Tucker Carlson?has been mocked by 専門家s after 示唆するing that Darwin's theory of 進化 has been debunked.

The 放送者 made the comments on The?Joe Rogan?Experience podcast, where he also (人命などを)奪う,主張するd?UFOs are 操縦するd by 'spiritual (独立の)存在s' that have hidden (警察,軍隊などの)本部 on Earth.

'There's no 証拠 of 進化,' Carlson said.

'In fact, I think we've given up on the theory of 進化 as articulated by Darwin. It's 肉親,親類d of not true.'

Rogan 圧力(をかける)d the 問題/発行する, asking the 放送者 to explain his opinion, to which he (人命などを)奪う,主張するd 'there is no 証拠 that people 発展させるd seamlessly from a 選び出す/独身 独房 amoeba.'

Tucker Carlson argued that the theory of evolution has fallen out of favor. Scientists and even many Christians disagree.

Tucker Carlson argued that the theory of 進化 has fallen out of 好意. Scientists and even many Christians 同意しない.

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution has been refined over time by modern scientists, but the central idea remains the same: Species change over time to adapt to their conditions

Charles Darwin's theory of 進化 has been 精製するd over time by modern scientists, but the central idea remains the same: 種類 change over time to adapt to their 条件s

The conversation about 進化 began with an offhand comment from Rogan: 'If 進化 is real,' at which point Carlson interrupted to ask, 'Is it real?'

'I don't know,' Rogan replied, kicking off the discussion. 'But it's 明白な. You can 手段 it in 確かな animals.'

During his famous trip to the Galapagos Islands in the 1830s, Darwin 手段d 進化 in 確かな animals - finding mockingbirds were different from island to island.?

類似して, the finches he collected on different islands during the trip were so different from each other that they were 明確に different 種類.

READ MORE:?Tucker Carlson says UFOs are 操縦するd by 'spiritual (独立の)存在s' with bases 'under the ocean and the ground'?


UFOs and their 操縦するs might not be 'extra-terrestrials' from a distant 惑星 at all, but 'spiritual (独立の)存在s' who have 住むd Earth for as long as humanity itself, によれば Tucker Carlson?


They likely started out as the same bird 種類, Darwin 結論するd, but something changed when they migrated to new 環境s throughout the Galapagos.

As they adapted to their new 環境s, each new 種類 developed physical features that ふさわしい its 生き残り.?

The finches had different beaks depending on their habits: Insect eaters had 狭くする beaks for scrounging in 割れ目s, 反して nut eaters had 厚い beaks for 割れ目ing 爆撃するs.

Scientists still agree that Darwin was 権利 about this point.?

'You can 手段 adaptation, but there's no 証拠 that evo - in fact, I think we've 肉親,親類d of given up on the idea of 進化,' Carlson said. 'The theory of 進化 as articulated by Darwin is like, 肉親,親類d of not true, 権利?'

'In what sense?' Rogan asked.

'井戸/弁護士席 in the most basic sense, the idea that all life 現れるd from a 選び出す/独身-独房 organism and over time there would be a 化石 記録,記録的な/記録する of that, and there's not,' Carlson replied.

反対するing this point, Rogan 公式文書,認めるd that there is 証拠 in the 化石 記録,記録的な/記録する of 過度期の 種類 that have adapted to their 環境s.

A prime example of this is the archaeopteryx, a bird-like dinosaur that 供給するd some of the earliest 証拠 of 過度期の 種類 between the groups known to science - in this 事例/患者, between dinosaurs and modern birds.

The archaeopteryx has a long tail and small teeth, like a dinosaur, but flight feathers and wings like a bird.

Charles Darwin's finches have b
ecome a famous example of evolution. They likely started out as the same bird, but as they adapted to their new environments, each new species developed physical features that suited its survival

Charles Darwin's finches have become a famous example of 進化. They likely started out as the same bird, but as they adapted to their new 環境s, each new 種類 developed physical features that ふさわしい its 生き残り

Transitional species like the archaeopteryx provide strong evidence in support of the theory of evolution: This bird-like dinosaur had teeth and a tail like a dinosaur, but flight feathers and wings like a bird. Tucker Carlson dismissed transitional species as evidence of 'adaptation,' not evolution - a false distinction.

過度期の 種類 like the archaeopteryx 供給する strong 証拠 in support of the theory of 進化: This bird-like dinosaur had teeth and a tail like a dinosaur, but flight feathers and wings like a bird. Tucker Carlson 解任するd 過度期の 種類 as 証拠 of 'adaptation,' not 進化 - a 誤った distinction.

It also 所有するd a bone called the furcula, which is a fused clavicle bone.?

