Elon Musk's Tesla RECALLS nearly 4,000 Cybertrucks 予定 to 潜在的に 致命的な 欠陥 with the accelerator pedal

Tesla?has 解任するd nearly 4,000 Cybertrucks to 直す/買収する,八百長をする an accelerator pedal fault that could 原因(となる) the EV to 加速する at 最高の,を越す 速度(を上げる).

The US 国家の 主要道路 Traffic Safety 行政 (NHTSA) 発表するd Friday that Elon Musk's company will 取って代わる or 修理 the accelerator pedal 議会 at no 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 and owners will be 通知するd through letters mailed to them in June.

The 解任する comes after a new Tesla owner 株d the design 欠陥 in a ビデオ, showing how the pedal cover can easily slip 今後 and become 宿泊するd in the 内部の, 効果的に locking the car in 十分な acceleration.

However, the NHTSA 報告(する)/憶測 明らかにする/漏らすd the Elon Musk-設立するd company received to 顧客 (民事の)告訴s 事前の to the clip hitting the internet.?

It is the 最新の 開発 in the Cybertruck's tumultuous rollout that has been 疫病/悩ますd with 延期するs.?

BLOW FOR ELON: The Cybertruck's rollout and development has been plagued with issues

BLOW FOR ELON: The Cybertruck's rollout and 開発 has been 疫病/悩ますd with 問題/発行するs

The recall is due to the accelerator pedal pad that could come loose and get lodged in the interior trim, effectively locking the car in full acceleration

The 解任する is 予定 to the accelerator pedal pad that could come loose and get 宿泊するd in the 内部の 削減する, 効果的に locking the car in 十分な acceleration

NHTSA said that 3,878 Cybertrucks were 影響する/感情d by the 解任する.

Many 買い手s had received messages st ating their 配達/演説/出産s had been 取り消すd weeks before Tesla made the call to pull the EVs off the road.

READ MORE: 乱暴/暴力を加える as Tesla starts shipping $3,000 Cybertruck テント that looks nothing like as advertised

New owners have 株d ビデオs and pictures of what appeared to be a tarp 拡張 on the 支援する of their new EV トラックで運ぶ, with some 説 it wasn't any different from a 伝統的な テント and could fit a 最大限 of two people.?


Musk only 定評のある in a comment on an X 地位,任命する from?Whole 火星 Catalog that incorrectly (人命などを)奪う,主張するd 'Cybertruck 配達/演説/出産s 再開するing,' 特記する/引用するing as 証拠 the fact that a 顧客 had been 割り当てるd a 乗り物 身元確認,身分証明 number (VIN).

The 億万長者 明言する/公表するd: 'There were no 傷害s or 事故s because of this. We are just 存在 very 用心深い.'

But it now appears that 配達/演説/出産s have not been 再開するd 予定 to Friday's 解任する.?

'An unapproved change introduced lubricant (soap) to 援助(する) in the 構成要素 議会 of the pad の上に the accelerator pedal. Residual lubricant 減ずるd the retention of the pad to the pedal,' the NHTSA 株d in the 解任する 文書.?

Tesla's?株 fell nearly three パーセント before the bell on Friday, 追加するing to its five-開会/開廷/会期 losing streak during which the 在庫/株 lost about 14 パーセント.

In the first 4半期/4分の1 of 2024 the EV 製造者 had three 解任するs 影響する/感情ing about 2.4 million 乗り物s, によれば a 報告(する)/憶測 by 解任する 管理/経営 会社/堅い BizzyCar.?

NHTSA's 解任する 報告(する)/憶測 明言する/公表するs: 'If the pad on the accelerator pedal becomes 罠にかける in the 内部の 削減する above the pedal, the 業績/成果 and 操作/手術 of the pedal will be 影響する/感情d, which may 増加する the 危険 of a 衝突/不一致.?

'公式文書,認める that 使用/適用 of the ブレーキ pedal will 削減(する) 運動 torque, 含むing when both ブレーキ and accelerator pedals are 圧力(をかける)d, and continued 使用/適用 of the ブレーキ pedal will bring the 乗り物 to a stop as quickly as if the accelerator pedal was not 圧力(をかける)d.'

Cybertrucks have been seen stacking up at Tesla's Texas
 Gigafactory in the past few days after deliveries came to a halt

Cybertrucks have been seen stacking up at Tesla's Texas Gigafactory in the past few days after 配達/演説/出産s (機の)カム to a 停止(させる)

Many buyers had received messages stating their deliveries had been canceled weeks before Tesla made the call to pull the EVs off the road

Many 買い手s had received messages 明言する/公表するing their 配達/演説/出産s had been 取り消すd weeks before Tesla made the call to pull the EVs off the road

The recall comes after a new Tesla owner shared the design flaw in a video , claiming the pedal cover slipped forward and wedged the accelerator under the i
nterior that was held down 100 percent

The 解任する comes after a new Tesla owner 株d the design 欠陥 in a ビデオ , (人命などを)奪う,主張するing the pedal cover slipped 今後 and wedged the accelerator under the 内部の that was held 負かす/撃墜する 100 パーセント

The 報告(する)/憶測d 公式文書,認めるd that Tesla received?notice of a 顧客 (人命などを)奪う,主張する about the pedal cover on March 31 and a second on April 2.

Tesla engineers 行為/行うd reviews and 実験(する)ing 関係のある to the (人命などを)奪う,主張するs and 決定するd on April 12 that a 任意に 解任する would be 発表するd.?

'As of April 15, 2024, Tesla is not aware of any 衝突/不一致s, 傷害s or deaths relating to this 条件,' NHTS 明言する/公表するd.?

All Tesla 蓄える/店s and service 中心s are 推定する/予想するd to be 通知するd about the 解任する on Friday.

However, the 報告(する)/憶測 明言する/公表するs that the planned owner notification date is not until June 18.?

The 解任する has also given an idea of how many Cybertrucks have been 配達するd, as Musk has not be public with the numbers.?