I'm a tech 専門家... here is how to 回復する a 切り開く/タクシー/不正アクセスd Facebook account

Dear Kim,

Recently, my personal Facebook account was 切り開く/タクシー/不正アクセスd, resulting in changes to my login 信任状, along with the email and phone number associated with the account. I’m locked out of my profile.?

Over the past 16 years, my Facebook account has become a 数字表示式の scrapbook of 心にいだくd memories, a repository of moments 株d with friends and family.?

It has also served as a 決定的な link to 非常に/多数の 接触するs, both personal and professional, playing a 重要な 役割 in my daily communications and 関係s.?

This 状況/情勢 has left me feeling helpless and 削減(する) off from a 重要な part of my 数字表示式の life.?

I'm 令状ing to 捜し出す your advice on how to proceed with 回復するing my Facebook account.?

Thank you for considering my predicament. Your 専門的知識 in these 事柄s is unparalleled, and any 援助 you could 供給する would be of tremendous help.

― Benjamin in Huntsville, Alabama

Dear Kim: Recently, my personal Facebook account was hacked, resulting in changes to my login credentials, along with the email and phone number associated with the account. I?m locked out of my profile

Dear Kim: Recently, my personal Facebook account was 切り開く/タクシー/不正アクセスd, resulting in changes to my login 信任状, along with the email and phone number associated with the account. I’m locked out of my profile

Hi Benjamin,

First, you’re not alone in 落ちるing 犠牲者 to a Facebook account ハイジャック.?

Facebook is a big 的 for hackers and scammers. Think about this: Facebook has 2.989 billion 月毎の active 使用者s 世界的な.?In other words, about 37.2 パーセント of the 全世界の 全住民 uses Facebook every month.

Your first step: Go to Facebook.com/切り開く/タクシー/不正アクセスd and 警報 Facebook that your account has been 妥協d.?

You’ll need to enter your email 演説(する)/住所 or phone number associated with the account.?

Be sure to give every bit of info they ask for. The point here is to 証明する that you are you, the rightful owner of the account.

Radio show host Kim Komando offers advice to help people navigate the world of technology

無線で通信する show host Kim Komando 申し込む/申し出s advice to help people navigate the world of 科学(工学)技術

Next, 接触する your friends. You’ll have to do this outside of Facebook, of course. Tell them your account was 切り開く/タクシー/不正アクセスd and ask them to do you a 抱擁する 好意.

You want them to also 報告(する)/憶測 to Facebook that your account was 切り開く/タクシー/不正アクセスd.?

They can do this by going to your profile, then select More or three-dot menu and then Find support or 報告(する)/憶測 a profile.?

The whole idea here is the higher the number of 報告(する)/憶測s that Facebook is getting, the better chance you have of getting 支援する in.

You might be tempted by the online 広告s (人命などを)奪う,主張するing that they can get your Facebook account 信任状 支援する - that’s a scam, so don’t 落ちる for it.

Once you’ve 報告(する)/憶測d your Facebook account was 妥協d, it’s a waiting game.?

It could take weeks or months to hear 支援する. In the 合間, open a new Facebook account and lock 負かす/撃墜する all your other social マスコミ accounts. Each one needs its own unique password, and 始める,決める up two-factor authentication anywhere you can.

Worried someone is in your Facebook account??

If you are able to スピードを出す/記録につける in, you can check if anyone else is poking around. いつかs you can catch someone here before they kick you out of the account 完全に.?

● Go to Facebook’s Account 中心 page.?

● Click Password and 安全 > Where you're logged in.?

You'll see a 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) of all your accounts, 含むing Facebook, Instagram and Meta.?

Click each account and you'll see a 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) of 装置s that have been used to スピードを出す/記録につける in.?

If you don't 認める a 装置, change your password ASAP!?

Go 支援する to Facebook’s Account 中心 page and tap Password and 安全 > Change password.?

Select Facebook and enter your 現在の password and 選ぶ a new one.?

攻撃する,衝突する the Change password button and voila, all done.?


Hi Kim,

My wife went on a trip to South America. She was standing on the street and pulled out her phone to find directions when a kid on a bike zoomed by and grabbed the phone 権利 out of her 手渡す.

She 叫び声をあげるd (pretty loud!) but 明白に didn't get the phone 支援する.?

I called the service provider 権利 away and they blacklisted the phone.?

They said the phone is inoperative now, but we're seeing strange activity because of all the apps and connected accounts.

What the heck do I do? I want to help her so she can enjoy her trip! I did とじ込み/提出する a police 報告(する)/憶測, by the way.

― David in St. Louis, Missouri

Dear David,?

