• Slovakian 会社/堅い KleinVision 完全にするd the first 乗客 flight of its AirCar
  • READ MORE: Futuristic European 飛行機で行くing 'AirCar' is sold to 中国

Imagine 運動ing along in a モーター car before it starts to 徐々に 急に上がる up into the 空気/公表する.?

If this reminds you of the finale of 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang', be 保証するd that 飛行機で行くing cars are no longer the stuff of the big 審査する.??

In fact, a company called?KleinVision?has 完全にするd the first 乗客 flight of its 飛行機で行くing AirCar ? with 非,不,無 other than French musician?ジーンズ-Michel Jarre on board.?

While seated in the quirky hybrid 乗り物,?Jarre and a 操縦する travelled around two miles in the space of 10 minutes over?Pie??any Airport in Slovakia on April 12.?

The two-seater ? which could take to British skies as soon as 2026 ? can 解放(する) its retractable wings in just 90 seconds as it 準備するs for take-off.?

French composer and pioneer of electronic music Jean-Michel Jarre has become the world?s first passenger to take off in KleinVision?s flying AirCar (pictured)

French 作曲家 and 開拓する of electronic music ジーンズ-Michel Jarre has become the world’s first 乗客 to take off in KleinVision’s 飛行機で行くing AirCar (pictured)

France's Jean-Michel Jarre (pictured centre) with AirCar co-founders Anton Zajac (left) and Stefan Klein

フラン's ジーンズ-Michel Jarre (pictured centre) with AirCar co-創立者s Anton Zajac (left) and Stefan Klein

飛行機で行くing AirCar specs

Engine: 原型 1 has a 160 horsepower 直す/買収する,八百長をするd-プロペラ engine but 原型 2 will be equipped with a 300 horsepower engine.

最高の,を越す 速度(を上げる): 300km/h (186mph)

範囲: 1,000km (621 miles)

Price:?£400,000 ($500,000)


AirCar can travel through the 空気/公表する at just over 180mph, although it did not reach this 最高の,を越す 速度(を上げる) during this 最新の flight 実験(する).?

It flew for the first time in 2020 and?carried out a 35-minute flight between Nitra and Bratislava airports in 2021, although this is the first time it has 輸送(する)d a 乗客.?

ジーンズ-Michel Jarre,?a 開拓する in the electronic and ambient music genres, 述べるd the experience as like 存在 in a 'Jules Verne 調書をとる/予約する'.?

The 19th century 小説家 is known for sci-fi 作品 含むing 'Around the World in Eighty Days' and '旅行 to the 中心 of the Earth'.?

'One second you speak to the driver, and next, you are up there in the 空気/公表する ? an amazing experience,' Jarre said.?

AirCar, which has a 160 horsepower 直す/買収する,八百長をするd-プロペラ engine, is the brain child of Professor Stefan Klein, 創立者 and CEO of KleinVision, which is based in?Nitra, Slovakia.?

The 会社/堅い said the 最新の flight 示すd a 'momentous step に向かって a 未来 where terrestrial and 空中の travel seamlessly converge'.?

In the classic film 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang', the eponymous car has retractable wings that lets it take to the skies

In the classic film 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang', the eponymous car has retractable wings that lets it take to the skies?

In AirCar, Jean-Michel Jarre and a pilot took off from and landed at Pie??any Airport in Slovakia on April 12

In AirCar, ジーンズ-Michel Jarre and a 操縦する took off from and landed at Pie??any Airport in Slovakia on April 12

Jean-Michel Jarre, a?
composer, performer and producer, stands against the futuristic flying vehicle, which will cost around?£400,000 for the public to buy

ジーンズ-Michel Jarre, a?作曲家, performer and 生産者, stands against the futuristic 飛行機で行くing 乗り物, which will cost around?£400,000 for the public to buy

It was certified to fly in Slovakia back in 2022 after completing more than 200 take-offs and landings during 70 hours of rigorous flight testing to European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) standards.

It was certified to 飛行機で行く in Slovakia 支援する in 2022 after 完全にするing more than 200 take-offs and 上陸s during 70 hours of rigorous flight 実験(する)ing to European 航空 Safety 機関 (EASA) 基準s.

READ MORE?Futuristic European 飛行機で行くing 'AirCar' is sold to 中国

Flying cars are slowly but surely becoming a reality

飛行機で行くing cars are slowly but surely becoming a reality


