Plastic 産業 is heating up Earth's atmosphere TWICE as 急速な/放蕩な as the 全世界の 航空機による 産業, 熟考する/考慮する (人命などを)奪う,主張するs

The 航空機による 産業 is 悪名高い for ダンピング thousands of トンs of 温室 gases into Earth's? atmosphere each year, but a new 熟考する/考慮する finds the plastics 産業 is 多重の times worse.

Scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley 国家の 研究室/実験室 暴露するd the plastic 産業 解放(する)s 同等(の) of 2.5 billion トンs of 炭酸ガス into the atmosphere each year - compared to the 航空機による 産業's 1 billion トンs.?

Most of the news about plastic 関心s garbage, which ends up in the oceans?and even the human 団体/死体, but plastic creates astounding 量s of atmosphere-warming gases long before it's ever even used, the scientists 設立する

全世界の plastic 生産/産物 - which runs on oil and uses 石油 byproducts to make the synthetic 構成要素 - 汚染するs the atmosphere as much as 600 coal powerplants - this is three times as many as 存在する across the entire US.

Plastic production, which uses petroleum products, is a leading source of greenhouse gases generated in the US.

Plastic 生産/産物, which uses 石油 製品s, is a 主要な source of 温室 gases 生成するd in the US.?

Plastic creates pollution at both the beginning of its life, when the factories that make it produce greenhouse gases, and at the end of its life, when it litters the natural world and leeches into humans' bodies.

Plastic creates 汚染 at both the beginning of its life, when the factories that make it produce 温室 gases, and at the end of its life, when it litters the natural world and leeches into humans' 団体/死体s.

READ MORE:?World's plastic 汚染 脅し is a 'planetary 緊急,' によれば the 環境の 調査 機関

A 全世界の 条約 will be needed to fight the 危機, the damning 報告(する)/憶測 警告するd.


