From the 首脳会議 of 開始する エベレスト to the 深い depths of the Mariana ざん壕, and even our brains, microplastics ― tiny 実体s linked to , infertility and a host of other health 問題/発行するs ― are 設立する everywhere.

A new film, called 'Plastic People,' has 跡をつけるd the 粒子 problem to the 1950s when the plastics 産業 納得させるd the public to abandon their?thrift and frugality in 好意 of 使い捨てできる 製品s more 有益な to their 底(に届く) line.

The 文書の team?無d in on a 1955 LIFE magazine feature with the oddly 陶酔的な 肩書を与える 'Throwaway Living' that celebrated a 'modern lifestyle' of 選び出す/独身-use paper and plastic goods.

The article (機の)カム with a photo spread of a happy family 投げ上げる/ボディチェックするing all their 選び出す/独身-use plates, cups and silverware up into the 空気/公表する like confetti.

The film claims that the microplastic problem began following the Great Depression when the plastics industry mounted a campaign to convince the public to abandon thrift and frugality in favor of a culture of disposable products more beneficial to their bottom line

The film (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that the microplastic problem began に引き続いて the 広大な/多数の/重要な 不景気 when the plastics 産業 機動力のある a (選挙などの)運動をする to 納得させる the public to abandon thrift and frugality in 好意 of a culture of 使い捨てできる 製品s more 有益な to their 底(に届く) line

'The 贈呈 is scandalous, or shocking, you know, to our sensibilities,' co-director Ben Addelman told

'But I 保証(人) you [...] we're using more 選び出す/独身-use plastic than the people in that photo. '

The LIFE article positioned the plastic 革命 as 緩和 the 重荷(を負わせる) on housewives by letting them 投げ上げる/ボディチェックする dishes, cups and utensils in the trash to forgo hours of scrubbing and rinsing.?

By the 1960s, plastic had 取って代わるd other, more 持続する 構成要素s in the home, like 支持を得ようと努めるd, metal and glass.?

Families began 在庫/株ing cupboards with plastic tableware as companies produced them in an array of colors and at affordable prices.?

The societal 転換 also saw people begin to furnish their homes with plastic-finished items like (米)棚上げする/(英)提議するs and couches.?

宣伝s began to fill newspapers and magazines 布告するing plastic as the 構成要素 of the 未来 ― 奇蹟 構内/化合物s that 許すd society to create useful goods of any 形態/調整 with 緩和する.?

In recent years the tiny particles have been found in semen, the heart, breast milk, placentas, kidneys, livers and lungs

In 最近の years the tiny 粒子s have been 設立する in semen, the heart, breast milk, placentas, 腎臓s, 肝臓s and 肺s

Then in the 1970s and 1980s, the world was introduced to 瓶/封じ込めるd water, which was touted as a healthier 解答 to tap water.

Humans have continued 負かす/撃墜する the path of plastics into the 現在の day, producing over 440 million トンs of plastic waste each year, によれば the 国際連合 環境 Programme.

And as that waste sits in landfills, it breaks 負かす/撃墜する into microplastics, which are defined as anything smaller than five ミリメートルs in length.

'The first fact about microplastics is that they're everywhere,' said Addelman.?

'You're breathing them in 権利 now. There's nowhere on Earth you can 避ける them.'

Microplastics enter our 団体/死体s through plastic 一括ing, 確かな food, tap water and now even the 空気/公表する we breathe.

From there, they enter our bloodstream and 原因(となる) untold 害(を与える).?In 最近の years the tiny 粒子s have been 設立する in semen, the heart, breast milk, placentas, 腎臓s, 肝臓s and 肺s.

The 粒子s have been linked to the 開発 of 癌, heart 病気 and dementia, 同様に as fertility problems.

Addelman 公式文書,認めるd that making Plastic People 提起する/ポーズをとるd a unique challenge: how to illustrate a microscopic but 普及(する) problem.

'As far as a film goes, it's a 堅い 支配する,' Addelman said. 'It's an invisible and 肉親,親類d of literally "hard to しっかり掴む" 支配する.'

