Scientists clone TWO 危うくするd animals using frozen 遺伝子s from 1988: 過程 could save OTHER 種類 from 絶滅

A 種類 on the 瀬戸際 of 絶滅 has a 約束ing 未来 after scientists cloned an animal that has been frozen in time since the 1980s.

Scientists at the US Fish and 野性生物 Service 首尾よく cloned two 黒人/ボイコット-footed ferrets that they hope to 産む/飼育する when they reach 十分な 成熟 later this year.

The ferrets - 指名するd Antonia and Noreen - could be the much-needed 解答 to the 種類' 生き残り that has dwindled?to just 300 in the wild.

The cloning 過程 is 類似の to the one used on Dolly the Sheep in 1996, 要求するd scientists to 注入する the デオキシリボ核酸 独房s from a 寄贈者 animal into an egg 独房.?

Antonia and Noreen were the second and third 黒人/ボイコット-footed ferrets to be cloned last May after Elizabeth Ann in 2021.

Scientists at the US Fish and Wildlife Service successfully cloned two back-footed ferrets that they hope to breed when they reach full maturity later this year. Pictured: Noreen

Scientists at the US Fish and 野性生物 Service 首尾よく cloned two 支援する-footed ferrets that they hope to 産む/飼育する when they reach 十分な 成熟 later this year. Pictured: Noreen

Noreen and Antonia were bred from the tissue samples collected from another member of the species that was frozen in 1988. Pictured: Antonia

Noreen and Antonia were bred from the tissue 見本s collected from another member of the 種類 that was frozen in 1988. Pictured: Antonia

Noreen and Antonia were bred from frozen tissue 見本s collected in 1988 from a 黒人/ボイコット-footed ferret 指名するd Willa that was 蓄える/店d at San Diego's Zoo 野性生物 同盟's Frozen Zoo.

Scientists cloned the animals by taking one of Willa's 独房s and 注入するing it into an egg from a domesticated ferret.?

The 過程 is called somatic 独房 cloning which 除去するs デオキシリボ核酸 tissue from a 寄贈者 独房 and 取って代わるs the デオキシリボ核酸 that already 存在するs in an egg 独房.

From there, scientists implant the altered egg 独房 into a surrogate of the same 種類, and when it is born, it is genetically 同一の to the 寄贈者 デオキシリボ核酸 it (機の)カム from.

Willa didn't have any living 子孫s, so scientists hoped that by 氷点の some of her 独房s, they could 再生する the 全住民 in the 未来.

The FWS hasn't 発表するd 計画(する)s to clone more 黒人/ボイコット-footed ferrets, 説 only that they're 焦点(を合わせる)ing on making sure Antonia and Noreen are healthy as scientists try to 産む/飼育する from them but they don't ーするつもりである to clone other 危うくするd animals yet.

Scientists saved the 見本s because they 含む/封じ込めるd three times more unique genetic variations than the 現在の 全住民, making them ideal for cloning.?

When it comes to cloning, genetic variety is important because it helps the 種類 adapt and 生き残る in the wild, making them 逆の to 病気 突発/発生s and 未来 環境の changes.

Elizabeth Ann (pictured) was the first successful cloned black-footed ferret in 2021

Elizabeth Ann (pictured) was the first successful cloned 黒人/ボイコット-footed ferret in 2021

Scientists attempted to breed from Elizabeth Ann, but due to a reproductive organ issue, her only litter wasn't viable

Scientists 試みる/企てるd to 産む/飼育する from Elizabeth Ann, but 予定 to a reproductive 組織/臓器 問題/発行する, her only litter wasn't viable

Researchers will keep Elizabeth Ann (pictured), No
reen and Antonia in captivity so they can better understand what the long-term effects are of the cloning process

研究員s will keep Elizabeth Ann (pictured), Noreen and Antonia in 捕らわれた so they can better understand what the long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 影響s are of the cloning 過程

Inbreeding, which occurs in small animal 全住民s such as the 黒人/ボイコット-footed ferret, could 減ずる the 種類' ability to 再生する and 生き残る in the wild.

'With only seven genetic 創立者s, the genetic 多様制 of the 黒人/ボイコット-footed ferret has been a 関心 in the 捕虜 産む/飼育するing program,' the FWS said.

READ MORE: 黒人/ボイコット-footed ferret called Elizabeth Ann becomes the first 危うくするd 種類 native to the U.S. to be CLONED?

?Elizabeth Ann, 黒人/ボイコット-footed ferret clone, 調査するs her surroundings at the 国家の 黒人/ボイコット-Footed Ferret 自然保護 中心 in Carr, Colorado. Born December 10, she is the first successful clone of an 危うくするd 種類 in the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs


'Small 全住民 size and low genetic 多様制 are problematic,' said Dr. Marty Kardos, a geneticist at NOAA's Northwest 漁業s Science 中心.?

