More バーレル/樽s of 有毒な waste are 設立する buried in New York '癌 hotspot' - and 地元のs (人命などを)奪う,主張する 化学製品s 捨てるd by Northrop Grumman have been 毒(薬)ing them since the 1950s

Another (製品,工事材料の)一回分 of 化学製品 派手に宣伝するs filled with liquid toxins has been 明らかにするd in a New York 近隣 - just two weeks after six were 初めは 設立する in the area.

公式の/役人s 調査/捜査するing the 初期の find 暴露するd up to five more 55-gallon 派手に宣伝するs 含む/封じ込めるing waste 石油 and chlorinated solvents that have been lying beneath the Town of Oyster Bay in Long Island for 10年間s.?

The 派手に宣伝するs were buried by Northrop Grumman when it operated an 航空宇宙学 施設 in the town from the 1950s to 1990s, and used what is now Bethpage Community Park as its ダンピング ground.

居住(者)s have long raised 関心s about a mysterious rise in over the years and (人命などを)奪う,主張する the discarded toxins are to 非難する - 公式の/役人s??恐れる the waste may have 漏れるd into the 国/地域 and is on the way to public drinking 供給(する).

Another batch of chemical drums filled with liquid toxins has been unearthed in a New York neighborhood - jus
t two weeks after six were originally found in the area

Another (製品,工事材料の)一回分 of 化学製品 派手に宣伝するs filled with liquid toxins has been 明らかにするd in a New York 近隣 - just two weeks after six were 初めは 設立する in the area

The 派手に宣伝するs were buried by North Grumman when it operated an 航空宇宙学 施設 in the town from the 1950s to 1990s, and used what is now Bethpage Community Park as its ダンピング ground. And the town (人命などを)奪う,主張するs there has been a rise in 癌 率s?

Town of Oyster Bay 監督者 Joseph Saladino told NBC New York: 'These 化学製品s are very dangerous. They don't belong in this park.

'When Grumman left Long Island they took 20,000 職業s with them but they left their sins behind in this graveyard of 汚染.'???

The town is home to more than 17,200 people who have been fearful about the 影響s of the Grumman 航空宇宙学 waste, 特に a four-mile-long 発ガン性の plume flowing 地下組織の.

居住(者)s have also 設立する 有毒な 構内/化合物s?in their attacks and the 国/地域 - and a family of three living の近くに to the park were all stricken with 癌.

The 最新の (製品,工事材料の)一回分 of 派手に宣伝するs was 暴露するd on Tuesday by teams pulling the other バーレル/樽s from the ground.

A 巨大(な) crane at the 場所/位置 was seen pulling each one out of a 炭坑,オーケストラ席, which were encased in 固める/コンクリート.

Bethpage homeowner and 癌 患者 Pamela Carlucci told CBS News: 'I'm not the only one. This is an area with a lot of 癌 and a lot of heartache.'?

She continued to explain that she new of up to 18 people who have died from or have 癌.

Bethpage homeowner and cancer patient Pamela Carlucci told CBS News : 'I'm not the only one. This is an area with a lot of cancer and a lot of heartache.' She continued to explain that she new of up to 18 people who have died from or have cancer

Bethpage homeowner and 癌 患者 Pamela Carlucci told CBS News : 'I'm not the only one. This is an area with a lot of 癌 and a lot of heartache.' She continued to explain that she new of up to 18 people who have died from or have 癌

The barrels were uncovered about six feet in the ground and encased in concrete

The バーレル/樽s were 暴露するd about six feet in the ground and encased in 固める/コンクリート?

The drums were buried by Northrop Grumman when it operated an aerospace facility in the town from the 1950s to 1990s. Officials fear the waste may have leaked into the 
soil and is on the way to public drinking supply

The 派手に宣伝するs were buried by Northrop Grumman when it operated an 航空宇宙学 施設 in the town from the 1950s to 1990s. 公式の/役人s 恐れる the waste may have 漏れるd into the 国/地域 and is on the way to public drinking 供給(する)

The latest batch of drums was uncovered on Tuesday by teams pulling the other barrels from the ground

The 最新の (製品,工事材料の)一回分 of 派手に宣伝するs was 暴露するd on Tuesday by teams pulling the other バーレル/樽s from the ground

While many 居住(者)s have 類似の stories, no 公式の/役人 link between 癌 診断するs and Grumman's 有毒な waste ダンピング has been 設立する.?

