Remains of long-lost WWII 兵士 buried as 'Unknown' is identified as Illinois man who died in Japanese 捕虜 (軍の)野営地,陣営 80 years ago

The remains of a long-lost World War II 兵士 have been identified after the man died in a Japanese 囚人-of-war (軍の)野営地,陣営 more than 80 years ago.

US Army 私的な 1st Class Harry Jerele, Illinois, died of 肺炎 at the age of 26 in the Philippines and was buried with other 死んだ 囚人s in a 集まり 墓/厳粛/彫る/重大な.

Remains from that 墓/厳粛/彫る/重大な were exhumed in 2020 and 分析するd by 法廷の scientists who used anthropological 分析, 状況証拠 and デオキシリボ核酸 分析 to 決定する the remains were Jerele.

After 81 years, the fallen 兵士 is 始める,決める to be buried in his 母国 this Oct ober.

US Army Private 1st Class Harry Jerele, Illinois , died of pneumonia at the age of 26 in the Philippines and was buried with other deceased prisoners in a mass grave

US Army 私的な 1st Class Harry Jerele, Illinois , died of 肺炎 at the age of 26 in the Philippines and was buried with other 死んだ 囚人s in a 集まり 墓/厳粛/彫る/重大な

His niece, Rosemary Dillion, is his only surviving relative.?'It's a great feeling to finally accomplish this identification,' Dillon said. 'I only wish my mother and grandmother were here to witness his homecoming'

His niece, Rosemary Dillion, is his only 生き残るing 親族.?'It's a 広大な/多数の/重要な feeling to finally 遂行する this 身元確認,身分証明,' Dillon said. 'I only wish my mother and grandmother were here to 証言,証人/目撃する his homecoming'

'This is a 奇蹟,' said Rosemary Dillon, Jerele's niece, about the 弁護 捕虜/MIA Accounting 機関's (DPAA) accounting for Jerele's remains.

'We've been trying for about 10 years to 前向きに/確かに identify his remains. It's been a long time coming. What a joyous occasion it will be when he is finally laid to 残り/休憩(する) in his home country.'

Dillon of Chicago said she was a young child when Jerele left for his 軍の service, but remembers him as a 静かな man who liked to sing and play guitar. She said it's 'a 奇蹟' his remains have finally been identified.

'It's a 広大な/多数の/重要な feeling to finally 遂行する this 身元確認,身分証明,' Dillon said. 'I only wish my mother and grandmother were here to 証言,証人/目撃する his homecoming.'

Jerele is from the small town of Berkeley, 現在/一般に home to about 5,300 people, and was one of seven children born to Leopold Jerle and Mary Flori-Jerele on February 1, 1916.

Jerele is from the small town of Berkeley, currently home to about 5,300 people, and was one of seven children born to Leopold Jerle and Mary Flori-Jerele on February 1, 1916

Jerele is from the small town of Berkeley, 現在/一般に home to about 5,300 people, and was one of seven children born to Leopold Jerle and Mary Flori-Jerele on February 1, 1916

He joined the 軍の in September 1940 and served with Company B, 192nd 戦車/タンク 大隊 in the Philippines during the war, but was 逮捕(する)d に引き続いて the American 降伏する of the Bataan 半島 on April 9, 1942.

On that day, US Gen Edward P King 降伏するd to Japanese Gen Masahrau Homma who took about 75,000 囚人s - 12,000 Americans and 63,000 Filipinos - on the 65-mile Death March to the 刑務所,拘置所 (軍の)野営地,陣営 in Cabanatuan.

The 詳細(に述べる)s 関心ing the circumstances under which US 囚人s held at Cabanatuan lived and died were 複雑にするd, as were the 試みる/企てるs to disinter and identify their remains after the war's end.

More than 2,500 囚人s of war (捕虜) died in the (軍の)野営地,陣営 during the war.

に引き続いて the war, American 墓/厳粛/彫る/重大なs 登録 Service (AGRS) 職員/兵員 exhumed those buried at the Cabanatuan 共同墓地 and relocated the remains to a 一時的な U.S. 軍の 霊廟 近づく Manila.

In 1947, the AGRS 診察するd the remains to identify them.

Two 始める,決めるs of remains from ありふれた 墓/厳粛/彫る/重大な 804 were identified, but the remaining two were 宣言するd unidentifiable, 含むing those of Jerele.

The 身元不明の remains were buried at the Manila American 共同墓地 and 記念の (MACM) as Unknowns.

It was not until 2020 that 法廷の scientists got 伴う/関わるd to help identify the remains and return them to the men's families.

And 発表するd on April 18 that one 始める,決める belonged to Jerele.

Jerele and his fellow 兵士s of the 192nd 戦車/タンク 大隊 were the longest-serving US 捕虜s in World War II.

Company B, 192nd 戦車/タンク 大隊, 含むd 104 兵士s from Illinois.

The 部隊 experienced 43 死傷者s during World War II, 含むing 28 who died from 病気s, illnesses, and 負傷させるs. Seven were killed when 船内に さまざまな Japanese 捕虜 ships, called 'Hell ships' by U.S. 軍隊/機動隊s, which sank. Eight were killed in 活動/戦闘, and five were 宣言するd 行方不明の in 活動/戦闘.

The details concerning the circumstances under which US prisoners held at Cabanatuan (pictured) lived and died were complicated, as were the attempts to disinter and identify their remains after the war's end.

The 詳細(に述べる)s 関心ing the circumstances under which US 囚人s held at Cabanatuan (pictured) lived and died were 複雑にするd, as were the 試みる/企てるs to disinter and identify their remains after the war's end.

After 81 years, the fallen soldier is set to be buried in his homeland this October

After 81 years, the fallen 兵士 is 始める,決める to be buried in his 母国 this October

(警察,軍隊などの)本部 Company, 192nd 戦車/タンク 大隊, 含むd 31 兵士s from the Illinois Army 国家の Guard, of which 19 died 予定 to 病気s, illness, and 負傷させるs, one died 船内に a Japanese ship, and one was killed in 活動/戦闘.

'The men of Company B, 192nd 戦車/タンク 大隊, many from Maywood, were mostly kids from the same high school,' the Illinois 国家の Guard said in a 声明.

'In 1940, a 連邦の 草案 行為/法令/行動する had passed, and they knew that it was just a 事柄 of time before they would be 草案d into the Army.'?

'Having heard that the 連邦の 政府 was going to federalize 国家の Guard 部隊s for a period of one year of 軍の service, these men decided to join the 国家の Guard to 実行する their 軍の 義務.'?

Illinois?知事 JB Pritzker said: 'On に代わって of the 明言する/公表する of Illinois, I want to thank all those 伴う/関わるd in bringing Harry Jerele home to his family in Illinois.

'The epic tale of Maywood’s B Company, 192nd 戦車/タンク 大隊 lives on thanks to many who have never forgotten what these Illinois 兵士s sacrificed for their nation.'?