The human foods that could be making your dog fat, 明らかにする/漏らすd - from 取調べ/厳しく尋問するd salmon to 緊急発進するd egg

  • One in 14 dogs in the UK are 記録,記録的な/記録するd by their vets as overweight each year
  • A new 熟考する/考慮する 警告するs about the human foods that could be making your dog fat??

It's something that many dog owners do on a daily basis.?

But?new 研究 might make you think twice about こそこそ動くing leftovers to your dog under the dinner (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する.?

The 熟考する/考慮する 明らかにする/漏らすs the human foods that could be making your pet fat - 含むing 取調べ/厳しく尋問するd salmon and 緊急発進するd eggs.?

'Most of us don't realise just how calorie-dense our food can be for our pets,' said Lisa Melvin, a spokesperson for Pet 範囲.?

'This is 特に the 事例/患者 for smaller dogs and 産む/飼育するs which are more obesity-傾向がある, such as pugs and labradors. For small dogs like pugs, a 選び出す/独身 sausage can (問題を)取り上げる almost half of their daily recommended calorie intake.'

A new graphic might make you think twice about sneaking leftovers to your dog under the dinner table. The graphic reveals the human foods that could be making your pet fat - including grilled salmon and scrambled eggs

A new graphic might make you think twice about こそこそ動くing leftovers to your dog under the dinner (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する. The graphic 明らかにする/漏らすs the human foods that could be making your pet fat - 含むing 取調べ/厳しく尋問するd salmon and 緊急発進するd eggs

How many daily calories should your dog be 消費するing?
負わせる of dog? Recommended calories?
XS: 2kg - 5kg (Eg. Chihuahua) 247
S: 5kg - 10kg (Eg. Pug)?440?
M: 10kg - 20kg (Eg. Beagle)?739?
L: 20kg - 30kg (Eg. Dalmation)?1092?
XL: 30kg - 40kg (Eg. Labrador Retriever)?1408?
XXL: 40kg - 50kg (Eg. Rottweiler)?1701?

Britain is in the 中央 of an 'overweight 疫病/流行性の' in dogs, with a whopping one in 14 pups 記録,記録的な/記録するd by their vets as overweight each year.?

One of the 可能性のある 推論する/理由s for these high 率s is owners 扱う/治療するing their pets to human foods, without knowing how this can 衝撃 their diet.?

In their 熟考する/考慮する, Pet 範囲 looked at the recommended daily calorie intake for dogs of 変化させるing sizes.?

Dogs classed as extra small, such as Chihuahuas, need just 247 calories per day, while small dogs, such as Pugs, 要求する 440 calories on 普通の/平均(する).?

Medium dogs, such as Beagles, need 739 calories, while Large dogs, such as Dalmations, 要求する 1,092 calories.?

n is in the midst of an 'overweight epidemic' in dogs, with a whopping one in 14 pups recorded by their vets as overweight each year (stock image)

Britain is in the 中央 of an 'overweight 疫病/流行性の' in dogs, with a whopping one in 14 pups 記録,記録的な/記録するd by their vets as overweight each year (在庫/株 image)

READ MORE:?産む/飼育するing of English Bulldogs could be BANNED in the UK

Flat faces bred into English bulldogs can cause a 'lifetime of suffering'

Flat 直面するs bred into English bulldogs can 原因(となる) a 'lifetime of 苦しむing'


Finally, extra large dogs such as Labrador Retrievers, need 1,408 calories, while extra extra large dogs, such as Rottweilers, need 1,701.?

Based on these 人物/姿/数字s, Pet 範囲 looked at the calorie 百分率 of popular human leftovers or adults dogs.?

While two rashers of bacon might seem like a reasonable 部分 size for a dog, the 分析 明らかにする/漏らすs how this equates to 58.5 per cent of XS dogs' daily calories.?

Even for XXL dogs, this 部分 size is the 同等(の) of 8.5 per cent of their daily calorie 推薦.???

Two other popular meats - sausages and roast chicken - can also make your pooch pile on the 続けざまに猛撃するs.?

One 厚い sausage takes up 27 per cent of a small dog's daily calories, 16 per cent of a medium dog's calories, and 11 per cent of a large dog's calories.?

However, the 研究 明らかにする/漏らすs that it isn't just meat which can be 高度に calorific for dogs.?

If you've got leftover 緊急発進するd egg from your breakfast, the 同等(の) of just one egg can (問題を)取り上げる 31 per cent of an extra small dog's calories.?

一方/合間, one tablespoon of cheddar cheese can (問題を)取り上げる 10 per cent of a small dog's daily calories.??

'Many of us don't realise just how many 条件s can be linked to having 超過 負わせる,' Ms Melvin said.?

'From bone health to heart health to 簡単に 全体にわたる wellbeing, obesity can come with a 抱擁する (死傷者)数 on your pet.'

If you've noticed your dog has been 伸び(る)ing 超過 負わせる, thankfully there are several things you can do to help them get into 形態/調整.?

'To help your pet lose 負わせる healthily and sustainably, 確実にする they have filling, balanced meals and enjoy their food in moderation,' Ms Melvin 追加するd.?

'It's always a good idea to see a vet if you have 関心s about your pet's 負わせる.?

'Every dog is different, and just like humans, they all have different nutritional needs.?

'Whether your furry friend is a puppy or fully grown, 協議する with the vet before making major dietary changes.'


It is 平易な to believe that dogs like what we like, but this is not always 厳密に true.?

Here are ten things which people should remember when trying to understand their pets, によれば?Animal behaviour 専門家s Dr Melissa Starling and Dr Paul McGreevy, from the University of Sydney.

1. Dogs don't like to 株?

2. Not all dogs like to be hugged or patted?

3. A barking dog is not always an 積極的な dog?

4. Dogs do not like other dogs entering their 領土/home

5. Dogs like to be active and don't need as much 緩和 time as humans?

6. Not all dogs are 極端に friendly, some are shyer to begin with??

7. A dog that appears friendly can soon become 積極的な?

8. Dogs need open space and new areas to 調査する. Playing in the garden won't always 十分である?

9. いつかs a dog isn't misbehaving, it 簡単に does not understand what to do or what you want?

10. Subtle facial signals often 先買権によって獲得する barking or snapping when a dog is unhappy