and the lab-grown sausage (底(に届く)), along with the lab-grown sausage in a brioche bun
Although the texture was a little more fibrous than the bratwurst sausages I'm used to, Meatable's lab-grown 申し込む/申し出ing felt like a natural, normal eating experience
Although the texture was more fibrous than bratwurst I'm used to, Meatable's 申し込む/申し出ing felt like a natural, normal eating experience ? and I don't think foodies or 最高の,を越す chefs could tell there was no 虐殺(する)d pig 伴う/関わるd.?
I would happily serve up 十分な-sized 見解/翻訳/版s with onions and a bun at a family BBQ, or guzzle one 負かす/撃墜する on a 雨の evening outside a football stadium.
I realised quickly that what's 革命の about this sausage is not how it tastes but 簡単に the tale of how it (機の)カム into 存在.?
As?Krijn, the 創立者 of Meatable, told MailOnline: 'It's just a sausage'.?
'It's 簡単に a nice sausage that tastes 井戸/弁護士席 that I would put next to my stew or on a hot dog bun,' he said.?
'But there was no barn, no stable, no livestock 輸送(する) or no abattoir 伴う/関わるd in the making of this sausage.'?
This first iteration of Meatable's 製品 only has lab-grown pork fat ? not muscle ? because pork fat is where most of the flavour comes from.?
However, the final 製品 will hopefully have both lab-grown fat and lab-grown muscle, Krijn 追加するd.?
Lab-grown or 'cultivated' meat is 一般に seen as more 倫理的な than real meat because it 要求するs a 見本 of 団体/死体 tissue rather than the death of the animal
Cooking the sausage: It even sizzles in a pan, which is a result of moisture within the fat tissue evaporating in the hot oil?
Meatable's kitchen where the lab-grown sausage was cooked. From the growing of the 独房s to the cooking of the banger, the whole 過程 happens on-場所/位置 at the 会社/堅い's moderately-sized HQ
Meatable also gives me a 小旅行する around its 最高の,を越す secret 研究室/実験室, which 占領するs a 選び出す/独身 床に打ち倒す, opposite its offices and kitchen at?加える Ultra Leiden, a new building at the city's?Bio Science Park.??
There's 厳密に no photography 許すd in 事例/患者 secrets are 明らかにする/漏らすd to 競争相手s, but it looks like your 普通の/平均(する) lab, filled with bioreactors, liquid 窒素 戦車/タンクs and a few staff in white coats.
One of the coolest bits of 道具 is a 'fermenter' ? a small glass beaker with plastic tubes coming out of it, where you can 現実に see clumps of fat 独房s 渦巻くing around, 一時停止するd in liquid.?
What's impressive is Meatable has only had to take a 選び出す/独身 独房 見本 from one pig until now ? and it doesn't 心配する having to do this again, even when it 規模s up 操作/手術s.?
It's from this frozen '独房 bank' that staff can endlessly grow new 茎・取り除く 独房s that can proliferate and 拡大する quickly.?
These 'pluripotent' 独房s multiply '無期限に/不明確に' and can be turned into muscle and fat, depending on where the 初めの 見本 from the animal was taken from.?
The finished lab-grown pig fat looks like 'a 厚板 of lard', not too different from the fat you'd get running through your slice of pork belly.?
Meatable also gives me a 小旅行する around its 最高の,を越す secret lab, which 占領するs a 床に打ち倒す at Leiden Bio Science Park at the 辛勝する/優位 of the city
Meatable is 認可するd to 持つ/拘留する tastings of its lab-grown sausage in the Netherlands and Singapore and has now hosted tastings in both countries.?
Its 母国 is the first in the EU to 許す tastings, which have been 認可するd by an 独立した・無所属 third-party 委員会 許可/制裁d by the Dutch 政府.
Later this year, Meatable hopes to 開始する,打ち上げる its first 製品s in Singapore, a country that's 特に 利益/興味d in lab-grown meat 予定 to its 欠如(する) of 農業の space to 後部 cattle.?
The 会社/堅い 心配するs 製品s becoming 利用できる in the US next year, while a UK 開始する,打ち上げる could be in the late 2020s, both 未解決の regulatory 是認.
'The UK and Europe are on the 協議事項 but it's difficult to put タイミング to it,' Mr de Nood told MailOnline.?
'That's the ambition ? later this 10年間.'
Meatable also gives me a 小旅行する around its 最高の,を越す secret lab, which 占領するs a 選び出す/独身 床に打ち倒す, opposite its offices and kitchen at 加える Ultra Leiden, a new building at the city's Bio Science Park
Pictured, Krijn de Nood, co-創立者 and CEO of Meatable (left) with Daan Luining, co-創立者 and CTO (権利) and?Rui-Paulo Cunha, food science and 使用/適用 経営者/支配人 (centre)
Although Meatable (人命などを)奪う,主張するs to be the fastest at turning 独房s into the finished 製品, there are a handful of players growing animal in the lab too.?
An Australian company called 公約する has created lab-grown quail, which has been 認可するd for sale in Singapore に引き続いて tastings in アイスランド in?February.?
And last year the US Department of 農業 認可するd the sale of chicken breast made from 独房s?by?California 会社/堅い Upside Meats.?
一方/合間,?scientists in?Newcastle are also growing pork fillets in a lab with a 見解(をとる) to commercialise them, although UK 是認 of lab-grown meat is yet to come.