Google 投資するs $75M to teach one million Americans how to use AI

Google?発表するd Friday that it is 解放(する)ing a course 目的(とする)d at teaching one million Americans how to use 人工的な 知能 道具s.

As part of the rollout, the tech 巨大(な) also 発表するd that its charitable arm,, has 予算d $75 million in 認めるs for AI 技術s training to people in 田舎の and underserved areas.

The new AI 技術s course will be 利用できる for $49 on Coursera, a for-利益(をあげる) online course provider.?

The 告示 comes after Google scrapped its 支配するs 要求するing 供給者s and staffing 会社/堅いs it 作品 with to 供給する good 支払う/賃金 and 利益s to their 従業員s - along with laying off thousands of?従業員s にもかかわらず turning 記録,記録的な/記録する 利益(をあげる)s.

Google announced two new initiatives: One is a self-paced cours
e on AI skills, the other is a grant program for AI job skills training.

Google 発表するd two new 率先s: One is a self-paced course on AI 技術s, the other is a 認める program for AI 職業 技術s training.

READ MORE: Is AI 静かに 取って代わるing staff at Google?


Major tech companies, 含むing Google, continue to lay off 従業員s まっただ中に 進歩s in AI and にもかかわらず 増加するing 歳入?


によれば the course 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)ing, it will teach 使用者s how to 'Use generative AI 道具s to help develop ideas and content, make more 知らせるd 決定/判定勝ち(する)s, and 速度(を上げる) up daily work 仕事s,' and to do so responsibly.

The course also 約束s that learners will 'Develop 戦略s to stay up-to-date in the 現れるing landscape of AI.'

As far as the $75 million in 認めるs from the AI 適切な時期 基金, those will go to 'best-in-class 全労働人口 開発 and education organizations,' によれば a Google spokesperson.

Organizations like 好意/親善 産業s International will receive some of the training 基金s 'to 権力を与える Americans to てこ入れ/借入資本 AI 科学(工学)技術 to 上げる 生産性 and 準備する them for the 職業s of tomorrow.'

好意/親善's career 援助 programs have been 賞賛するd in the past for helping 労働者s 安全な・保証する 永久の 役割s with livable salaries and 利益s.

But the organization still 支払う/賃金s 無能にするd 従業員s いっそう少なく than 最小限 行う under the guise of 職業 技術s training - a program 許すd by the US Department of Labor.

Some 無能にするd 従業員s working under this 控除 earn いっそう少なく than $1 an hour.

And just one week ago, Google 発表するd it was rolling 支援する its 支配するs?that 要求するd its 商売/仕事 partners to 供給する their 労働者s with a living 行う.??

Google rolled out new programs to train workers in AI. Meanwhile, the company continues to fight federal labor authority attempts to make Google treat employees fairly.

Google rolled out new programs to train 労働者s in AI. 一方/合間, the company continues to fight 連邦の labor 当局 試みる/企てるs to make Google 扱う/治療する 従業員s 公正に/かなり.

From 2019?until last week, Google had 要求するd the 商売/仕事s it 契約d with to 支払う/賃金 their 従業員s at least $15 an hour and 供給する them with health 保険 and 利益s.

But because Google was 演習ing some degree of 支配(する)/統制する over those 労働者s, the?US 国家の Labor Relations Board (NLRB) said this made Google a '共同の 雇用者' of them.

Therefore, the tech company would be 要求するd to 取引 with their unions - something the company is 悪名高くも 抵抗力のある to doing.

Google has 辞退するd to 取引 with unionized 労働者s much closer to home, 含むing at YouTube, which it owns.

When YouTube 請負業者s 全員一致で joined the Alphabet 労働者s Union and 主張するd on 取引ing with Google over working 条件s last year, the tech 巨大(な) 辞退するd.

Google has regularly su
ppressed its workers' protected activities, the National Labor Relations Board has found.

Google has 定期的に 抑えるd its 労働者s' 保護するd activities, the 国家の Labor Relations Board has 設立する.

This 拒絶 was against the 法律, 支配するd the NLRB in January of this year.

These are not 孤立するd 出来事/事件s, either. Google has been (刑事)被告 of 不法に 解雇する/砲火/射撃ing 労働者s for unionizing, 干渉するing with 保護するd activities, and 一般に engaging in 違法な 行為 to 抑える its 労働者s from 演習ing their 権利s to 組織する for better working 条件s, によれば the 経済的な 政策 学校/設ける.

The new charitable programs that Google 発表するd today also come on the heels of high-profile layoffs.?

Google 報告(する)/憶測d that it made a $20.7 billion 利益(をあげる) in the fourth 4半期/4分の1 of 2023, an 増加する of 52 パーセント compared to the previous year, yet its 全労働人口 shrunk by four パーセント.

Kenneth Smith, an 工学 経営者/支配人 at Google, said 管理/経営 通知するd him that his 職業 was 存在 除去するd in an email and complained in a LinkedIn 地位,任命する that the company didn't '認める their humanity.'

'I've harbored a lot of 怒り/怒る and 失望/欲求不満 at Google's leadership for how they 扱うd the layoffs of twelve thousand people last January,' he wrote, 追加するing: 'And I don't see a lot of 証拠 that they've learned much from that experience.'

The move (機の)カム すぐに after Google 開始する,打ち上げるd its large language model (LLM) called Goose, and after it 発表するd a major 投資 in AI startup anthropic.

The new AI course is self-paced and 含むd 10 hours of 構成要素 spread out over five modules.