Elon Musk 確認するs Tesla Cybertruck 配達/演説/出産s have been 延期するd 予定 to 潜在的に 致命的な fault: 'We are just 存在 very 用心深い'

Elon Musk?has finally 定評のある that Cybertruck 配達/演説/出産s have been paused 予定 to 器具/備品 問題/発行するs - days after 顧客s received 出荷/船積み 取り消しs.

The pause followed 報告(する)/憶測s of the accelerator pedal becoming stuck after its cover slipped off, sending 乗り物s to 最高の,を越す 速度(を上げる)s in a 事柄 of seconds.

The 億万長者 made a 声明 on X, commenting on a 地位,任命する about the 事柄: 'There were no 傷害s or 事故s because of this. We are just 存在 very 用心深い.'

However, Musk had not 明らかにするd when Cybertruck 配達/演説/出産s will 再開する - many 顧客s have been told 'two weeks at best' or nothing at all.?

Tesla CEO Elon Musk confirmed a Cybertruck delivery pause, but owner reports seem to contradict his claim that there have been no accidents because of the accelerator problem.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk 確認するd a Cybertruck 配達/演説/出産 pause, but owner 報告(する)/憶測s seem to 否定する his (人命などを)奪う,主張する that there have been no 事故s because of the accelerator problem.

Hundreds of Cybertrucks have been spotted stacking up at the Tesla Gigafactory in Texas as customers wait for their deliveries

Hundreds of Cybertrucks have been spotted stacking up at the Tesla Gigafactory in Texas as 顧客s wait for their 配達/演説/出産s

One of the more dangerous problems identified by Cybertruck owners and commentators is the accelerator pedal cover, which can slip off and stick the pedal down

One of the more dangerous problems identified by Cybertruck owners and commentators is the accelerator pedal cover, which can slip off and stick the pedal 負かす/撃墜する

While Musk (人命などを)奪う,主張するd there were no 事故s 予定 to the 問題/発行する, a Cybertruck owner 報告(する)/憶測d they 衝突,墜落d into a 政治家 中央の-corner?on April 4 when the 乗り物 辞退するd to slow 負かす/撃墜する.

主要な up to?Musk's acknowledgment, the Cybertruck Owners Club online message boards have been 十分な of people complaining that they have no idea when their EVs will arrive, 同様に as 推測するing about the 推論する/理由s.

READ MORE: 顧客s discover dangerous design 欠陥 in Tesla's $80,000 Cybertruck?

It?could lead to 乗客s' fingers 存在 chopped off - and it's been 指名するd the 'guillotine 影響.'

The $80,000 トラックで運ぶ - which has been 疫病/悩ますd by 製造業の 問題/発行するs - does not feature anti-pinch sensors like Tesla's own Model X and 競争相手 electric トラックで運ぶs like Ford's F-150 雷.?


Musk 地位,任命するd his 声明 as a reply to a 地位,任命する from Whole 火星 Catalog that incorrectly (人命などを)奪う,主張するd 'Cybertruck 配達/演説/出産s 再開するing,' 特記する/引用するing as 証拠 the fact that a 顧客 had been 割り当てるd a 乗り物 身元確認,身分証明 number (VIN).

Receiving a VIN for a Cybertruck is one 行う/開催する/段階 in the 購入(する) and 配達/演説/出産 過程, but plenty of 顧客s who have received VINs are still waiting to take 配達/演説/出産 of their 延期するd 乗り物s.?

These (民事の)告訴s are happening at the same time that 買い手s and Tesla insiders have raised alarms about build problems like 団体/死体 パネル盤 rust, 同様に as other safety 問題/発行するs, 含むing steering lockups, and doors that could slice fingers off.

DailyMail.com has reached out to Tesla for comment.?

The company's 現在の problems go beyond the Cybertruck, as Tesla 発表するd this week that it 計画(する)s to lay off more than 10 パーセント of its 全世界の staff?- about 14,000 労働者s.?

On Wednesday evening, a Cybertruck Owners Club member 地位,任命するd that they had gone to a Tesla dealership in Southern California to get some (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) on where their トラックで運ぶ was.?

'It did leave Texas but is now sitting in some 一時的な 貯蔵 施設 is San Diego during this 配達/演説/出産 延期する,' wrote the 顧客, who goes by Pstryker on the 会議.

'The guy who helped me was very helpful and showed me all the info he could see,' Pstryker wrote. 'One bit of info he 株d from what he had been told was the 配達/演説/出産 延期する is 現在/一般に 予定するd to run until April 23.'

Other 会議 members 地位,任命するd about 配達/演説/出産 延期するs, too, some 表明するing 失望/欲求不満 at the company's 欠如(する) of communication with its 顧客s.?

'I don’t understand why Tesla has to keep every little thing a secret. Why 招待する so much unnecessary 憶測?' wrote a 会議 使用者 who goes by AnthonyJ.

The impatient 顧客 追加するd that the 地元の dealership didn't even know there was a 配達/演説/出産 延期する until he brought it up to them.

The company's current problems go beyond the Cybertruck, as Tesla announced this week that it plans to lay off more than 10 percent of its global staff - about 
14,000 workers

The company's 現在の problems go beyond the Cybertruck, as Tesla 発表するd this week that it 計画(する)s to lay off more than 10 パーセント of its 全世界の staff - about 14,000 労働者s

This warning screen came up on one Cybertruck owner's display after the vehicle's steering locked up.

