会合,会う Britain's newest dog 産む/飼育する! ポーランドの(人) 追跡(する)ing Dog is 公式に 認めるd 承認 by The Kennel Club - making it the 223rd 産む/飼育する in the UK

  • The ポーランドの(人) 追跡(する)ing Dog is a medium hound, 初めは bred in the 13th century
  • In total, the Kennel Club now recognises 223 産む/飼育するs of pedigreee dog?

From friendly Golden Retrievers to fluffy Chow Chows, the UK is home to hundreds of different dog 産む/飼育するs.?

Now, we've 公式に welcomed a new 産む/飼育する to the pack.?

The ポーランドの(人) 追跡(する)ing Dog has been 認めるd 承認 by The Kennel Club, and will be 分類するd in the Hound Group on the 輸入するd 産む/飼育する 登録(する).?

This makes the 産む/飼育する the 223rd to be recognised in Britain (scroll 負かす/撃墜する for the 十分な 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)).

The Polish Hunting Dog has been granted recognition by The Kennel Club, and will be classified in the Hound Group on the Imported Breed Register

The ポーランドの(人) 追跡(する)ing Dog has been 認めるd 承認 by The Kennel Club, and will be 分類するd in the Hound Group on the 輸入するd 産む/飼育する 登録(する)

The ポーランドの(人) 追跡(する)ing Dog is a medium sized はしけ type of hound, 初めは bred in the 13th century for 追跡(する)ing in the ポーランドの(人) countryside.?

The 産む/飼育する is known for its strong sense of smell and has been 述べるd as a 高度に intelligent, active 産む/飼育する.

'For centuries, these hounds were used to 追跡(する) the 深い forests and rugged mountains of Poland, where they were used on game such as deer, boar, and wisent,' the 大陸の Kennel Club explains on its website.?

'In the 1970s, a ポーランドの(人) 子孫を作る人, hunter, and cynologist by the 指名する of Jozef Pawuslewicz helped to 精製する the 産む/飼育する and 伸び(る) 受託 for it into the ポーランドの(人) Cynological 協会, 同様に as the 連合 Cynologique Internationale.?

'The 産む/飼育する remains popular throughout its home country, 同様に as surrounding areas in Europe, where they are still one of the 古代の go-to hounds for 追跡(する)ing all sizes of game, from deer to hare.'

The Polish Hunting Dog is a medium sized lighter type of hound, originally bred in the 13th century for hunting in the Polish countryside

The ポーランドの(人) 追跡(する)ing Dog is a medium sized はしけ type of hound, 初めは bred in the 13th century for 追跡(する)ing in the ポーランドの(人) countryside

How long does the 普通の/平均(する) dog live for in Britain?

All dogs: 12.5 years

Crossbreeds: 12.0 years

Purebreeds: 12.7 years

Small 産む/飼育するs: 12.7 years

Medium-sized 産む/飼育するs: 12.5 years

Large 産む/飼育するs: 11.9 years

Flat-直面するd 産む/飼育するs: 11.2 years

Long-nosed 産む/飼育するs: 12.8 years

女性(の) dogs: 12.7 years

Male dogs: 12.4 years


Speaking to MailOnline, a spokesperson for The Kennel Club 確認するd the 過程 for recognising a new 産む/飼育する.?

'Recognising a 産む/飼育する 伴う/関わるs an 設立するd 産む/飼育する club or group (made up of 産む/飼育する 熱中している人s) making a request for 承認,' they explained.?

'Then a 過程 follows which 含むs, amongst other 必要物/必要条件s, 証拠 that there are 十分な numbers of dogs 利用できる with a 重要な 割合 that 会合,会う an 認可するd and agree description (a 産む/飼育する 基準) which 述べるs the look, health and temperament of that 産む/飼育する.'

Before now, the last 産む/飼育する to be recognised was the Smooth 直面するd Pyrenan Sheepdog, 支援する in 2021.?

In total, the Kennel Club now recognises 223 産む/飼育するs of pedigreee dog.?

The news about the 最新の 承認 has been welcomed across social マスコミ by delighted dog fans, with one calling the ポーランドの(人) 追跡(する)ing Dog a 'magnificent' 産む/飼育する.

