Your next Frappuccino could come in a new cup as Starbucks is 始める,決める to rollout redesign in US this month

  • Starbucks is 始める,決める to give its 冷淡な (水以外の)飲料 cups a makeover?
  • The redesign will 開始する,打ち上げる in the US and Canada this month, with others to follow?
  • READ MORE:?Starbucks is giving away 解放する/自由な reusable cups?

Starbucks 発表するd Thursday it is redesigning plastic cups used for iced drinks.

The coffee 巨大(な) is 始める,決める to roll out 使い捨てできる cups in next month 戦闘 the more than 35 million 続けざまに猛撃するs of plastic its 顧客s discard when finished with their iced (水以外の)飲料s.

The 改造する will see up to 20 パーセント いっそう少なく plastic in the new cups that will first be 利用できる in the US and Canada this month, followed by?thousands of 蓄える/店s in Europe, the Middle East and Africa by next year.

The move comes as the company's?Frappuccinos and other 冷淡な drinks account for 75 パーセント of its US (水以外の)飲料 sales - meaning more of its (疑いを)晴らす cups are making their way to landfills.

The coffee giant is set to roll out disposable cups in next month combat the more than 35 million pounds of plastic its customers discard when finished with their iced beverages

The coffee 巨大(な) is 始める,決める to roll out 使い捨てできる cups in next month 戦闘 the more than 35 million 続けざまに猛撃するs of plastic its 顧客s discard when finished with their iced (水以外の)飲料s

Amelia Landers, Starbucks' 副/悪徳行為 大統領,/社長 of 製品 革新, said the Seattle-based company spent the last four years developing the new コンテナs.?

'Engineers 実験(する)d thousands of iterations to see how much plastic they could 除去する while still making the cup feel sturdy.'

'We feel like it´s 産業-主要な,' Landers said. 'It´s the best 表現 of a 冷淡な plastic cup.'

The Seattle-based company recently 報告(する)/憶測d that about six billion 使い捨てできる cups and 襲う,襲って強奪するs 世界的な each year - most of which 結局最後にはーなる in landfills or 投げ上げる/ボディチェックするd into the 環境.

Both hot and 冷淡な (水以外の)飲料 cups 含む Bisphenol A (BPA), a 化学製品 that can leach into food and (水以外の)飲料s and 潜在的に 原因(となる) health problems.

The paper cups are lined with a plastic that makes them impossible to 再生利用する.?

However, the 現在の plastic cups are made 大部分は of?polypropylene (PP), which is a type of polymer?is the most versatile and easiest to 再生利用する.

However, 製品s made of PP take around 20 to 30 years to 完全に 分解する.

Starbucks has not 株d what other 構成要素s will be used in place of plastic.

The new 冷淡な cups feature raised dots 近づく the 底(に届く), so baristas - 含むing those with impaired 見通し - can quickly feel with the swipe of a thumb which s ize cup the are 持つ/拘留するing.?

And the 12-ounce cup - that's the 'tall' size in Starbucks lingo - is shorter and wider to 融通する the same-size lid as larger cups.?

The move comes as the company's Frappuccinos and other cold drinks account for 75 percent of its US beverage sales - meaning more of its clear cups are making their way to landfills

The move comes as the company's Frappuccinos and other 冷淡な drinks account for 75 パーセント of its US (水以外の)飲料 sales - meaning more of its (疑いを)晴らす cups are making their way to landfills

The redesign will also 許す for the same lid used for the?tall, grande and venti cups, which may 許す for いっそう少なく plastic lids to be 製造(する)d.

Landers said the new cups are part of a 支えるd sustainability 押し進める at Starbucks, which had introduced strawless lids in 2019.

The company also 計画(する)s to roll out a reusable cup program at thousands of 蓄える/店s in Europe, the Middle East and Africa by next year.?

Under the program, 顧客s will 支払う/賃金 a small deposit when they buy a hot or 冷淡な drink in a 特に designed cup that can be used up to 30 times.?

READ MORE: Dieticians 明らかにする/漏らす the 7 healthiest Starbucks drinks

登録(する)d dietitian Marissa Meshulam and 登録(する)d dietitian nutritionist Kristen Carli have sorted through the menu for you - choosing seven drinks they think are the healthiest.?


They will get the deposit 支援する when they return the cup to a 蓄える/店.

Starbucks also has 実験(する)d US reusable cup programs in California, Arizona and Colorado.

'Every market has their own challenges, their own 必要物/必要条件s and 顧客 行為. Some are more prime for reusables, some are いっそう少なく prime for reusables,' Landers said.?

'There is no one silver 弾丸 to a 維持できる cup.'

Longer 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語, Starbucks has said it wants all of its 一括ing to be reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2030.?

The 減ずるd-plastic cup making its debut is a small step toward that goal: even though the cup is recyclable, it still was designed for one-time use, Landers said.

The Plastic 汚染 連合, an advocacy group that 捜し出すs to end 全世界の plastic waste, said Starbucks' 削減 in plastic is a 肯定的な step. But it would like to see the company その上の 減ずる (水以外の)飲料 prices for 顧客s who bring in their own cups.

'Starbucks and other food and (水以外の)飲料 retailers need to 転換 away from 選び出す/独身-use and instead 速く prioritize plastic-解放する/自由な 再使用する in stainless steel, glass, or ceramic cups for both 顧客s who stay in and take out,' the group said in a 声明.

Landers said the company would continue to 調査する ways to make 選び出す/独身-use cups more 維持できる.

'I think we will never take our foot off the gas, 評価するing new ways and new methods and new 科学(工学)技術s to go その上の,' she said. 'We´re not done.'