会合,会う Britain's newest 宇宙飛行士! Rosemary Coogan, 33, 公式に gets her 'wings' and is 始める,決める to 飛行機で行く into space by 2030 - に引き続いて in the footsteps of Tim 頂点(に達する) and Helen Sharman?

  • Rosemary Coogan has 卒業生(する)d from space training as a new ESA 宇宙飛行士
  • She follows in the footsteps of British 宇宙飛行士s Helen Sharman and Tim 頂点(に達する)?

Becoming an 宇宙飛行士 is something that many people dream of.?

Now, that dream has become a reality for one British scientist, who has finally 伸び(る)d her 宇宙飛行士 wings.?

Rosemary Coogan, 33, from Northern Ireland, has 卒業生(する)d from space training as a new European Space 機関 (ESA) 宇宙飛行士.?

She follows in the footsteps of Helen Sharman, who became the first Briton in space in 1989, and Tim 頂点(に達する), who went to the International Space 駅/配置する (ISS) in 2015.

'From dreaming about space to now 存在 one step closer to reaching it, I'm filled with 感謝 and 決意 to make the most of this 驚くべき/特命の/臨時の 適切な時期,' she said.?

Rosemary Coogan, 33, from Northern Ireland, has graduated from space training as a new European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut

Rosemary Coogan, 33, from Northern Ireland, has 卒業生(する)d from space training as a new European Space 機関 (ESA) 宇宙飛行士

An astrophysicist with two master's degrees from Durham University and an astronomy doctorate from Sussex, Ms Coogan was selected to join the ESA's astronaut training programme in 2022, after beating more than 22,500 applicants

An astrophysicist with two master's degrees from Durham University and an astronomy 博士号 from Sussex, Ms Coogan was selected to join the ESA's 宇宙飛行士 training programme in 2022, after (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域ing more than 22,500 applicants

After 完全にするing one year of rigorous basic 宇宙飛行士 training, Ms Coogan, along with Sophie Adenot, Pablo Alvarez Fernandez, Raphael Liegeois, Marco Sieber and Australian Space 機関 宇宙飛行士 候補者 Katherine Bennell-Pegg received 宇宙飛行士 certification.

After receiving the certification at ESA's European 宇宙飛行士 Centre in Cologne, Germany, the 宇宙飛行士s have become 適格の for spaceflight.

An astrophysicist with two master's degrees from Durham University and an astronomy 博士号 from Sussex, Ms Coogan was selected to join the ESA's 宇宙飛行士 training programme in 2022, after (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域ing more than 22,500 applicants.

Basic 宇宙飛行士 training 伴う/関わるd honing 技術s in 宇宙船 systems, spacewalking, flight 工学, ロボット工学 and life support systems, 同様に as 生き残り and 医療の training.

After completing one year of rigorous basic astronaut training, Ms Coogan, along with Sophie Adenot (centre), Pablo Alvarez Fernandez (left), Raphael Liegeois (second from right), Marco Sieber (right) and Australian Space Agency astronaut candidate Katherine Bennell-Pegg received astronaut certification

After 完全にするing one year of rigorous basic 宇宙飛行士 training, Ms Coogan, along with Sophie Adenot (centre), Pablo Alvarez Fernandez (left), Raphael Liegeois (second from 権利), Marco Sieber (権利) and Australian Space 機関 宇宙飛行士 候補者 Katherine Bennell-Pegg received 宇宙飛行士 certification?

Who is Rosemary Coogan?

Rosemary Coogan, 33, is an astrophysicist 初めは from Belfast in Northern Ireland.?

She …に出席するd school in Brighton and 伸び(る)d two master’s degrees from the University of Durham.?

One of these 焦点(を合わせる)d on physics, mathematics, computer programming and astronomy, and the other on?gamma-ray 放出/発行 from 黒人/ボイコット 穴を開けるs.?

Coogan moved to the University of Sussex as a doctoral 研究員, 熟考する/考慮するing 星雲 進化 and the activity of active galactic nuclei.

From a young age, she spent several weeks a year away from home onboard 軍の training 大型船s and land bases as a Cadet Petty Officer with the Sea Cadets from 2002 to 2009.?


