Cloud seeding is used around the WORLD - not just in Dubai: How countries 含むing the US, 中国, Switzerland and Australia have 器具/実施するd the 天候 modification technique - and why it's 議論の的になる

As Dubai experiences its worst floods on 記録,記録的な/記録する, many have been shocked to discover that the country has been working to 支配(する)/統制する the 天候 for 10年間s.?

Since the 早期に 1990s, the UAE has used a technique called cloud seeding to 誘発する/引き起こす rain to 落ちる where there might さもなければ be 非,不,無.

Although it is 平易な to make the 関係 between this 議論の的になる technique and the sudden flooding, 専門家s say the two are ありそうもない to be 関係のある.

In fact, Dubai is far from the only place in the world where cloud seeding is used with countries 含むing the US, フラン, and Australia using the method 広範囲にわたって.

However, the technique is not without its 可能性のある 危険s - and 専門家s 警告する that cloud seeding could produce '壊滅的な 衝撃s'.?

Cloud seeding injects chemicals into clouds to trigger rainfall. In the UAE it is believed to increase rainfall between 15 and 25 per cent annually

Cloud seeding 注入するs 化学製品s into clouds to 誘発する/引き起こす 降雨. In the UAE it is believed to 増加する 降雨 between 15 and 25 per cent 毎年?

How does cloud seeding work?

1.?測候所s 位置/汚点/見つけ出す 約束ing clouds

Not every cloud is suitable so 測候所s look for 'convective clouds'.

2.?計画(する)s equipped with specialised ゆらめくs are 開始する,打ち上げるd

The UAE 持続するs a (n)艦隊/(a)素早い of seeding 計画(する)s that can be 開始する,打ち上げるd whenever the 条件s are 権利.

3.?Salt is 解放(する)d into the cloud

操縦するs 燃やす geostrophic ゆらめくs to 解放(する) salt or silver iodide.

4.?Water condenses around the salt

Supercooled water uses the salt as a 核 to 凍結する or condense into larger droplets.

5.?Water 落ちるs as rain

When the droplets become big enough they 落ちる to the ground just like natural rain.

6.?増加するd 年次の 降雨

It is believed that this 増加するs 年次の 降雨 between 15-25 per cent.?


What is cloud seeding??

As futuristic as cloud seeding may sound, the technique was 現実に developed more than 80 years ago.?

研究員s working for General Electric were 行為/行うing 実験s on how clouds formed in the lab when they discovered an unusual 影響.

Even when water vapour becomes supercooled?to between 14°F (-10°C) and 23°F (-5°C) it won't やむを得ず form ice 水晶s.?

But when 研究員s 追加するd a 罰金 砕く of silver iodide - a 化学製品 used in photography - they were amazed to find that the water 即時に froze.

The 推論する/理由 is that water vapour can't form 水晶s on its own - it needs something to form a '核' to form around.

In natural clouds these 'cloud condensation nuclei' might be 供給するd by bacteria or tiny dust 粒子s, but scientists had now 設立する a way to create them artificially.?

Cloud seeding 作品 by 適用するing this technique to natural clouds.

Silver iodide or (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する salt is 注入するd into the clouds, 原因(となる)ing the water vapour to 速く form ice 水晶s.??

As the ice 水晶s grow they 結局 become so large that they 落ちる out of the cloud as snow or rain depending on the 天候.?

Johan Jaques, 上級の 気象学者 at KISTERS, told MailOnline: 'Cloud seeding is a technique which 目的(とする)s to encourage precipitation (rain/snow) in a 確かな area by introducing 化学製品s such as silver iodide or ナトリウム 粒子s into clouds.

'These 粒子s 供給する 付加 nuclei, 主要な to 増加するd and 加速するd 形式 of precipitation.'

This is either done by 解放(する)ing 化学製品s from the ground, 注入するing them 直接/まっすぐに from 計画(する)s, or 狙撃 them into the clouds using ミサイルs or 爆撃するs.??