So 関心d were 地元のs about health 問題/発行するs that the 明言する/公表する health department 行為/行うd a st udy into 癌 診断するs in the town in 2013.

The three-year 研究員 設立する no higher 全体にわたる 癌 率s in a 20-封鎖する area surrounding the former?Grumman 所有物/資産/財産.

But 公式の/役人s 公式文書,認めるd that there were 科学の 制限s that made it nearly impossible to link 居住の 癌 clusters and 汚染.

What the 熟考する/考慮する did 暴露する was that within a one-封鎖する area, all those 診断するd with 癌 were younger than 推定する/予想するd.

The newly discovered 派手に宣伝するs are 始める,決める to be 実験(する)d to 決定する what is inside and 確実にする 化学製品s have not 漏れるd into the ground.

Grumman is also said to be putting its own team together to find other 派手に宣伝するs that could be hiding the 18 acres of the park - as 公式の/役人s are still reeling from those 設立する earlier this month.

Oyster Bay Town 監督者 Joseph Saladino told 地元の ABC 7: 'The 発見 of the 派手に宣伝するs in these 棺-like 丸天井s is その上の proof that Grumman created an 環境の graveyard of contaminants 権利 here in this park.'

Bethpage Community Park was の近くにd around 20 years ago over 国/地域 汚染 関心s, but the 場所/位置 is nestled の中で homes and community 中心s.

Construction workers unearthed six 55-gallon chemical drums earlier this month, which were filled with liquid that could 'eventually hit a public water supply well'

Construction 労働者s 明らかにするd six 55-gallon 化学製品 派手に宣伝するs earlier this month, which were filled with liquid that could '結局 攻撃する,衝突する a public water 供給(する) 井戸/弁護士席'

Officals are outraged by the discovery and fear there could be more toxic-filled drums buried through the town

Officals are 乱暴/暴力を加えるd by the 発見 and 恐れる there could be more 有毒な-filled 派手に宣伝するs buried through the town

Residents have also found toxic compounds in their attacks and the soil (pictured) - and a family of three living close to the park were all stricken with cancer

居住(者)s have also 設立する 有毒な 構内/化合物s in their attacks and the 国/地域 (pictured) - and a family of three living の近くに to the park were all stricken with 癌

'One of the 55-gallon 派手に宣伝するs' that had been discovered and 実験(する)d,' Saladino said, 'can 点火(する) at 80 degrees [Fahrenheit].

'At 80 degrees, and yet the Department of 環境の 自然保護 has 許すd them to heat the 国/地域 to 210 degrees!'

The first six 派手に宣伝するs were discovered by a construction team that was 演習ing a sentinel 塀で囲む and 実験(する) 井戸/弁護士席.

'Their 演習 went through the 固める/コンクリート, and 穴をあけるd one of the 派手に宣伝するs,' Saladino said earlier this month, while 公式文書,認めるing the 派手に宣伝するs were buried seven feet below ground.

Three members of the Cornett family were diagnosed with cancer at the time. Christopher (pictured), 40, was diagnosed with stage 3 testicular cancer in 2016

Three members of the Cornett family were 診断するd with 癌 at the time. Christopher (pictured), 40, was 診断するd with 行う/開催する/段階 3 testicular 癌 in 2016

However, whistleblowers said years ago that Grumman had buried 有毒な 化学製品s under the town.?

Saladino is now 需要・要求するing Grumman 支払う/賃金 for a 十分な 国/地域 穴掘り in the park after his 居住(者)s had already spent $20 million to clean up the park's ice skating rink.

The 声明s even 誘発するd a 返答 from then-New York 知事 Andrew Cuomo in 2016, who 発表するd the 明言する/公表する is 基金ing groundwater 汚染 実験(する)ing and 建設するing clean-up 計画(する)s if necessary on Long Island.

