航空宇宙局 警告するs 中国 is 行為/行うing 軍の programs in space under the guise of 非軍事の 探検

航空宇宙局?has 警告するd that 中国 could be 準備するing for a lunar 引き継ぎ/買収 in the coming years, using its 非軍事の space program as guise for 軍の 操作/手術s.

法案 Nelson, 航空宇宙局 行政官/管理者, 恐れるs the Asian nation's '驚くべき/特命の/臨時の strides' in the last 10年間 are more than just for science, but to?発揮する dominance over the moon.

中国 has 開始する,打ち上げるd a (手先の)技術 to the moon and brought 見本s 支援する to Earth, has its own space 駅/配置する circling the 惑星 and is 注目する,もくろむing 2030 for when it will send humans to the natural 衛星.

While 航空宇宙局 is 始める,決める to land humans on the lunar South 政治家 in 2026, Nelson has raised 関心s that 中国 has the 能力s to (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 them there.??

a launched its Shenzhou-16 flight (pictured) in May of last year, carrying a civilian astronaut on board the six-month mission

中国 開始する,打ち上げるd its Shenzhou-16 flight (pictured) in May of last year, carrying a 非軍事の 宇宙飛行士 on board the six-month 使節団

China plans to land humans on the moon in 2030 and wants to establish a lunar presence within the next five years

中国 計画(する)s to land humans on the moon in 2030 and wants to 設立する a lunar presence within the next five years

'中国 has made 驚くべき/特命の/臨時の strides, 特に in the last 10 years, but they are very, very 隠しだてする,' Nelson told members of the House (資金の)充当/歳出s 委員会 at a 2024 予算 審理,公聴会.?

'We believe that a lot of their, いわゆる 非軍事の space programs is a 軍の program,' Nelson continued. 'And I think, in 影響, we are in a race.'

Nelson made the 声明s to a 委員会 this week as support for why 航空宇宙局 needs a $25.4 billion 予算 for 2025.

The country 計画(する)s to 設立する a 上陸 base on the moon's surface within the next five years, making it all the more necessary for the US to ramp up its 成果/努力s and 投資s to send 宇宙飛行士s to space.?

'Their 最新の date that they have said that they're going to land is 2030, but that keeps moving up,' Nelson said.?

'Their science is good, their 工学 is good, and the proof's in the pudding, they now have a space 駅/配置する up there,' Nelson 追加するd.?

He 公式文書,認めるd that much of his 関心 茎・取り除くs from?the Chinese space programs' の近くに-knit 関係 to the People's 解放 Army - a 軍の 支店 of the 共産主義者 Party.?

'My 関心 would be if 中国 got there first and suddenly said: 'Okay, this is our 領土, you stay out,''' Nelson said.?

China was forced to build its own space station (pictured) after it was barred from the international space station in 2011 over US concerns that Beijing's space programs were linked to is People's Liberation Army - a branch of t
he Communist Party

中国 was 軍隊d to build its own space 駅/配置する (pictured) after it was 閉めだした from the international space 駅/配置する in 2011 over US 関心s that Beijing's space programs were linked to is People's 解放 Army - a 支店 of the 共産主義者 Party

READ MORE:?中国 開始する,打ち上げるs 最高の,を越す-secret 軍の 計画(する) into 軌道 just one day after US' 延期するd mystery 開始する,打ち上げる

中国 首尾よく 開始する,打ち上げるd its 最高の,を越す secret, 無人の 宇宙船 in December, which the US Space 軍隊 長,指導者 said was 'no coincidence.'


Nelson compared the race with 中国 to that of the Soviet Union in 1958 as both countries competed to land the first man on the moon - but the US is still the only nation to have put boots on the lunar surface.

'中国 has made 積極的な 投資s in both 深い space 探検 and low earth 軌道,' Nelson said, 追加するing that '基金ing is 批判的な to making sure the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs remains the international leader in space.'

Nelson argued that if anyone 疑問s his 警告, they should look at Beijing's 関与 in the Spratly Islands in the South 中国 Sea which is (人命などを)奪う,主張するd by Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia the Philippines and 中国.

The Spratly Islands are 高度に coveted for their rich natural 資源s and plentiful fishing areas, but 中国 has continuously tried to 発揮する dominance over other countries, (人命などを)奪う,主張するing it owns the lion's 株 of the 領土.

Nelson (人命などを)奪う,主張するd 中国 will try to pull a 類似の stunt in space and while they could try to 支配(する)/統制する the moon, the US would use the 上陸 for practicality 目的s.

The US will use its 上陸 to 予報する floods and 干ばつs, look at 森林伐採 or trees that are susceptible to 解雇する/砲火/射撃 and 通知する 公式の/役人s to を回避する wildfires, によれば Nelson.

'And so I think it's 現職の on us to get there first and to 利用する our 研究 成果/努力s for 平和的な 目的s,' he 追加するd.