Dr. Sedat G?ndo?du at Cukurova University in Turkey, whose work studying fisheries led him to the microplastics crisis, showed the filmmakers some of the first-ever evidence (above) of microplastics found inside the human brain, in tissue samples from an excised brain tumor

Dr. Sedat G?ndo?du at Cukurova University in Turkey, whose work 熟考する/考慮するing 漁業s led him to the microplastics 危機, showed the filmmakers some of the first-ever 証拠 (above) of microplast ics 設立する inside the human brain, in tissue 見本s from an excised brain tumor

熟考する/考慮するs have 概算の microplastics (危険などに)さらす cost the US healthcare system $289 billion in 2018 alone, in part because plastics do not decay 支援する into natural 有機の 分子s, instead 保持するing their synthetic 化学製品 make-up as they get smaller.

And worse, thousands of 危険な 化学製品 additives and precursors, 含むing many of the now 悪名高い 癌-原因(となる)ing 'forever 化学製品s,' come embedded in these microplastics as they seep deeper into humans and other living things.

Co-director Ziya 結社,?Addelman and their film team traveled across the world ― from Adana, Turkey to Portland, Texas; from Rome in Italy to Rochester, New York ― interviewing the scientists who 調査/捜査する microplastics and 影をつくる/尾行するing their field work.?

One 研究員, Dr. Sedat G?ndo?du at Cukurova University in Turkey, walked filmmakers across beaches were 罰金 穀物s of microplastics の間の mingle with Mediterranean sand and 農地 where plastics 吸収する into 刈るs as they grow.

Dr. G?ndo?du, whose work as a 海洋 ecologist 熟考する/考慮するing 漁業s got him into 跡をつけるing microplastics, showed 結社 some of the first-ever 証拠 of microplastics 設立する inside the human brain, in tissue 見本s from an excised brain tumor.

The 発見 left Dr. G?ndo?du worried that microplastics might be 有能な of getting passed the 血-brain 障壁: a membrane that ordinarily helps keep any toxins in the 血 from entering or 害(を与える)ing the brain.?

'If plastic can 移転 from 血 to brain, it can 移転 from everywhere to everywhere,' Dr.?G?ndo?du told 結社.?'It's really scary, but it's not surprising.'

While animal 熟考する/考慮するs have 以前 shown that microplastics have been able to migrate into the brains of mice, the 6 見本s 得るd by?Dr. G?ndo?du and his 同僚, neurosurgeon Dr. Emrah ?eltik?i, appear to be the first in a human brain.

The new film, called 'Plastic People,' has revealed the treacherous path of the tiny plastic particles from sand on beaches to inside human organs. Above, plastics pollution near Bolivia's?Tagarete River in 2021

The new film, called 'Plastic People,' has 明らかにする/漏らすd the 背信の path of the tiny plastic 粒子s from sand on beaches to inside human 組織/臓器s. Above, plastics 汚染 近づく Bolivia's?Tagarete River in 2021

Tiny blue pigment from PVC, a form of plastic used often in 麻薬を吸うs, were の中で the most vivid of the microplastics 設立する in these brain 見本s; one fragment was only a little larger than 60 micrometers in length.

結社 told that more tiny foreign 粒子s, 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd microplastics, were 設立する inside these brain 見本s than the scientists could 現実に identify.

'It's one of the things that we don't talk about in the film,' 結社 said.?

'Because of the 欠如(する) of transparency [from the plastics 産業], there's a whole bunch where we don't know what the 化学製品 cocktail 現実に is.'

'So he [Dr. G?ndo?du] was able to find these 粒子s, but he's not able to identify them,' she explained, 'because they're not in the database.'?

This week, the international?Scientists' 連合 for an 効果的な Plastic 条約?will 試みる/企てる to 説得する UN member 明言する/公表するs 会を召集するing in?Ottawa, Canada to 強要する the plastics 産業 into 報告(する)/憶測ing on what they produce for these public databases.

Since the plastics 産業 爆発するd from 戦時 to 集まり 消費者 生産/産物 after World War II, companies have used the pretext of '貿易(する) secrets' to 避ける transparency on the many untested new 化学製品s in their 製品s.

'There's been a lot of 探偵,刑事 work,' as 結社 told

'But it would be a heck of a lot more helpful, if scientists didn't have to spend their days and nights trying to 割れ目 the code of what's 現実に in these plastics.'

