Can YOU 位置/汚点/見つけ出す the 権利-winger and the 自由主義の? AI 予報するs people's politics by 分析するing a 選び出す/独身 selfie

The 'pink-haired 自由主義の' has become something of a stereotype, but AI can now 予報する someone's politics based 単独で on their looks.

A new program can 位置/汚点/見つけ出す tiny nuances in people's facial features that correlate to their political leaning - with over 70 パーセント 正確.

It was trained on hundreds of photos and 投票(する)ing habits of Americans.

The results 設立する that 自由主義のs tended to have smaller lower 直面するs, their chins were smaller and their lips and noses pointed downward, while 保守的なs?have larger, wider features in the lower halves of their 直面するs.

Dr. Michal Kosinski, the 熟考する/考慮する's lead author, 警告するd that?facial 承認?道具s are dangerous?if they 落ちる into the wrong 手渡すs because millions of pe ople's (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) could be 接近d without their 同意.

Researchers used facial recognition software to identify a person's political affiliation based on their characteristics. It found that conservatives tended to have wider lower faces while liberals had smaller lower faces and downturned lips and nose

研究員s used facial 承認 ソフトウェア to identify a person's political affiliation based on their 特徴. It 設立する that 保守的なs tended to have wider lower 直面するs while 自由主義のs had smaller lower 直面するs and 下降d lips and nose

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Former 大統領 Donald Trump - 保守的な (left) and 大統領 Joe Biden - 自由主義の (権利). Trump has a wider jaw line than Biden whose lower 直面する is more 狭くする with the telltale わずかに 下降d lips that would label him as a 自由主義の

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American 保守的な political commentator Candace Owens (left) and 自由主義の television host Oprah Winfrey (権利). Owens lower 直面する is わずかに wider than Winfrey's which is smaller and comes to a more pointed angle

Kosinski and his team looked at expressionless facial images of 591 関係者s and natural images of 3,400 政治家,政治屋s from the US, UK and?Canada and 設立する a predictive model could 正確に discern the person's political orientation.

The 熟考する/考慮する gives more insight into how facial 承認 can be used to discern someone's 私的な (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) from a Facebook photo - even if they 港/避難所't 地位,任命するd their 見解(をとる)s online.

'Our findings 強調する the 緊急 for scholars, the public, and policymakers to 認める and 演説(する)/住所 the 可能性のある 危険s of facial 承認 科学(工学)技術 to personal privacy,' the 熟考する/考慮する 警告するd.

'Even more worrisome, these algorithms can identify personal せいにするs that were, thus far, 広範囲にわたって considered to be unrecognizable from 直面するs,' it 追加するd.

Kosinski told Fox News 数字表示式の that 'algorithms can be very e asily 適用するd to millions of people very quickly and cheaply' and that the 熟考する/考慮する is 'more of a 警告 tale' about the 科学(工学)技術 'that is in your phone and is very 広範囲にわたって used everywhere.'

The 熟考する/考慮する had 関係者s fill out a political orientation questionnaire which asked? whether they tend to 投票(する) for more 自由主義の or 保守的な political 候補者s and if they consider them to have one political affiliation over another.

They were also asked to 階級 the extent at which they consider themselves to be 自由主義の or 保守的な.?

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Roseanne Barr (left) is a 信頼できる 支持者 of Donald Trump and spoke out at a 保守的な event in December. Taylor Swift - 民主主義者 (権利) 是認するd Joe Biden during the last 大統領の 選挙. Barr's wider smile goes straight across 示すing she is a 保守的な while Swift has smaller lower facial features and angled lips

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Kid 激しく揺する (left) is a self-布告するd 保守的な who has come under 解雇する/砲火/射撃 for encouraging other 保守的なs to ボイコット(する) Bud Light after it partnered with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney. Lin-Manuel Miranda - 民主主義者 (権利) 是認するd Joe Biden in the last 大統領の 選挙. Kid 激しく揺する's wider-始める,決める 直面する would identify him as a 保守的な versus Miranda's smaller features

After 完全にするing the 100-item questionnaire, the 関係者s were photographed wearing a 黒人/ボイコット T-shirt, 除去するd all 宝石類, shaved their facial hair or 除去するd 構成 (if necessary) and pulled 支援する their hair so the ソフトウェア could only 焦点(を合わせる) on their 直面する.

READ MORE:?保守的な women are MORE attractive than 自由主義のs?but left-wing men have a better poker 直面する, によれば 熟考する/考慮する using AI

While the AI 決定するd that women with more attractive facial features were more likely to be 政治上 保守的な, it 設立する no 関係 of the sort while 分析するing its pool of male 政治家,政治屋's photos. For both men and women, the AI was 訂正する 61 パーセント of the time?


The VGGFace2 - an AI facial 承認 ソフトウェア created in 2017 - was used to 診察する the images and?決定するd the 関係者's facial 特徴 by cross-言及/関連ing them with other images 蓄える/店d in a database.

Aside from the 事業/計画(する)d 輪郭(を描く)s of 保守的な versus 自由主義の 直面するs, the 熟考する/考慮する 設立する that all other '輪郭(を描く)s and 直面するs are 事実上 同一の, 明らかにする/漏らすing no other obvious differences between 自由主義のs and 保守的なs, 含むing in facial 表現, grooming, 肌 color, or 長,率いる orientation.'

The findings took into account other factors like the 関係者s' age, gender and ethnicity, but 研究員s 設立する the 関係 between the person's political leanings was 単独で based on their facial 特徴.

This follows a separate 熟考する/考慮する Kosinski 行為/行うd in 2021 that 設立する the VGGFace2 ソフトウェア could identify a person as 自由主義の or 保守的な with 70 パーセント 正確.

At the time, he was unable to 決定する 正確に/まさに what 特徴 were associated with the person's political affiliation, but 設立する 傾向s like when a person looked 直接/まっすぐに at the camera they were labeled as 自由主義の while those showing disgust were 決定するd to be 保守的な.

Democratic 大統領 Joe Biden and former 共和国の/共和党の 大統領 Donald Trump appear to fit the identifying 特徴 と一緒に 保守的な celebrities like Kid 激しく揺する and Roseanne Barr versus 自由主義の celebrities like Lin-Manuel Miranda and Taylor Swift.

The celebrities' facial features fit the 特徴 because of 保守的なs larger lower 直面するs while 自由主義のs is much smaller by comparison and are more likely to have the 下降d lips and noses.

The researchers used a standardized facial image (pictured) in the study to represent the face of a person identified as a conservative

The 研究員s used a 標準化するd facial image (pictured) in the 熟考する/考慮する to 代表する the 直面する of a person identified as a 保守的な

The study focused on 590 participants who filled out a 100-item questionnaire about their political affiliation and other information about age, gender and ethnicity. The researchers found that the facial features played a primary role in identifying their political orientation

The 熟考する/考慮する 焦点(を合わせる)d on 590 関係者s who filled out a 100-item questionnaire about their political affiliation and other (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) about age, gender and ethnicity. The 研究員s 設立する that the facial features played a 最初の/主要な 役割 in identifying their political orientation has reached out to Dr. Michal Kosinski for comment.