Jawdropping 発見: Remains of extinct human 種類 that died thousands of years ago 設立する in kitchen 床に打ち倒す tiles

  • A Reddit 使用者 設立する a jawbone embedded in a travertine tile in his parents' home
  • 専門家s told DailyMail.com that it likely belonged to an 古代の human ancestor?
  • Travertine 石/投石する quarries in Turkey have been the 場所/位置 of 多重の hominin finds
  • READ MORE: How to leave grimy bathroom tiles impossibly shiny in MINUTES?

A dentist caught a 抱擁する surprise when he visited his parents' house and spotted a familiar bit of anatomy embedded into the 回廊(地帯) of their newly renovated home.

The freshly laid tile appeared to 含む/封じ込める a human jawbone, just inside the threshold that leads out to the terrace, によれば a 地位,任命する on Reddit where he 株d the find.

Reddit is rife with 偽の 地位,任命するs, but 多重の 専門家s 確認するd to DailyMail.com that this really does appear to be a jawbone, and that it probably belonged to either a modern human (Homo sapiens) or, more likely, an extinct hominin like Homo erectus or a Neanderthal.

And if the 化石 belonged to one of these?古代の human ancestors, it is anywhere from 24 thousand to 1.9 million years old.

A Reddit user posted this photo of a jawbone found in his parent's home. It was embedded into a travertine tile. Travertine is a rock that commonly contains fossils.

A Reddit 使用者 地位,任命するd this photo of a jawbone 設立する in his parent's home. It was embedded into a travertine tile. Travertine is a 激しく揺する that 一般的に 含む/封じ込めるs 化石s.

READ MORE:?化石s of world's largest イルカ are discovered in アマゾン

Remains of the world's largest イルカ have been 暴露するd in the Peruvian アマゾン, 明らかにする/漏らすing the 哺乳動物 手段d up to 11 feet long.?

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Redditor Kidipadeli75, who said he is a dentist, 地位,任命するd a photo of the tile in the r/化石s 会議.

The tiles in question are made of travertine, a calcium-rich 石灰岩 that is often 地雷d and 削減(する) for tile.?

'While 化石s are often 設立する in travertine, hominin 化石s are much いっそう少なく ありふれた,' archaeologist Kristina Killgrove told DailyMail.com. 'This one is definitely a hominin's lower jaw bone, 削減(する) transversely somewhere through the middle.'

As can be seen in the photo, the jawbone was 削減(する) at an angle. Some cross sections of teeth remain on one 味方する, while the teeth have been 削減(する) out of the other 味方する, exposing the fossilized inside of the mandible.

'I'm not at all surprised that there are bones embedded into this type of 石/投石する,' Angelique Corthals, associate?professor of 法廷の anthropology at John Jay College of 犯罪の 司法(官), told DailyMail.com.

'It's pretty ありふれた. The uncommon thing is to be that lucky that you find the embedded hominin jaw,' she said.

A ありふれた and 望ましい 構成要素 for tiles, travertine is cheaper than marble, and its veins of calcite 水晶s give it an 利益/興味ing 外見.?

It forms 近づく natural springs, 含むing Mammoth Springs in Yellowstone 国家の Park.

At these springs, many large and small animals live and die. And when they die, their remains 結局最後にはーなる 罠にかける in the sedimentary 激しく揺する until dug up to tile someone's home.

In this 事例/患者 they ended up in the home of Kidipadeli75's parents, who had not no ticed the jawbone until he pointed it out.?

'They chose 'second choice' travertine which means with more 欠陥s than 1st choice so it would be cheaper and いっそう少なく slippery,' Kidipadeli75 wrote.

Many people must have overlooked the jawbone for it to 結局最後にはーなる in the tiles of a newly renovated home, said Corthals.

When 労働者s 削減(する) the 石/投石する at the quarry, and when retailers 削減(する) it up for tiles, nobody tends to 支払う/賃金 attention to 罰金 詳細(に述べる)s, she said. 'The retailers of the 石/投石する are mostly 関心d with the 正直さ and the solidity of the 石/投石する, and really they don't care what's in it.'

In fact, some architects 捜し出す out travertine 石/投石する for tiles because they tend to 含む/封じ込める 化石s - but these mostly tend to be leaves and insects, said Corthals, not hominins.

The fossilized jawbone may have belonged to a member of the ancient human ancestor species Homo erectus, who lived between 1.9 million and 108 thousand years ago.

The fossilized jawbone may have belonged to a member of the 古代の human ancestor 種類 Homo erectus, who lived between 1.9 million and 108 thousand years ago.

Travertine is a common and desirable material for home tiles. It is cheaper than marble, and its veins of calcite crystals give it an interesting appearance.

Travertine is a ありふれた and 望ましい 構成要素 for home tiles. It is cheaper than marble, and its veins of calcite 水晶s give it an 利益/興味ing 外見.