This 警告 審査する (機の)カム up on one Cybertruck owner's 陳列する,発揮する after the 乗り物's steering locked up.

A Tesla Cybertruck is displayed at the SAE WCX conference in Detroit, Michigan, today. Tesla is planning to lay off more than 10 percent of its employees as the company continues to see a decrease in sales, which 
began earlier this year.

A Tesla Cybertruck is 陳列する,発揮するd at the SAE WCX 会議/協議会 in Detroit, Michigan, today. Tesla is planning to lay off more than 10 パーセント of its 従業員s as the company continues to see a 減少(する) in sales, which began earlier this year.

He was then told that a two-week 延期する is a 'best 事例/患者' シナリオ.

'I’m spending $100k and I deserve to know why my トラックで運ぶ is 延期するd, and when to 準備する for it,' he wrote.?

In 2024, some Tesla customers have received text messages from the company (above) saying it is cancelling their Cybertruck 'delivery appointment' due to an 'unexpected delay' as the firm waits for Cybertruck replacement parts to come in.

In 2024, some Tesla 顧客s have received text messages from the company (above) 説 it is cancelling their Cybertruck '配達/演説/出産 任命' 予定 to an '予期しない 延期する' as the 会社/堅い waits for Cybertruck 交替/補充 parts to come in.

立ち往生させるd 生産/産物 could be to 非難する, as new 国民 drone (映画の)フィート数 明らかにする/漏らすd hundreds of unfinished Cybertrucks sitting outdoors at the company's Giga Factory outside of Austin, Texas.

And impatient Cybertruck owners have also received indirect 確定/確認 that some 製造業の or parts 問題/発行する is to 非難する.?

While there has been no 公式の/役人 告示 from Tesla, several 顧客s have 地位,任命するd text messages they have received from the company cancelling their Cybertruck '配達/演説/出産 任命' 予定 to an unexplained and '予期しない 延期する' regarding 準備 of their 乗り物.

Tesla 特記する/引用するd an 明示していない parts 問題/発行する, によれば these texts to 顧客s, which could relate to Cybertruck's accelerator pedal covers.

Approximately 600 Cybertrucks were shown in citizen drone footage, outside 
the company's factory in Texas. Production seems stalled by parts issues.

だいたい 600 Cybertrucks were shown in 国民 drone (映画の)フィート数, outside the company's factory in Texas. 生産/産物 seems 立ち往生させるd by parts 問題/発行するs.

A broken down Cybertruck gets loaded onto a flatbed towtruck. Because the vehicle can't be shifted into neutral when it's lost power, it has to be winched up.

A broken 負かす/撃墜する Cybertruck gets 負担d の上に a flatbed towtruck. Because the 乗り物 can't be 転換d into 中立の when it's lost 力/強力にする, it has to be winched up.

'It appears they need at least until April 20th to 訂正する the 問題/発行する, but it could be 潜在的に longer than that,' a Tesla 代表者/国会議員 texted one 顧客, Max Pyko of Birmingham, Alabama.

'Tesla is working on getting 改善するd parts to all 影響する/感情d 場所s asap,' the company's text message continued.

Cybertruck Owners Club member DarickHemphill posted this screenshot on Monday, April 15.

Cybertruck Owners Club member DarickHemphill 地位,任命するd this screenshot on Monday, April 15.

In the new 地位,任命する, Pstryker 明示するd that they had already paid Tesla in 十分な, and 活動させる/戦時編成するd an 自動推進の 保険 政策.?

'The 配達/演説/出産 window (機の)カム and went, 無 communication from them, not even a text, so I went to the dealership to ask,' the 失望させるd 顧客 wrote.

'They had no problem 受託するing my wire,' wrote another 使用者 who goes by Cyber_P, who also (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have paid Tesla for a Cybertruck that has not arrived.

'And now I'm just 完全に in the dark while they make 利益/興味 on my 100k,' they 追加するd.

On Monday, another Cybertruck Owners Club member who (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have already paid for his undelivered 乗り物 地位,任命するd a screenshot of a message with a Tesla rep.

'Any word on 改訂するd 配達/演説/出産 date?' 使用者 DarickHemphill messages Tesla on Sunday. After receiving no reply, he messaged the next say to say, 'I know you are slammed. Any word?'

His 配達/演説/出産 was 報道によれば supposed to happen on Saturday, April 13, at 2:30pm.?

On Friday at 6:00pm, he received a call from Tesla 説 that his 配達/演説/出産 was 取り消すd because of?'a problem with the accelerator.'

The Tesla rep replied, 'We do not have a (疑いを)晴らす direction just yet but 配達/演説/出産 will not be until after April 20th. We will 供給する updates as soon as possible!'

In each 事例/患者 where eager 顧客s got a reply from Tesla, they were only told the soonest their 乗り物 would be 配達するd. Never were they told when their Cybertrucks would be 配達するd by.

Like other 顧客s, DarickHemphill (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have already paid over $100,000 for the undelivered トラックで運ぶ.?

'I was so excited to finally get my cyber トラックで運ぶ,' he wrote. 'Now just broken hearted.'