EXCLUSIVEChildren should starting using AI at 6 years old so they don't become the lost 世代 of 労働者s, 専門家 recommends

To keep children from becoming the lost 世代 of 労働者s, an 専門家 has recommended that parents teach them to use AI at the age of six.

Ed Broussard, Managing director at Tomoro AI, helps companies navigate a market 力/強力にするd by 人工的な 知能 and has 株d 技術s the younger 世代 will need to live in a world that is quickly 存在 (海,煙などが)飲み込むd by it.

He told DailyMail.com parents should let their kids use chatbots like ChatGPT to make fun games, custom stories based on their ideas and to find answers to 確かな questions they often ask.

The AI 専門家 has 株d other 技術s children will need such as 存在 able to think without the internet and 焦点(を合わせる)ing on 職業s that do not 現在/一般に 存在する.

To keep children from becoming the lost generation of workers, an expert has recommended that parents teach them to use AI at the age of six

To keep children from becoming the lost 世代 of 労働者s, an 専門家 has recommended that parents teach them to use AI at the age of six

'I often joke with (弁護士の)依頼人s, the best person to 雇う into their 会社/堅い is the person who just cheated on their university exams using AI - they've already learned how to use AI to get 広大な/多数の/重要な results,' said?Broussard.

He 追加するd" '雇用者s of the 未来 will need native AI 使用者s, where 利用するing AI to work faster, better and smarter is second nature. But you can't 推定する/予想する your kids to embrace AI unless you 役割 model 肯定的な AI 行為s yourself.'

He recommends starting children with AI while they are in elementary school, 説 the education system needs to also 転換 toward teaching the tech.

Ed Broussard (pictured above) is the managing director at the artificial intelligence company Tomoro AI

Ed Broussard (pictured above) is the managing director at the 人工的な 知能 company Tomoro AI

'The 職業s we will be doing will be 完全に different and 要求する a different 始める,決める of 技術s,'?Broussard said.?

'We need to be making that change now in our education systems, so we don't produce a lost 世代 of 労働者s with the wrong 技術s for the 地位,任命する-AI world'.

So what 技術s will be in 需要・要求する in an AI-力/強力にするd 未来??

Broussard explained that people 技術s like leadership and 存在 able to think 独立して will still be 価値のある.??

存在 able to think without the internet?

Many of us rely on Wikipedia, Google 地図/計画するs or Google Search to find facts or directions.

A 重要な 技術 in the world of tomorrow will be 'outsourcing' thinking to an AI, Broussard said.?

'The internet 減ずるd the value and necessity to remember things, even things as simple as the directions home from their friend's house,' he continued.

'One of the problems AI will bring is it goes beyond just giving (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) and can 現実に 取って代わる a lot of peoples' thinking; by creating custom answers to very 明確な/細部 questions. As children 可決する・採択する AI 道具s it is important that we also teach them how to think, and not outsource all of that thinking to AI.'

'You can help your children by fostering their curiosity in the world.?

'Whenever your children ask how something 作品, or why it is, follow the thread, use YouTube, Google or even ChatGPT to start 調査/捜査するing how it 作品.?

'An understanding of 売春婦 w the world 作品 will be 決定的な in the 未来 as more and more work is done by AI and people will need the knowledge to understand and challenge the 生産(高) of AI systems.'

Artificial intelligence is projected to destroy many jobs this decade

人工的な 知能 is 事業/計画(する)d to destroy many 職業s this 10年間?

Focus on 職業s that don't 存在する yet

'Most young children at school today will do 職業s that don't 存在する yet,' Broussard said.

The World 経済的な 会議 概算の about 65 パーセント of kids entering 最初の/主要な school today will 結局最後にはーなる working in 職業s that don't 現在/一般に 存在する.

READ MORE:?AI is coming for white collar 職業s?

?OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has been blunt in his 予測s that AI will radically alter the labor market, and 除去する some 肉親,親類d of 職業s.


'Office 職業s as whole won't be redundant but they will become more about entrepreneurship, communication and directing teams (and AIs) to 達成する 仕事s than repetitive 完成 of the 仕事s themselves,' said?Broussard.

'That means memory and the ability to follow structured 過程s will become いっそう少なく important, but communication, problem solving, ideation and creativity will remain 批判的な to a successful life.'

Learn a 貿易(する)

現在の 職業s that 要求する memory and training around facts and 手続きs, such as accounting, will 減らす in value, Broussard explained.

'More and more of those 職業s are 行為/行うd by AI,' he continued.

'In a world of such 不確定, planning 技術s for a 明確な/細部 career is probably not the 大勝する to take.?

'Encourage your kids to do what they love, but make sure they do it with AI as a companion and you'll be setting them up for success,' said Broussard

But setting children up for 職業s such as teaching, nursing or 貿易(する)s could be useful, he explained.

'貿易(する)s such as joinery, plumbing and electricians where 手渡すs-on 使用/適用s and onsite problem-solving are 要求するd will be much いっそう少なく 混乱に陥れる/中断させるd,' said?Broussard.