Salt or silver iodide from hygroscopic flares provides a nucleus for ice crystals to form. These then become too heavy and fall as rain or snow

Salt or silver iodide from hygroscopic ゆらめくs 供給するs a 核 for ice 水晶s to form. These then become too 激しい and 落ちる as rain or snow?

Specialised planes carry salt flares into promising clouds to trigger water vapour to condense into ice crystals

Specialised 計画(する)s carry salt ゆらめくs into 約束ing clouds to 誘発する/引き起こす water vapour to condense into ice 水晶s?

Where has cloud seeding been used??

Cloud seeding has been used in around 50 different countries.

Famously, the UAE has run a sophisticated cloud seeding programme since the 1990s, 飛行機で行くing an 概算の 1,000 hours of seeding 使節団s per year.

But the practice is not 限られた/立憲的な to the 極端に 乾燥した,日照りの UAE.

The US, for example, has a very long history of cloud seeding 使節団s beginning in 1947 with 操作/手術 Cirrus.

During this 使節団, the US 軍の 捨てるd nearly 200lbs (90kg) of 乾燥した,日照りの ice into a ハリケーン off the coast of Florida.

Although there is no proof the 使節団 had any 影響, some 脅すd 訴訟s against the 明言する/公表する after the ハリケーン 突然に changed paths.

The UAE, which has just experienced devastating floods (pictured), has been using cloud seeding to increase rainfall since the 1990s

The UAE, which has just experienced 破滅的な floods (pictured), has been using cloud seeding to 増加する 降雨 since the 1990s?

研究 continued throughout the 1960s with 事業/計画(する) Skywater which 目的(とする)d to 上げる water 資源s in Western 明言する/公表するs.

Although 連邦の 基金ing 乾燥した,日照りのd up during the 1980s, cloud seeding is once again having a resurgence.

In 2018,?Wyoming, Utah and Colorado entered into a cost-株ing 協定 to 基金 cloud seeding 使節団s.

明言する/公表するs in the Colorado River Bais 支払う/賃金 around $1.5 million (£1.2 million) each year to 上げる 降雨 in an 協定 which 延長するs until 2026.

In Australia, 実験s with cloud seeding began in 1947 and have continued 権利 up to the 現在の day.?

In 2006, the Queensland 政府 投資するd $AU7.6 million (£3.92m) in a 事業/計画(する) to 評価する the 有効性 of cloud seeding over the 明言する/公表する.?

At the time?首相 Peter Beattie said: 'Cloud seeding is ありそうもない to be a useful 道具 Statewide but it could help 増加する 降雨 in 明確な/細部 地域s.'?

Today, the company 雪の降る,雪の多い Hydro 限られた/立憲的な uses the method to 上げる 降雪 over an 814-square-mile (2,110 square km) 地域 of the 雪の降る,雪の多い Mountains.??

This map shows the target area of Snowy Hydro Limited's cloud seeding efforts in the Snowy Mountains of Australia

This 地図/計画する shows the 的 area of 雪の降る,雪の多い Hydro 限られた/立憲的な's cloud seeding 成果/努力s in the 雪の降る,雪の多い Mountains of Australia?

However, it is 中国 which is the most prolific 支持する of the 天候 modification 科学(工学)技術.?

For years, the 天候 Modification Office has used cloud seeding to end 干ばつs, fight forest 解雇する/砲火/射撃s, and 避ける rain during 軍の parades.?

によれば 明言する/公表する-run paper, The People's Daily, 中国 開始する,打ち上げるd?241 flights and 15,000 ロケット/急騰する 開始する,打ち上げるs between June and November 2022 alone.?

報道によれば, this led to '8.56 billion metric トンs of 付加 降雨' in the Yangtze River 水盤/入り江.

Most 顕著に, 中国 ひどく used cloud seeding to 確実にする that rain would not 乱す the 2008 Olympic games in Beijing.??

