Tucker Carlson says UFOs are 操縦するd by 'spiritual (独立の)存在s' with bases 'under the ocean and the ground'

  • Carlson 重さを計るd in with his UFO theories on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast
  • The Fox News vet 明言する/公表するd UFOs 'don't behave によれば the 法律s of science'
  • READ MORE: Inside the 'UFO 教団' led by a 'sex maniac'?who tried to clone babies

UFOs and their 操縦するs might not be 'extra-terrestrials' from a distant 惑星 at all, but 'spiritual (独立の)存在s' who have 住むd Earth for as long as humanity itself.

At least, that's the 'supernatural' theory?Fox News?vet and one-time MSNBC host?Tucker Carlson put 今後 this week on comedian Joe Rogan's podcast

'There's a トン of 証拠 that they're under the ocean and under the ground,' Carlson told Rogan's listeners during the show's usual, sprawling, three-hour-long 雑談(する) 判型, 追加するing: 'They've been here for a long time.'

Carlson's 最新の comments echo an ますます ありふれた?差し控える from UFO-curious 国会議員s, 含むing?Missouri?下院議員 Eric Burlison?and his fellow GOP 立法議員 Tim Burchett, who both compared UFOs to Biblical (独立の)存在s in the past year.

UFOs and their pilots might not be 'extra-terrestrials' from a distant planet at all, but 'spiritual entities' who have inhabited Earth for as long as humanity itself - according to Fox News vet and one-time MSNBC host Tucker Carlson who spoke this week on?The Joe Rogan Experience

UFOs and their 操縦するs might not be 'extra-terrestrials' from a distant 惑星 at all, but 'spiritual (独立の)存在s' who have 住むd Earth for as long as humanity itself - によれば Fox News vet and one-time MSNBC host Tucker Carlson who spoke this week on?The Joe Rogan Experience

Above, Rep. Tim Burchett (left) next to fellow 'UAP Caucus' member?Rep. Eric Burlison during a press conference held by members of the House Oversight committee ahead of a public UFO hearing last July. Both Congressman have compared UFOs to Biblical entities in the past year

Above, Rep. Tim Burchett (left) next to fellow 'UAP (政党の)幹部会,党集会' member?Rep. Eric Burlison during a 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 held by members of the House Oversight 委員会 ahead of a public UFO 審理,公聴会 last July. Both 下院議員 have compared UFOs to Biblical (独立の)存在s in the past year?

'The first 一時期/支部 of Ezekiel is pretty (疑いを)晴らす of a UFO sighting,' Rep. Burchett told reporters in January of 2023, ahead of his 押し進める to bring UFO whistleblowers to 証言する before 議会 last summer.???

'Whenever I use the 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 "angels,"' 追加するd Rep. Burlison, who has been privy to 分類するd 要点説明s on the UFO phenomena, 'to me, it's synonymous with an extradimensional 存在.'

Tucker Carlson appeared to 真面目に cosign these notions on his April 19 podcast 外見, while pleading ignorance on many unanswered questions surrounding the 問題/発行する, now more 一般的に called 身元不明の Anomalous Phenomena or UAP.??

'They're from here and they've been here for thousands of years,' Carlson said, 'whatever they are.'

'And it's pretty (疑いを)晴らす to me that they're "spiritual (独立の)存在s,"' he continued, 'whatever that means.'?

The 退役軍人 放送者 explained that by 'supernatural' he meant that the 存在s were 'above the observable nature' and that they 'don't behave によれば the 法律s of science.'??

'With that fact 始める,決める,' Carlson put it rhetorically, 'what do you 結論する?'

Earlier in 2024, Rogan commented on Carlson's growing public 利益/興味 in UFOs, wondering ahead of Carlson's 外見 on his program: 'What does he know?'???

But 憶測 linking UFOs to 宗教的な visitations and/or theories about interdimensional 存在s have been a recurring feature within the discourse on the topic since the 早期に 20th Century.?