'Amazing work to their owners and club for getting the 産む/飼育する recognised,' one 使用者 commented on Facebook.?

Another 追加するd: 'Looking 今後 to seeing them. Very 井戸/弁護士席 done to the club for 達成するing the 承認.'

The 223 dog 産む/飼育するs recognised by The Kennel Club

  1. Affenpinscher
  2. Afghan Hound
  3. Airedale Terrier
  4. Akita
  5. Alaskan Malamute
  6. Anatolian Shepherd Dog
  7. Australian Cattle Dog
  8. Australian Shepherd
  9. Australian Silky Terrier
  10. Australian Terrier
  11. Azawakh (Imp)
  12. Barbet (Imp)
  13. Basenji
  14. Basset Bleu De Gascogne (Imp)
  15. Basset Fauve De Bretagne
  16. Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand)
  17. Basset Griffon Vendeen (Petit)
  18. Basset Hound
  19. Bavarian Mountain Hound
  20. Beagle
  21. Bearded Collie
  22. Beauceron
  23. Bedli ngton Terrier
  24. ベルギー Shepherd Dog (Groenendael)
  25. ベルギー Shepherd Dog (Laekenois)
  26. ベルギー Shepherd Dog (Malinois)
  27. ベルギー Shepherd Dog (Tervueren)
  28. Bergamasco (Imp)
  29. Bernese Mountain Dog
  30. Bichon Frise
  31. 黒人/ボイコット & Tan Coonhound (Imp)
  32. Bloodhound
  33. Bolognese
  34. 国境 Collie
  35. 国境 Terrier
  36. Borzoi
  37. Boston Terrier
  38. Bouvier Des Flandres
  39. Boxer
  40. Bracco Italiano
  41. Braque D'Auvergne (Imp)
  42. Briard
  43. Brittany
  44. Bull Terrier
  45. Bull Terrier (Miniature)
  46. Bulldog
  47. Bullmastiff
  48. Cairn Terrier
  49. Canaan Dog
  50. Canadian Eskimo Dog
  51. Catalan Sheepdog
  52. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  53. Cesky Terrier
  54. Chihuahua (Long Coat)
  55. Chihuahua (Smooth Coat)
  56. Chinese Crested
  57. Chow Chow
  58. Cirneco Dell'Etna
  59. Collie (Rough)
  60. Collie (Smooth)
  61. Coton De Tulear
  62. Dachshund (Long Haired)
  63. Dachshund (Miniature Long Haired)
  64. Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired)
  65. Dachshund (Miniature Wire Haired)
  66. Dachshund (Smooth Haired)
  67. Dachshund (Wire Haired)
  68. Dalmatian
  69. Dandie Dinmont Terrier
  70. Deerhound
  71. Dobermann
  72. Dogue de Bordeaux
  73. English Setter
  74. English Toy Terrier (黒人/ボイコット & Tan)
  75. Entlebucher Mountain Dog (Imp)
  76. Estrela Mountain Dog
  77. Eurasier
  78. Finnish Lapphund
  79. Finnish Spitz
  80. Fox Terrier (Smooth)
  81. Fox Terrier (Wire)
  82. Foxhound
  83. French Bulldog
  84. German Longhaired Pointer
  85. German Pinscher
  86. German Shepherd Dog
  87. German Shorthaired Pointer
  88. German Spitz (Klein)
  89. German Spitz (Mittel)
  90. German Wirehaired Pointer
  91. 巨大(な) Schnauzer
  92. Glen Of Imaal Terrier
  93. Gordon Setter
  94. Grand Bleu De Gascogne (Imp)
  95. 広大な/多数の/重要な Dane
  96. 広大な/多数の/重要な スイスの Mountain Dog
  97. Greenland Dog
  98. Greyhound
  99. Griffon Bruxellois
  100. Griffon Fauve De Bretagne (Imp)
  101. Hamiltonstovare
  102. Harrier
  103. Havanese
  104. Hovawart
  105. Hungarian Kuvasz (Imp)
  106. Hungarian Puli
  107. Hungarian Pumi
  108. Hungarian Vizsla
  109. Hungarian Wire Haired Vizsla
  110. Ibizan Hound