In China, rockets containing seeding material are widely used to fight drought, combat forest fires, and even stop rain happening during military parades

In 中国, ロケット/急騰するs 含む/封じ込めるing seeding 構成要素 are 広範囲にわたって used to fight 干ばつ, 戦闘 for est 解雇する/砲火/射撃s, and even stop rain happening during 軍の parades?

In a 企て,努力,提案 to 取り組む the 現在進行中の 干ばつ in the western U.S., a team of scientists are seeding clouds over mountains to try and make it snow more often

The technique is not just used to 上げる rain - in countries like Spain, フラン, and Germany, it is おもに used to 妨げる あられ/賞賛する.

In フラン, l’協会 国家の d’Etude et de Lutte contre les Fl?aux (協会 to 抑える Atmospheric 疫病/悩ますs) has operated since 1951.

This organisation uses a 網状組織 of 650 発生させる人(物)s operated by volunteer 農業者s to 誘発する/引き起こす precipitation before bigger hailstones can form.

If left 不変の, these hailstones can grow to the size of ゴルフ balls and are believed to be 責任がある ?0.5bn in 刈る 損失.?

Other countries like Malaysia have even 実験d with cloud seeding as a method of (疑いを)晴らすing 霧 or smog around airports and major cities.??

Why is this 議論の的になる?

While many 同意しない with the practice of cloud seeding, most do not do so out of 関心 over sudden flooding.??

Between Monday morning and the end of Tuesday Dubai?received more than 5.9 インチs of rain.

An 普通の/平均(する) year sees 3.73 インチs of 降雨 at Dubai International Airport, meaning the country received a year and a half of rain in 24 hours.

However, Dr Friederike Otto, a 主要な 専門家 in 天候 attribution from 皇室の College London, told MailOnline that cloud seeding is not to 非難する.

Dr Otto says: 'C loud seeding cannot produce that 肉親,親類d of rain. You need a cloud that is の近くに to forming rain anyway that you can then "tip over the 辛勝する/優位" into rain.

Some have attributed Dubai's flooding (pictured) to cloud seeding, however, the experts say this is very unlikely to have had a significant effect

Some have せいにするd Dubai's flooding (pictured) to cloud seeding, however, the 専門家s say this is very ありそうもない to have had a 重要な 影響?

'You are only 修正するing an 存在するing cloud - again, you cannot turn a small cumulus cloud into a 非常に高い 雷雨 just through cloud seeding'.

The bigger 関心, Dr Otto says, is that cloud seeding is used as a 交替/補充 for 効果的な 活動/戦闘 on 気候 change which is the real 推論する/理由 rain is becoming more extreme.

She 追加するd: 'Cloud seeding is another obvious & plain 戦略 to 避ける the public 需要・要求するing a stop to 燃やすing 化石 燃料s.

'If humans continue to 燃やす oil, gas and coal, the 気候 will continue to warm, 降雨 will continue to get heavier, and people will continue to lose their lives in floods.'

However, others 強調する/ストレス that cloud seeding itself might 提起する/ポーズをとる 危険s since little is known about its 影響s.?

Some experts warn that cloud seeding could lead to regional conflicts as nations 'steal' rain from other areas

Some 専門家s 警告する that cloud seeding could lead to 地域の 衝突s as nations 'steal' rain from other areas?

Mr Jaques said: 'We have little 支配(する)/統制する over the 影響 of cloud seeding ? so little idea where 正確に/まさに it is going to be raining.'

He explains that this could lead to 強い雨 in some 地域s while others are left in 干ばつ.?

最終的に this could lead to 増大するing 地域の 衝突s as nations 告発する/非難する others of 'stealing' their rain.??

Mr Jacques 追加するd: '干渉,妨害 with the 天候 raises all 肉親,親類d of 倫理的な questions, as changing the 天候 in one country could lead to 壊滅的な 衝撃s in another, after all, the 天候 does not recognise intentional 国境s.

'If we're not careful, unrestrained use of this 科学(工学)技術 could 結局最後にはーなる 原因(となる)ing 外交の 不安定s with 隣人ing countries engaging in tit-for-tat "天候 wars".'