Above the 16th century painting titled 'The Madonna with Saint Giovannino' believed to be the work of?Italian Renaissance artist Domenico Ghirlandaio. Some believe the painting includes a reference to 'ancient' UFOs with a skybound object seen above the Virgin Mary's left shoulder

Above the 16th century 絵 肩書を与えるd 'The Madonna with Saint Giovannino' believed to be the work of?Italian Renaissance artist Domenico Ghirlandaio. Some believe the 絵 含むs a 言及/関連 to '古代の' UFOs with a skybound 反対する seen above the Virgin Mary's left shoulder

, a closer look at the mysterious glowing aerial object depicted in?Ghirlandaio's painting

Above, a closer look at the mysterious glowing 空中の 反対する 描写するd in?Ghirlandaio's 絵

READ MORE: 米国防総省 ordered to re-調査/捜査する 1945 衝突,墜落 of mysterious 'avocado' UFO dubbed 'Roswell before Roswell' - as 専門家 明らかにする/漏らすs 目撃者 accounts of the 遭遇(する)

大統領 Biden 調印するd into 法律 a December 2022 改正 to 調査/捜査する a UFO 事例/患者 from 1945. The 1945 UFO sighting was dubbed the 'Roswell before Roswell' and 伴う/関わるd an 'avocado-形態/調整d' (手先の)技術 that 衝突,墜落d in New Mexico. Jaques Vall?e, a former 請負業者 for the 政府's UFO office, wrote a 調書をとる/予約する about the 事例/患者 and 述べるd the August 1945 衝突,墜落 to DailyMail.com. Vall?e and his co-author interviewed 証言,証人/目撃するs who were just young children at the time of the 衝突,墜落, on the 辛勝する/優位 of the 原子の 爆弾 実験(する)ing 場所/位置 近づく San Antonio, New Mexico - about 100 miles from the 悪名高い Roswell 衝突,墜落 two years later.


The 概念 伸び(る)d its highest and arguably most reputable profile with the 出版(物) of the 調書をとる/予約する?'パスポート to Magonia: from Folklore to 飛行機で行くing Saucers' by the?天文学者 and?Internet 開拓する Jacques Vall?e in 1969.

Vall?e, who later served as the inspiration for Fran?ois Truffaut's character in Steven Spielberg's UFO blockbuster 'の近くに 遭遇(する)s of the Third 肉親,親類d,' had spent years 注ぐing over 容積/容量s of 古代の texts for the groundbreaking tome.?

He paired 1180 遭遇(する)s with 'luminous' 飛行機で行くing 'earthenware 大型船s' 報告(する)/憶測d over Japan, Roman accounts of hovering '保護物,者s' and Native American stories of?'baskets from heaven' to argue a 連続 with modern '飛行機で行くing saucer' 事例/患者s.?

In more 最近の years,?Vall?e, now a Silicon Valley 投機・賭ける 資本主義者 and?computer scientist, published a 熟考する/考慮する of physical 証拠 from a UFO 衝突,墜落 in a peer-reviewed science 定期刊行物, 進歩 in 航空宇宙学 Sciences.?

As he told Wired, Vall?e hopes that 研究 will become 'a template [...] for what serious UFO 研究 could be in the 未来, if one plays by the 支配するs.'

But 類似の arguments, linking UFOs to demonic (独立の)存在s or angelic 奇蹟s, have?also been made in いっそう少なく scholarly form on cable TV shows like '古代の 外国人s,' and online by 共謀 理論家s and evangelical Christians, の中で others.?

The editor for Phenomena Magazine, Brian Allan, to 特記する/引用する one account, spoke to Anglican 牧師 Ray Boeche who (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that a 派閥 within the 米国防総省 深く,強烈に believes that UFOs are the 製品 of demonic 軍隊s.

'The 弁護 知能 機関 were looking at this demonic element, and they labelled these sorts of 外国人s as '非,不,無 human (独立の)存在s,' Allan said.?

'They believed that there was a demonic 構成要素 to the UFO 現象: they are not 侵略するing us, it's Biblical.'