'These 条件s make 全住民s more 攻撃を受けやすい to 絶滅,' he 追加するd.

The 種類' 全住民 拒絶する/低下する was so 劇の that they were thought to be extinct in the 早期に 1970s but were rediscovered 10 years later when a dog brought a dead 黒人/ボイコット-footed ferret home, 誘発するing the 発見 of seven left in the wilderness.?

Today, all 存在するing 黒人/ボイコット-footed ferrets are 関係のある to the seven 創立者s which were discovered in Meeteetse, Wyoming in 1981.

The two ferrets follow in the footsteps of Elizabeth Ann - the first successful clone from Willa's デオキシリボ核酸 in 2021 - and although 研究員s hoped to 産む/飼育する from her, all 試みる/企てるs had failed.?

Elizabeth 苦しむd from a reproductive 組織/臓器 問題/発行する that wasn't 原因(となる)d by her 存在 cloned, but scientists now have high hopes for Antonia and Noreen's 産む/飼育するing.

The FWS 確認するd the two baby ferrets are 'healthy and continue to reach 推定する/予想するd developmental and behavioral milestones.'

The 機関 追加するd that it '見解(をとる)s this new 可能性のある 道具 as one of many 戦略s to 援助(する) 種類 回復 と一緒に 成果/努力s to 演説(する)/住所 habitat challenges and other 障壁s to 回復.'

によれば Barbara Durrant, the director of reproductive sciences at the Frozen Zoo, an 概算の one million 種類 are on the brink of 絶滅, and this could only be 訂正するd by 科学の 発見s like cloning Elizabeth, Noreen and Antonia.?

'If we disappeared, a lot of things would grow 支援する. But some 全住民s are so small, or don't even 存在する except here, that they would not be able to regenerate without us,' Durrant told CBS News.

The cloned ferrets will remain at the 国家の 黒人/ボイコット-footed Ferret 自然保護 中心 in Colorado and won't be 解放(する)d into the wild so scientists can continue to 査定する/(税金などを)課す their 開発s.

The first-born weighed 7.4 pounds and 'is healthy,' according to a video from the state-owned news channel China Central Television, but there has been no mention of the second goat

The first-born 重さを計るd 7.4 続けざまに猛撃するs and 'is healthy,' によれば a ビデオ from the 明言する/公表する-owned news channel 中国 Central Television, but there has been no について言及する of the second goat?

The healthy rhesus monkey (pictured) has survived for more than two years, unlike a prior attempt to clone the species

The healthy rhesus monkey (pictured) has 生き残るd for more than two years, unlike a 事前の 試みる/企てる to clone the 種類?

Professor Ian Wilmut, the scientist who led 
the team that cloned Dolly, with her at the Roslin Institute

Professor Ian Wilmut, the scientist who led the team that cloned Dolly, with her at the Roslin 学校/設ける

In 最近の years, scientists have cloned other animals 含むing the rhesus monkey 指名するd Retro who was born in July 2020 - making it 'the first live and healthy cloned rhesus monkey.'

It 'is a big step 今後 that has turned impossible to possible,'?Falong Lu, an?捜査官/調査官 at the 明言する/公表する 重要な 研究室/実験室 of Molecular Developmental Biology told CNN.

Last month, 中国 became the first country to 首尾よく clone Tibetan goats using the same 過程 scientists used to clone Dolly the Sheep in 1996.

The goats were cloned from males in an 試みる/企てる to '回復する and 保存する' their genetics from the 種類' 'excellent individuals.'?


Black-footed ferret populations 
have severely dwindled in the last century, as illustrated above

黒人/ボイコット-footed ferret 全住民s have 厳しく dwindled in the last century, as illustrated above

によれば the US 地質学の 調査する , 黒人/ボイコット-footed ferrets once 栄えるd across 中央の-continent North America, from southern Canada to northern Mexico.

Over the last century, their numbers have dwindled, 原因(となる)ing them to be 推定するd extinct on more than one occasion.

Their last known 範囲 has now been 限られた/立憲的な to a small 地域 in Wyoming.

Conservationists have worked hard to 再提出する these 全住民s into the wild, spanning the US, Mexico, and Canada, but the 突発/発生s of sylvatic 疫病/悩ます 脅す their 生き残り.

This flea-borne 疫病/悩ます has wiped out more than 95 パーセント of the prairie dog 全住民, which ferrets rely on for food and for 避難所 in their burrows.

Black-footed ferrets once thrived across mid-continent North America, from southern Canada to northern Mexico

黒人/ボイコット-footed ferrets once 栄えるd across 中央の-continent North America, from southern Canada to northern Mexico