Jeff Bezos-支援するd carmaker Rivian 計画(する)s second 一連の会議、交渉/完成する of layoffs this year - days after Elon Musk 削減(する) 14,000 Tesla 従業員s

EV-製造者 Rivian is planning a second 一連の会議、交渉/完成する of layoffs for the year まっただ中に a 減少(する) in 需要・要求する for electric 乗り物s.

The Jeff Bezos-支援するd company 削減(する) 10 パーセント of its?16,790 従業員s across North America and Europe in February and is now planning to let go another one パーセント.

Bezos has 投資するd?$700 million into the carmaker, making him the largest 株主,?with アマゾン owning a 17 パーセント 火刑/賭ける in the company.

The 最新の 一連の会議、交渉/完成する of layoffs follows Tesla owner Elon Musk's 決定/判定勝ち(する) to 除去する a whopping 14,000 職業s in factories across the country this week.

The Rivian R1T Pickup truck (pictured) has undergone a price cut of $3,100 as global EV sales drop and companies scramble to introduce co
st-cutting measures

The Rivian R1T 好転 トラックで運ぶ (pictured) has undergone a price 削減(する) of $3,100 as 全世界の EV sales 減少(する) and companies 緊急発進する to introduce cost-cutting 対策

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos invested $7 billion in Rivian in 2019 to receive a fleet of 100,000 EV delivery vans by the end of the decade

アマゾン 創立者 Jeff Bezos 投資するd $7 billion in Rivian in 2019 to receive a (n)艦隊/(a)素早い of 100,000 EV 配達/演説/出産 先頭s by the end of the 10年間

にもかかわらず Rvian's sales 二塁打ing in 2023, it is 報道によれば 直面するing the same downfalls as other companies after electric 乗り物 熱中している人s already bought their cars, meaning いっそう少なく enthused car 買い手s aren't joining the throng to give up their gas-guzzling 代案/選択肢.

After Rivian's 職業 削減(する)s, its 株 dropped from 3.4 パーセント on Wednesday to just one パーセント by the end of the に引き続いて day.

'This was a difficult 決定/判定勝ち(する), but a necessary one to support our goal to be 甚だしい/12ダース 利ざや 肯定的な by the end of the year,' Rivian told 商売/仕事 Insider.?

Rivian laid off six パーセント of its workerforce to 減ずる costs in February 2023 and laid off 20 殴打/砲列 独房 開発 労働者s in December of the same year.

The company has taken steps to 減ずる costs by building some of its car parts in-house and re-交渉するing its 供給(する) 契約s.?

This comes as Rivian 削除するd the prices for its all-electric R1T 好転 and R1S SUV by $3,100 each in 返答 to an 現在進行中の 傾向 of other companies dropping their EV prices.

Data showed that the company 配達するd over 50,000 EVs last year in total.

Last month, Rivian also 発表するd it was 停止(させる)ing construction of its $5 billion 製造業の 工場/植物 that was 始める,決める to open in Georgia in 202 6.?

Of the major electric vehicle manufacturers, only BMW saw a jump in sales in the first quarter compared against the same time last year, but the German auto giant's share price still fell

Of the major electric 乗り物 製造業者s, only BMW saw a jump in sales in the first 4半期/4分の1 compared against the same time last year, but the German 自動車 巨大(な)'s 株 price still fell

Tesla has seen a significant drop in sales in the first quarter of this year, selling 20 percent fewer EVs than the previous quarter and eight percent year-over-year

Tesla has seen a 重要な 減少(する) in sales in the first 4半期/4分の1 of this year, selling 20 パーセント より小数の EVs than the previous 4半期/4分の1 and eight パーセント year-over-year

Tesla CEO Elon Musk laid off 10 percent of the company's workforce this week, amounting to 14,000 employees at factories across the US

Tesla CEO Elon Musk laid off 10 パーセント of the company's 全労働人口 this week, 量ing to 14,000 従業員s at factories across the US

READ MORE:?Is the 全世界の EV 泡 bursting? As 全世界の 需要・要求する starts to slow, 株 prices 戦車/タンク and Tesla 削減(する)s 10% of the 全労働人口?

Tesla laid off 'more than 10 パーセント' of its 全世界の 全労働人口 as 需要・要求するs for its electric 乗り物s starts to 滞る in a 高度に 競争の激しい market.


Instead, the company chose to move the 生産/産物 of its more cost-効果的な R2 EV to its 存在するing 工場/植物 in Normal, Illinois, saving it $2.25 billion.

The R2 is a smaller, いっそう少なく expensive SUV that costs $45,000 compared to the R1's price tag of $76,700.

Rivian's cost-cutting 率先s mirror Elon Musk's 決定/判定勝ち(する) to 削減(する) 10 パーセント of Tesla's 全労働人口?特記する/引用するing the company's 早い growth and the duplication of 確かな 職業 機能(する)/行事s as the 推論する/理由 for the layoffs.

'As we 準備する the company for our next 段階 of growth, it is 極端に important to look at every 面 of the company for cost 削減s and 増加するing 生産性,' Musk said in a letter to staff.

Tesla has 直面するd a 減少(する) in sales this year, によれば its 2024 Q1 報告(する)/憶測 that 明らかにする/漏らすd it 配達するd 20 パーセント より小数の EVs compared to the previous 4半期/4分の1 誘発するing its 株 to 落ちる 4.9 パーセント after the 告示.

'Let's call this what it is: While we were 心配するing a bad [first 4半期/4分の1], this was an unmitigated 災害 1Q that is hard to explain away,' Wedbush 安全s 分析家 Dan Ives told The Washington 地位,任命する.?

If Tesla doesn't turn around its 減少(する) in sales, Ives 追加するd: 'Some darker days could 明確に be ahead that could 混乱に陥れる/中断させる the long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 Tesla narrative.' has reached out to Rivian and Tesla for comment.?