Only birds and dinosaurs had this feature, 示唆するing 堅固に that the extinct 種類 was 関係のある to both.?

Carlson, however, 解任するd examples of 'adaptation,' 説 they don't 証明する that people 発展させるd from 選び出す/独身-独房 organisms.?

'There's no 証拠 at all - 非,不,無, 無 - that people 発展させるd seamlessly from a 選び出す/独身-独房 amoeba. No, there's not. There's no chain in the 化石 記録,記録的な/記録する of that at all,' Carlson argued.

'And that's why you don't 現実に hear people - you hear them make 言及/関連 to 進化 because the theory of adaptation is 明確に, 明白に true. But Darwin's theory's 全く unp - that's why it's still a theory, almost 200 years later.'

Rogan did not 圧力(をかける) Carlson on the 事柄, except to ask what his theories are.

'God created people distinctly, and animals,' replied Carlson. He has not made public 宣言s about his 約束, but Carlson tends to speak in support of Christian ideas.

In this 事例/患者, he 特記する/引用するd the biblical 調書をとる/予約する of Genesis, in which God created humans and animals.

The fused clavicle of the archaeopteryx gave strong evidence for its shared relationship to dinosaurs and modern birds

The fused clavicle of the archaeopteryx gave strong 証拠 for its 株d 関係 to dinosaurs and modern birds

Tucker Carlson argued that humans were created, that we did not evolve from lower lifeforms like single-cell amoebas.

Tucker Carlson argued that humans were created, that we did not 発展させる from lower lifeforms like 選び出す/独身-独房 amoebas.

The way Carlson でっちあげる,人を罪に陥れるs the question, there is no room for discussion.?

But his simple answer 現実に belies how 変化させるd the 見解(をとる)s of Christians are when it comes to 進化.

によれば a 2019 Pew 研究 投票?of Americans, between 32 and 62 パーセント of white evangelical Protestants said they believed humans 発展させるd over time, rather than always 存在するing in their 現在の form.?

の中で カトリック教徒 responders, the numbers were even higher: Between 71 and 87 パーセント agreed that humans 発展させるd over time.?

Famed biologist E.O. Wilson has pointed out that fringe 対抗者s of 進化 特記する/引用する Darwin to make it sound like 進化 is an ideology that can be traced 支援する to just one man, rather than a 井戸/弁護士席-supported theory.?

'It's a rhetorical 装置 to make 進化 seem like a 肉親,親類d of 約束, like 'Maoism',' he said. 'Scientists don't call it 'Darwinism'.'

Many Christians in the US actually do believe in evolution, according to a 2019 Pew research poll. People's responses depend on how the question is asked, though.

Many Christians in the US 現実に do believe in 進化, によれば a 2019 Pew 研究 投票. People's 返答s depend on how the question is asked, though.

And in truth, Darwi n did not come up with the theory of 進化. Rather, he 精製するd the ideas of scientists who (機の)カム before him to develop his idea of '生き残り of the fittest.'?

Carlson is not the first person to credit Darwin alone with the theory of 進化 as a way to 暗示する that it stands on equal 地盤 with his own ideas about human origins.?

The 放送者 was quickly rebuked for his comments by scientists, who 正確に pointed out that Carlson misrepresented what a 科学の theory is, and that his comments ignore the mountains of 証拠 supporting the theory of 進化.

The commentator's critics even 含むd some of his たびたび(訪れる) boosters like 億万長者?Tesla CEO Elon Musk.?

Scientists have 精製するd their explanations since Charles Darwin 提案するd the theory in the 1800s, but the 核心 idea is the same, and 進化 remains the agreed-upon 科学の explanation for how living things (機の)カム to be the way they are.

'Tucker Carlson misunderstands that in everyday speech, 'theory' 言及するs to a hunch or a 憶測, but in science, it 言及するs to a 包括的な explanation of nature,' wrote 臨床の psychologist Jonath an Stea on X.?

'Many 科学の theories are so 井戸/弁護士席-設立するd that no new 証拠 is likely to change them. E.g: 進化,' he said.

Musk replied to 多重の such 地位,任命するs on X 非難するing Carlson, 表明するing his 協定 with them.

'I don’t agree with his 見解(をとる)s here, but he does make good points at times,' he wrote.?

There have been no 化石 記録,記録的な/記録するs 設立する showing every 行う/開催する/段階 in the evolutionary chain, but many 専門家s say that is because it is very difficult to trace 支援する microbial life.

But デオキシリボ核酸 and リボ核酸 are so abundant in living things on Earth, another 調印する that we all 発展させるd from one thing.