The Plastic People film team traveled across the world - from Adana, Turkey to Portland, Texas; from Rome in Italy to Rochester, New York - interviewing scientists who investigate microplastics and shadowing their field work. Above plastic pollution on a beach near Adana

The Plastic People film team traveled across the world - from Adana, Turkey to Portland, Texas; from Rome in Italy to Rochester, New York - interviewing scientists who 調査/捜査する microplastics and 影をつくる/尾行するing their field work. Above plastic 汚染 on a beach 近づく Adana

Plastics become microplastics because they do not decay back into natural organic molecules - instead retaining their synthetic chemical make-up as they get smaller and smaller

Plastics become microplastics because they do not decay 支援する into natural 有機の 分子s - instead 保持するing their synthetic 化学製品 make-up as they get smaller and smaller

結社 and Addelman hope their film and the UN-led 'Plastics 条約' will be able to encourage 消費者s and 産業 to 減ずる their 依存 on 選び出す/独身-use plastics?― which makes up 40 パーセント of 全世界の plastics 生産/産物.

Beyond where microplastics 結局最後にはーなる, their 文書の also 調査/捜査するd where these plastics 起こる/始まる, like the 巨大(な) 石油化学(製品) 精油所s that help turn 天然のまま oil and natural gas into plastic polymers.

The team visited one 産業の sprawl along the 湾 coast of Texas that wreaked havoc on public health and the 地元の fishing economy.?

結社 pointed out that the oil 産業 与える/捧げるs to two of the hardest to visualize, but most serious, 環境の problems 直面するing the world 権利 now.

'The 脅し that we're 直面するing today, with the oil and gas 産業, is that we have these 大規模な 全世界の problems ―?気候 change?and plastic 汚染 ― and they are both invisible,' 結社 said.?

'You can't see what's coming out of the car's tailpipe; you can't see the CO2 [炭酸ガス] 放出/発行s ― in the same way that you cannot see microplastic 汚染,' she said.

Gigantic petrochemical refineries help turn crude oil and natural gas into plastic polymers along the gulf coast of Texas (above) - and some nearly wrecked the local fishing economy

Gigantic 石油化学(製品) 精油所s help turn 天然のまま oil and natural gas into plastic polymers along the 湾 coast of Texas (above) - and some nearly 難破させるd the 地元の fishing economy

'We 手配中の,お尋ね者 to show people what an oil 流出/こぼす looks like inside of the human 団体/死体,' 結社 explained, 'and that's 正確に/まさに what our film is about.'

READ MORE: Microplastics 設立する in the 血 of farm animals 含むing cows and pigs - raising 関心 about their travel up the food chain

Scientists say the 研究, which 伴う/関わるd 12 cows and six pigs and was led by Heather Leslie, of Vrije University in Amsterdam, could have serious 関わりあい/含蓄s for public healt h.?


Starting this Tuesday, the UN's Intergovernmental 交渉するing 委員会 on Plastic 汚染 will 再開する its years-long 交渉s on 規制するing and 限界ing plastics 生産/産物 ― this time at the 首脳会議 in?Ottawa,?Canada.

This week's event 示すs the?fourth 一連の会議、交渉/完成する of 交渉s the UN has undertaken to get the plastics 問題/発行する under 支配(する)/統制する.?

A 連合, 含むing the?European Union and many developing nations, have come to be known as the?'high ambition' nations in these 会談, 押し進めるing for 'binding 準備/条項s' or 政策s with teeth to '抑制する and 減ずる the 消費 and 生産/産物 of 最初の/主要な plastic polymers to 維持できる levels.'?

Other nations 含むing?Saudi Arabia, Russia, 中国, and the?部隊d 明言する/公表するs have proven いっそう少なく 利益/興味d in 義務的な 削減s to plastics 生産/産物, with some critics calling them the 'low ambition' nations.?

認める 対処する, a 上級の 助言者 to the Biden 行政's?環境の 保護 機関 ((日)経済企画庁(米)環境保全庁) 長,指導者 Michael Regan, put it this way to a 最近の?Society of 環境の 新聞記者/雑誌記者s 会議/協議会:?Biden's (日)経済企画庁(米)環境保全庁, 対処する said, wants 'a universally binding 条約 that 減ずるs plastic 汚染' but with?'柔軟性 for individual countries' to 減ずる plastics produc tion at their own 速度(を上げる).

But, for their part, the Scientists' 連合 for an 効果的な Plastic 条約 has 押し進めるd, instead for '必須の-use' 基準 that would prioritize plastics based on their 公共事業(料金)/有用性 in the world: 認めるing more leniency toward?plastics needed for life-saving 医療の 装置s, for example, than red 単独の cups.

'We know that, 基本的に, this is a poisonous 産業,' 結社 told'So it 簡単に cannot continue the way it's going.'?

'My grandparents certainly didn't have this much plastic in their homes ― and everybody did just 罰金,' 結社 said. 'The economy was doing just 罰金.'