It may sound like the 陰謀(を企てる) of a new 外国人?film, but?航空宇宙局 has 設立する a mutant bacteria 栄えるing?in space.

研究員s discovered 13 緊張するs of the bacteria, called Enterobacter bugandensis that is linked to 血 感染s on the International Space 駅/配置する?(ISS), which could 妥協 the health of 宇宙飛行士s on board.?

The extreme 環境 on the ISS like higher 炭酸ガス levels 軍隊d the bacteria to 突然変異する, and when exposed to microgravity, the bacteria can acquire a 抵抗 to 抗生物質s.

The bacteria hitchhiked on 宇宙飛行士s to the 軌道ing lab and now 研究員s?have 警告するd that the microgravity can 影響する/感情 their health, making them more susceptible to 感染 from the bacteria.

The International Space Station was built in 1998 and has housed 300 astronauts in the last two decades. Scientists have now discovered a mutant bacteria that could pose a harmful risk to astronauts

The International Space 駅/配置する was built in 1998 and has housed 300 宇宙飛行士s in the last two 10年間s. Scientists have now discovered a mutant bacteria that could 提起する/ポーズをとる a harmful 危険 to 宇宙飛行士s

A mutated form of the bacteria E. bugandensis (pictured) was found on the ISS and developed a resistance to drugs. The bacteria has been linked to sepsis in infants and life-threatening infections that could cause inflammation to the inner lining of the heart's chambers and valves

A 突然変異するd form of the bacteria E. bugandensis (pictured) was 設立する on the ISS and developed a 抵抗 to 麻薬s. The bacteria has been linked to sepsis in 幼児s and life-脅すing 感染s that could 原因(となる) inflammation to the inner lining of the heart's 議会s and 弁s

The 突然変異 landed the bacteria in the ESKAPE pathogens group - bacteria that are the 主要な 原因(となる) of 感染s 契約d while receiving 医療の care.

The bacteria has been linked to 厳しい 感染s like a 血 感染 設立する in 幼児s called neonatal?sepsis.

Enterobacter 感染s can also result in sepsis, urinary tract 感染s, 肌 and soft tissue 感染s, and endocarditis - life-脅すing inflammation that occurs on the inner lining of the heart's 議会s and 弁s.?

研究員s first discovered microorganisms were living の中で the 宇宙飛行士s in 2019 while 行為/行うing an 広範囲にわたる 調査する of?fungi and bacteria living on the ISS, but recently identified the 主要な bacteria as E. bugandensis.

The team identified 13 緊張するs of the bacteria in three 場所s of the ISS: four in the 空気/公表する 循環/発行部数 system, one on an 演習 装置 and eight in the 研究室/実験室's bathroom.?

Researchers put together an illustration showing the process they used to analyze E. bugandensis and evaluate how it's adapted within the ISS habitat (pictured)

研究員s put together an illustration showing the 過程 they used to 分析する E. bugandensis and 評価する how it's adapted within the ISS habitat (pictured)

During their 研究, scientists took three steps to identify the bacteria's 突然変異 instead of 単独で comparing E. bugandensis 設立する on the ISS to the vari ation 設立する on Earth.?

First the team 分析するd how the bacteria's genomes and its functionality changed during the adaptation to space's extreme 環境 before moving to the second step where they identified the 豊富 of E. bugandensis' 全住民 on the ISS.?

READ MORE:? International Space 駅/配置する is teeming with bacteria and fungi that can 原因(となる) 病気s and could even CORRODE 宇宙船?

?Microbes identified on the 駅/配置する 含むd organisms that are considered opportunistic pathogens on Earth, such as Staphylococcus aureus which is 一般的に 設立する on the 肌 and nasal passages


Finally, they looked at the metabolic interactions of the bacteria that 利益 other microorganisms, helping them 生き残る and grow.

'熟考する/考慮する findings 示す that under 強調する/ストレス, the ISS 孤立するd 緊張するs were 突然変異するd and became genetically and functionally 際立った compared to their Earth 相当するものs,' 航空宇宙局 報告(する)/憶測d.

'The 緊張するs were able to viably 固執する in the ISS over time in 重要な 豊富s,' it 追加するd.

'The ISS genomes 展示(する)d an 普通の/平均(する) of 4568 遺伝子s, a 意味ありげに higher count than the 普通の/平均(する) of 4416 遺伝子s 設立する in the Earth genomes,' the team 株d in the 熟考する/考慮する.

研究員s 決定するd that the mutant 緊張するs also had 完全に different 遺伝子s that might have 原因(となる)d their multi-麻薬 抵抗力のある abilities.

Although a variation of E. bugandensis does 存在する on Earth, the 環境 onboard the space 駅/配置する 申し込む/申し出d extreme 条件s such as microgravity (very low or weak gravity), solar 放射(能) and 高くする,増すd 炭酸ガス levels that 軍隊d the bacteria to 突然変異する to 生き残る.

Other factors like the ventilation, 湿度, 空気/公表する 圧力 might have helped E. bugandensis 繁栄する, the 熟考する/考慮する said, 追加するing?that the bacterial 緊張する could coexist with other microorganisms on the ISS and might have 与える/捧げるd to their 生き残り.?

Scientists said by 熟考する/考慮するing how microorganisms 生き残る in extreme 環境s on the ISS, 'this 研究?opens doors to 効果的な preventative 対策 for 宇宙飛行士 health.'