While Cuomo's 調査 (機の)カム up 十分な説得力のない, three members of the Cornett family were 診断するd with 癌 at the time.

Christopher, 40, was 診断するd with 行う/開催する/段階 3 testicular 癌 in 2016.

But six months 事前の, his mother was 診断するd with 腎臓 癌 and a year before his dad with prostate 癌.

The family 告訴するd Grunmman for no いっそう少なく than $100 million in 2018 - but no その上の 開発s have since been 株d.

Then last year, 居住(者)s of Bethpage 保持するd a 訴訟 with the 意図 to 告訴する the company after finding their attics were teeming with 有毒な 構内/化合物s.

The 見本s were taken in March and May and showed 証拠 of hexavalent chrom ium in the dust.

Hexavalent chromium is a byproduct of 産業の 過程s and has been linked to different 癌s.?

Stephanie Ciambra Ball found toxic compounds in her attic. She is also a breast cancer survivor and is concerned the toxins led to the disease

Stephanie Ciambra Ball 設立する 有毒な 構内/化合物s in her attic. She is also a breast 癌 生存者 and is 関心d the toxins led to the 病気?

Bethpage Community Park was closed around 20 years ago over soil contamination concerns, but the site is nestled among homes and community centers

Bethpage Commun ity Park was の近くにd around 20 years ago over 国/地域 汚染 関心s, but the 場所/位置 is nestled の中で homes and community 中心s

Northrop Grumman operated on a 600-acre part of the small Long Island town from about 1954 until 1994. During this time, the company designed, tested and fabricated prototype aircraft for the US Navy and NASA

Northrop Grumman operated on a 600-acre part of the small Long Island town from about 1954 until 1994. During this time, the company designed, 実験(する)d and 捏造する,製作するd 原型 航空機 for the US 海軍 and 航空宇宙局

READ MORE:?(日)経済企画庁(米)環境保全庁 finds more than 70MILLION Americans are living in homes with tap water that is laced with 'forever 化学製品s'?

These microscopic, man-made 化学製品s, also known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl 実体s (PFAS), can take thousands of years to break 負かす/撃墜する in the 環境 or in the human 団体/死体, hence the 指名する 'forever 化学製品s.'?


Stephanie Ciambra Ball's childhood home in Bethpage 実験(する)d 肯定的な, によれば ABC 7.

'You always saw smoke,' Ciambra Ball 解任するd growing up 近づく the factory. 'We didn't think about it. You always heard the turbines going.'

Ball is also a breast 癌 生存者 and believes the 病気 may have been a result of the toxins in the 空気/公表する.

And in 2014, 国/地域 見本s were taken from Bethpage that reveled?さまざまな 化学製品s 近づく homes that sit の近くに to the Bethpage Community Park

Northrop Grumman operated on a 600-acre part of the small Long Island town from about 1954 until 1994.

During this time, the company designed, 実験(する)d and 捏造する,製作するd 原型 航空機 for the US 海軍 and 航空宇宙局.

The 施設 produced 爆撃機s flowing during the Vietnam War and parts of the Apollo lunar 宇宙船 that took the first men to the moon.

Such 操作/手術s also 含むd 有毒な 化学製品s, which 結局 seeped into the ground and created the 発ガン性の plume that was discovered in 1986.

In 2022, Northrop Grumman and New York 明言する/公表する 公式の/役人s finished a $104 million 取引,協定 to clean up the plume.

明言する/公表する 司法長官 Letitia James said: 'For 10年間s, Northrop Grumman knew its 危険な waste 処分 場所/位置s 漏れるd 有毒な 実体s into the only source of drinking water on Long Island, but for 10年間s, Northrop Grumman 否定するd 責任/義務.

'Long Islanders have paid the price for the company's 怠慢,過失 but today, we're finally forcin g Grumman to 演説(する)/住所 its 環境の 乱用 by 支払う/賃金ing the municipalities and the 明言する/公表する that had to clean up its mess.'