• Bella was collected from the wild in 1964, and is 概算の to be born in 1961
  • She celebrated her birthday at her home in Hagenbeck Zoo, Hamburg?

With her 有望な orange fur and friendly 直面する, you'd be forgiven for mistaking this orangutan as a youngster.?

But Bella is 現実に the world's oldest living orangutan in 捕らわれた, having celebrated her 63rd birthday this week.?

Bella was collected from the wild in 1964, and is 概算の to have been born in 1961, making her the same age as?Barack Obama, Eddie Murphy, and Jennifer Coolidge.?

She celebrated her birthday at her home in Hagenbeck Zoo, Hamburg, with a cake made from soft-boiled rice and fruits.?

'Our orangutan lady turns 63 today and continues to 持つ/拘留する the world 記録,記録的な/記録する for 存在 the oldest Sumatran orangutan in human care,' the zoo said in a 地位,任命する on Instagram.?

Bella was collected from the wild in 1964
She is estimated to have been born in 1961

With her 有望な orange fur and friendly 直面する, you'd be forgiven for mistaking this orangutan as a youngster. But Bella is 現実に the world's oldest living orangutan in 捕らわれた, having celebrated her 63rd birthday this week

READ MORE:?Can't shut them ape! Orangutans have their own 'languages'

Social mingling shapes and transforms the ‘vocabularies’ of apes, just like in humans, according to the new research. Pictured, female orangutan at?Sumatra, Asia

Social mingling 形態/調整s and transforms the 'vocabularies' of apes, just like in humans, によれば the new 研究. Pictured, 女性(の) orangutan at?Sumatra, Asia?


Typically, orangutans living in the wild live to around 35-40 years, while those living in 捕らわれた can 推定する/予想する to reach around 50 years.?

However, Bella has 反抗するd the 半端物s, and has 公式に held the Guinness World 記録,記録的な/記録する as the oldest living orangutan since 2021.?

によれば her keepers, Bella is 'honest, 慎重な, curious, intelligent, loving and never 積極的な.??

Over the course of her life, she's not only given birth to six children of her own, but has also raised four 可決する・採択するd children who were not 受託するd by their mothers.?

For this 推論する/理由, she's earned the 愛称 of 'supermom'.?

'Because of her age, Bella no longer comes to the 施設 定期的に. Usually she does a few climbing (競技場の)トラック一周s in the evening hours undisturbed,' the zoo explained.??

Somewhat unsurprisingly, Bella has very few teeth remaining.?

To make sure she could still join in on the birthday 祝賀s, she was given a birthday cake made of soft-boiled rice and さまざまな fruits, which she 株d with one of her 可決する・採択するd children, Berani.??

Bella is not the only old ape to have celebrated a birthday recently.?

Typically, orangutans living in the wild live to around 35-40 years, while those living in captivity can expect to reach around 50 years. Pictured: Bella in 2015

Typically, orangutans living in the wild live to around 35-40 years, while those living in 捕らわれた can 推定する/予想する to reach around 50 years. Pictured: Bella in 2015

Earlier this month, the world's oldest living gorilla in 捕らわれた, Fatou, celebrated her 67th birthday.??

Fatou was 逮捕(する)d in the wild in 1959 and brought to フラン by a sailor, who used her as 支払い(額) to settle his tab at a tavern.?

Fatou was 購入(する)d in the same year by Berlin Zoo, where she's lived ever since.

'Nowadays, 逮捕(する)ing wild animals for zoos is no longer considered 許容できる by the zoological community,' Guinness World 記録,記録的な/記録するs explained.

'The 広大な 大多数 of animals are now born within 捕らわれた or transferred between 施設s for 産む/飼育するing programmes.'