They will now move on to the 段階s of pre-assignment and 使節団-明確な/細部 training, 覆うing the way for 未来 使節団s to the ISS and beyond.

Speaking at the 卒業, Ms Coogan said it had been a 'long-standing' dream of hers to become an 宇宙飛行士.

'卒業生(する)ing from 宇宙飛行士 basic training is an incredibly moving moment for me,' she said.?

'I'm proud to 株 this moment with my fellow 宇宙飛行士 卒業生(する)s and of the かかわり合い of our international team to 探検.?

'Together, we stand ready to embrace the challenges and 適切な時期s that 嘘(をつく) ahead, 部隊d by our 株d passion for space.'

The 宇宙飛行士 class of 2022 has been dubbed the Hoppers, 存在 given the 指名する from their 前任者s ? the Shenanigans of ESA's 2009 class.

The UK Space 機関's 長,率いる of space 探検, Libby Jackson, said: 'It is 絶対 fantastic to see British 宇宙飛行士s a part of the European Space 機関 programme.

'We're a very proud contributor to the European Space 機関, and a strong contributor to the 全体にわたる human and robotic 使節団s.

'宇宙飛行士s are the very 明白な part of the whole space 部門.

'So it's really important for the UK that our 宇宙飛行士s ? Rosemary, John and Meg ? they are 支持する/優勝者s not just for human spaceflight, but for everything that goes on in the UK across space.'

Major Tim Peake, who went to the International Space Station (ISS) in 2015

Major Tim 頂点(に達する), who went to the International Space 駅/配置する (ISS) in 2015

She follows in the footsteps of Helen Sharman, who became the first Briton in space in 1989

She follows in the footsteps of Helen Sharman, who became the first Briton in space in 1989

Tim 頂点(に達する)'s 旅行 to space?

2008: 適用するd to the European Space 機関. Start of rigorous, year-long 審査 過程

2009: Selected to join ESA's As tronaut 軍団 and 任命するd an 外交官/大使 for UK science and space-based careers

2010: 完全にするd 14 months of 宇宙飛行士 basic training

2011: 頂点(に達する) and five other 宇宙飛行士s joined a team living in 洞穴s in Sardinia for a week.

2012: Spent 10 days living in a 永久の underwater base in Florida?

2013: 割り当てるd a six-month 使節団 to the International Space 駅/配置する

2015: 爆破d off to the ISS??


Former Paralympian John McFall is part of a 実現可能 熟考する/考慮する to see if he can 飛行機で行く as a 無能にするd 宇宙飛行士, while Meganne Christian is a reserve 宇宙飛行士 who could join the programme if someone else 減少(する)s out.

For now, all five new European 宇宙飛行士s will be 割り当てるd for 使節団s to the International Space 駅/配置する to carry out 科学の 実験s.

Until 存在 割り当てるd to their space flight 使節団 and 前進するing to the next training 段階s, they will 参加する 操作の 仕事s within Esa.

They will also を受ける refresher training 開会/開廷/会期s, 持続する physical fitness, 参加する in public relations 成果/努力s, and 与える/捧げる to education and outreach activities.

NI Space, which supports the 開発 of the 地域の cluster, said Ms Coogan's 卒業 is a 'truly momentous occasion for the space 部門 in Northern Ireland'.

Robert Hill, space 助言者 and cluster 経営者/支配人 at NI Space, said they hope Ms Coogan's 任命 will encourage more 未来 宇宙飛行士s from the 地域.

'Northern Ireland is quickly becoming a 全世界の leader in the 部門 and has been 伴う/関わるd in a number of high-profile 事業/計画(する)s recently, 含むing the James Webb Space Telescope, and to have Rosemary 代表するing Northern Ireland as our first-ever 宇宙飛行士 is the icing on 最高の,を越す of the cake,' he said.

'With 早い 拡大s in science and 科学(工学)技術 that enable us to 調査する more of our universe, there has never been a more exciting time to be part of the space 部門.

'We hope that Rosemary's 任命 to the ESA will 奮起させる more and more young people in Northern Ireland to consider a career in the 産業, which 供給するs endless 適切な時期s.

'We're really looking 今後 to に引き続いて Rosemary's j ourney and will be 元気づける her on during her first 使節団.'