Ask the tech 専門家: My friend's aunt (人命などを)奪う,主張するs she's good with crypto and is encouraging me to 投資する $10,000? - but I'm afraid it's a scam

  • Tech 専門家 Kim Komando gives advice to a man who is 関心d about 落ちるing for a crypto scam
  • Komando also? helps a teen navigate?存在 跡をつけるd by her dad with an AirTag
  • Ask Kim Komando a question?about your tech problems or 関心s

Dear Kim,

A new Facebook friend says she has an aunt who is really good with crypto.?

After a little struggle with 指名するs, I 立証するd they are real people.?

The aunt showed me three 貿易(する)s where I made 15 パーセント with a $500 投資 in 10 minutes while I watched on WhatsApp.?

I have lost no money at this point.?

I 手配中の,お尋ね者 to know your thoughts before I give the aunt $10,000.?

― Jim from Sacramento, California

Dear Kim, A new Facebook friend says she has an aunt who is really good with crypto.?I wanted to know your thoughts before I give the aunt $10,000

Dear Kim, A new Facebook friend says she has an aunt who is really good with crypto.?I 手配中の,お尋ね者 to know your thoughts before I give the aunt $10,000

Dear Jim?

I'm sorry to be the 持参人払いの of bad news, Jim. This is a classic pig butchering scam.?

I know it all feels like things just fell into place ― and that's the point.

How am I so sure? What's happening here is に引き続いて the exact script these 犯罪のs use. I'll 輪郭(を描く) it for you.

冷淡な outreach: It starts with a 無作為の text, friend request, DM or comment.?

いつかs, the person (人命などを)奪う,主張するs it's the wrong number ― or they just liked your profile picture. They're friendly and chatty.?

I don't know about you, but I wouldn't keep talking if I 攻撃する,衝突する the wrong number.

Feeding time: Your new friend slowly builds up your 信用.?

They want to know about your life, maybe send you photos and tell you about what they're in.?

Radio show host Kim Komando offers advice to help people navigate the world of technology

無線で通信する show host Kim Komando 申し込む/申し出s advice to help people navigate the world of 科学(工学)技術

After a while, money comes up. It's usually under the guise of an 投資 適切な時期.?

They did so 井戸/弁護士席 in crypto that they want to 株 it with you, too.

Fattening the pig: This is where money changes 手渡すs ― but only a small 量.?

They'll ask you to 実験(する) with a small 投資. Surprise, your money is growing already!?

The person might send you a ビデオ, photos or even an account to スピードを出す/記録につける in to where you can see how 井戸/弁護士席 your 投資 is going.?

Slowly but surely, they'll 納得させる you to 追加する more and more to the account.

虐殺(する): Now you're 納得させるd and have 投資するd even more. At this 行う/開催する/段階, 犠牲者s can be in for tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.?

Higher 逮捕する-価値(がある) 的s might have millions sitting with the scammer.?

You may realize something is wrong in this 段階 and ask to 除去する your money. By now, it's way too late. Enough 押し進めるing and the scammer disappears ― along with all your money.

It's time to unfriend and 封鎖する your new pal.

Dear Kim,?

I am a 32-year-old woman with an overprotective 選び出す/独身 father. This week, I 設立する out he 内密に 工場/植物d an AirTag on my car.?

I value my freedom and privacy very much. I often go out of my way to erase my social マスコミ presence.?

Dear Kim, I am a 32-year-old woman with an overprotective single father. This week, I found out he secretly planted an AirTag on my car

Dear Kim, I am a 32-year-old woman with an overprotective 選び出す/独身 father. This week, I 設立する out he 内密に 工場/植物d an AirTag on my car

I make sure that only a handful of selected friends can 接触する me and even より小数の know what I'm up to. When I was 警報d that an unknown AirTag (which I すぐに knew where it (機の)カム from) was に引き続いて me, I was furious.

I called my father and confr onted him. He was surprised I 設立する out and 辞退するd to tell me where it was.?

I 結局 設立する the AirTag hidden under my car, glued to a magnet. I honestly just want to disappear and never see him again.?

What do I say to him to make it (疑いを)晴らす this is not 承認する?

Dear reader, I'm afraid you're too old for this.

You're in a 堅い 位置/汚点/見つけ出す ? you love your dad but not his controlling nature. It's 不当な for any father to 非難する a hidden tracker in a grown daughter's car.?

About Kim Komando

国家の 無線で通信する Hall of Famer, Host on 510+ 駅/配置するs, Podcaster & Tech 専門家.

Join over 500,000 people who are in the know with her 解放する/自由な daily newsletter.


You definitely need to talk it out with him.?

Explain that hiding a tracker means he doesn't 信用 you and 尊敬(する)・点 your independence.

He's bound to 強調する/ストレス he only put the tracker on your car because he loves and worries about you.?

After all, he's been the only one who raised you.?

That's 広大な/多数の/重要な, but there are better ways to show it.

Maybe you can call or text him more often to 静める him 負かす/撃墜する.?

Tell him that when you're traveling, you'll 株 an 旅程. Take a self-弁護 class.?

Be sure he knows that you will turn on real-time 跡をつけるing if you're ever in a ride 株.

You'll only 料金d the beast if you enable 場所 株ing on your phone or use an app like Life360. You need to 始める,決める 境界s.

Finally, a few 詳細(に述べる)s about Apple AirTags. The AirTag needs to be within だいたい 33 feet or 10 メーターs of an iPhone or other 装置 for its Bluetooth signal to be (悪事,秘密などを)発見するd.?

You 明白に use an iPhone because it 警報s you when an unknown AirTag is 近づく.

For Android 使用者s, the 過程 is わずかに different. To (悪事,秘密などを)発見する AirTags using an Android 装置, you can download the 'Tracker (悪事,秘密などを)発見する' app from Apple, which is 利用できる on the Google Play 蓄える/店.?

In 事例/患者 you are wondering how long the AirTag 殴打/砲列 lasts, it's about a year.