  111. Irish Red & White Setter
  112. Irish Setter
  113. Irish Terrier
  114. Irish Wolfhound
  115. Italian Greyhound
  116. Italian Spinone
  117. Jack Russell Terrier
  118. Japanese Akita Inu
  119. Japanese Chin
  120. Japanese Shiba Inu
  121. Japanese Spitz
  122. Keeshond
  123. Kerry Blue Terrier
  124. King Charles Spaniel
  125. Komondor
  126. Kooikerhondje
  127. Korean Jindo (Imp)
  128. Korthals Griffon (Imp)
  129. Lagotto Romagnolo
  130. Lakeland Terrier
  131. Lancashire Heeler
  132. Large Munsterlander
  133. Leonberger
  134. Lhasa Apso
  135. Lowchen (Little Lion Dog)
  136. Maltese
  137. Manchester Terrier
  138. Maremma Sheepdog
  139. Mastiff
  140. Miniature Pinscher
  141. Miniature Schnauzer
  142. Neapolitan Mastiff
  143. Newfoundland
  144. Norfolk Terrier
  145. Norwegian Buhund
  146. Norwegian Elkhound
  147. Norwich Terrier
  148. Old English Sheepdog
  149. Otterhound
  150. Papillon
  151. Parson Russell Terrier
  152. Pekingese
  153. Pharaoh Hound
  154. Picardy Sheepdog (Imp)
  155. Pointer
  156. ポーランドの(人) 追跡(する)ing Dog
  157. ポーランドの(人) Lowland Sheepdog
  158. Pomeranian
  159. Poodle (Miniature)
  160. Poodle (基準)
  161. Poodle (Toy)
  162. Portuguese Pointer (Imp)
  163. Portuguese Pondengo
  164. Portuguese Water Dog
  165. Pug
  166. Pyrenean Mastiff (Imp)
  167. Pyrenean Mountain Dog
  168. Pyrenean Sheepdog (Long Haired)
  169. Pyrenean Sheepdog (Smooth 直面するd)
  170. Retriever (Chesapeake Bay)
  171. Retriever (Curly Coated)
  172. Retriever (Flat Coated)
  173. Retriever (Golden)
  174. Retriever (Labrador)
  175. Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck (死傷者)数ing)
  176. Rhodesian Ridgeback
  177. Rottweiler
  178. ロシアの 黒人/ボイコット Terrier
  179. ロシアの Toy (Imp)
  180. Saluki
  181. Samoyed
  182. Schipperke
  183. Schnauzer
  184. Scottish Terrier
  185. Sealyham Terrier
  186. Shar-Pei
  187. Shetland Sheepdog
  188. Shih Tzu
  189. Siberian Husky
  190. Skye Terrier
  191. Sloughi
  192. Slovakian Rough Haired Pointer (Imp)
  193. Small Munsterlander (Imp)
  194. Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
  195. Spaniel (American Cocker)
  196. Spaniel (American Water) (Imp)
  197. Spaniel (Clumber)
  198. Spaniel (Cocker)
  199. Spaniel (English Springer)
  200. Spaniel (Field)
  201. Spaniel (Irish Water)
  202. Spaniel (Sussex)
  203. Spaniel (Welsh Springer)
  204. Spanish Water Dog
  205. St. Bernard
  206. Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  207. Swedish Lapphund (Imp)
  208. Swedish Vallhund
  209. Tibetan Mastiff
  210. Tibetan Spaniel
  211. Tibetan Terrier
  212. Turkish Kangal Dog
  213. Weimaraner
  214. Welsh Corgi (Cardigan)
  215. Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)
  216. Welsh Terrier
  217. West Highland White Terrier
  218. Whippet
  219. White スイスの Shepherd Dog (Imp)
  220. Xoloitzcuintle (Mexican Hairless) (中間の) (Imp)
  221. Xoloitzcuintle (Mexican Hairless) (Miniature) (Imp)
  222. Xoloitzcuintle (Mexican Hairless) (基準) (Imp)
  223. Yorkshire Terrier