You’re a good husband to 令状 to me? and you were smart to call the service provider.?

Unfortunately, there’s lots left to take care of. Just think about it for a second: So much of our 数字表示式の lives are tied up in our phones. They’re 価値(がある) a lot more than the cost of a 交替/補充.

The kicker here, of course, is that your wife’s phone was 打ち明けるd because this jerk grabbed it while in use. That was definitely not an 事故, by the way. More on that below. Travel 保険 might cover the cost of stolen electronics, by the way.

ar Kim:?My wife went on a trip to South America. She was standing on the street and pulled out her phone to find directions when a kid on a bike zoomed by and grabbed the phone right out of her hand.

Dear Kim:?My wife went on a trip to South America. She was standing on the street and pulled out her phone to find directions when a kid on a bike zoomed by and grabbed the phone 権利 out of her 手渡す.

Here’s a to-do 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる). Quick? No, sorry ― but these steps are necessary. Don’t worry, I’ll 含む directions for everything, too.

● Wipe the phone’s data remotely if possible.

● Call your bank and any other connected 財政上の account and tell them about the 窃盗.

● Change every 選び出す/独身 password that was connected to the phone ― starting with her Google account and email.

● 交換(する) the two-factor authentication number associated with her accounts.

● 始める,決める up a credit 凍結する.

● Consider a burner phone for the next trip.

Let’s get into the 詳細(に述べる)s

It’s 広大な/多数の/重要な that you can wipe everything off a newer iPhone or Android remotely. The caveat is you have to 始める,決める this up ahead of time, before you need to do it.

Turn on Find My for an iPhone

● Go t o Settings > [your 指名する] > Find My.

● Consider whether you want friends and family to know where you are. If so, turn on 株 My 場所.

● Tap Find My iPhone, then turn on Find My iPhone.

● To see your 装置 even when it’s offline, turn on Find My 網状組織.

● To have the 場所 of your 装置 sent to Apple when the 殴打/砲列 is low, turn on Send Last 場所.

Turn on Find My 装置 for Android

● Go to Settings > 安全 > Find My 装置. Or try 安全 & 場所 or Google > 安全.

● Make sure Find My 装置 is turned on.

About Kim Komando

国家の 無線で通信する Hall of Famer, Host on 510+ 駅/配置するs, Podcaster & Tech 専門家.

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While you’re in the settings, take a minute to 文書 your phone’s 指紋. Like any 製品, your phone has a serial number.?

It also has an IMEI (International 動きやすい 器具/備品 身元). While the serial number comes from the 製造業者, IMEI numbers are 基準 across the 産業.

Keep a 記録,記録的な/記録する of these numbers in 事例/患者 you have to 報告(する)/憶測 your phone is stolen or 行方不明の.?

When you find your phone’s IMEI number, take a screenshot of it.?

Then, save that screenshot somewhere you can 接近 it when needed. I keep 地雷 in my photo cloud 貯蔵 account. You can also print and 蓄える/店 it in the phone’s 初めの box or another handy offline place.

● iPhone: Go to Settings > General > About.

● Android: Go to Settings > About phone.

If you had Find My 始める,決める up ahead of time …

When the phone is 井戸/弁護士席 and truly lost, you should remotely wipe the data 蓄える/店d on it to make sure no one else has 接近 to it. This step is a last 訴える手段/行楽地, and be 用意が出来ている to lose data that was only synced to the phone and not the cloud.

Remotely erase your iPhone

● From another Apple 装置, open the Find My app and tap 装置s, then tap your phone.

○ Tap Erase This 装置 to remotely wipe its data.

● Or 調印する in to iCloud.com/find and go to the Find iPhone feature.

○ Select your lost phone, then select Erase iPhone.

● Use a family member’s 装置 to erase your phone if Family 株ing is enabled. You’ll see it 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d in their Find My app.

Remotely erase your Android phone

● From another Android 装置, open Find My 装置 app and tap Continue as [your 指名する]. Select your lost phone, and you’ll get (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) on its 場所.

○ When 誘発するd, select Enable lock & erase.

○ Select Erase 装置 to wipe its data.

● Or go to android.com/find and 調印する in to your Google account. Select your lost phone, and you’ll get (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) on its 場所.

○ When 誘発するd, select Enable lock & erase.

○ Select Erase 装置 to wipe its data.

It sounds like, sadly, your wife didn’t have this 始める,決める up in 前進する, David. That’s why resetting all those passwords and 2FA settings comes in.

Her best bet is to 始める,決める up Google Authenticator on her new phone. This way, she can get 2FA codes in that app and not 経由で text message. It’s safer than relying on SMS. I have a 十分な primer here if you need help setting that up.