Is it a ¹òʪ silo on ²ò¸Û¤¹¤ë¡¿Ë¤²Ð¡¿¼Í·â? No, Elon Musk testfires his Starship ²ÐÀ± ¥í¥±¥Ã¥È¡¿µÞÆ­¤¹¤ë '¸¶·¿' ahead of a possible 500-foot hop this ½µËö

  • SpaceX has ¹¶·â¤¹¤ë¡¤¾×Æͤ¹¤ë another milestone with its Starship ¥í¥±¥Ã¥È¡¿µÞÆ­¤¹¤ë ¸¶·¿s
  • The ²ñ¼Ò¡¿·ø¤¤ À®¤·¿ë¤²¤ëd a static ²ò¸Û¤¹¤ë¡¿Ë¤²Ð¡¿¼Í·â ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë with SN6 that could liftoff this ½µËö
  • SN6 is may take the 500-foot 'hop' into the ¶õµ¤¡¿¸øɽ¤¹¤ë, as its Á°Ç¤¼Ô?did this month?
  • The static ²ò¸Û¤¹¤ë¡¿Ë¤²Ð¡¿¼Í·â ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë, »î¤ß¤ë¡¿´ë¤Æ¤ëd three times, sent ±ê¾ås and smoke from the base?

SpaceX is gearing up for the first 500-foot ¡Æhop¡Ç of its SN6 Starship ¥í¥±¥Ã¥È¡¿µÞÆ­¤¹¤ë, weeks after a successful ²ò½ü¤¹¤ë-off of the SN5 ¡Ê¼êÀè¤Î¡Ëµ»½Ñ.

The company lit up the ¸¶·¿¡Çs Raptor Engine during a static ²ò¸Û¤¹¤ë¡¿Ë¤²Ð¡¿¼Í·â ºÛȽ¡¤¸øȽ, ²òÊü¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ëing bursts of ²ò¸Û¤¹¤ë¡¿Ë¤²Ð¡¿¼Í·â and smoke from the base - it was, however, the third »î¤ß¤ë¡¿´ë¤Æ¤ë of the ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë.

The ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë was ¹Ô°Ù¡¿¹Ô¤¦d August 23 at SpaceX¡Çs Boca Chica »ÜÀß in Texas, which could lead to a SN6's first flight this ½µËö.

SN5 made its 'hop' earlier this month and is ¸½ºß¡¿°ìÈÌ¤Ë Â¸ºß prepped for other ³«»Ï¤¹¤ë¡¤ÂǤÁ¾å¤²¤ës that could ½àÈ÷¤¹¤ë the way for the big »ÈÀáÃÄ to ²ÐÀ±.

Scroll É餫¤¹¡¿·âÄƤ¹¤ë for ¥Ó¥Ç¥ªs?

SpaceX conducted a 'static fire' test of its SN6 Starship prototype, which means the rocket could attempt a 500-foot hop as soon as this weekend

SpaceX ¹Ô°Ù¡¿¹Ô¤¦d a 'static ²ò¸Û¤¹¤ë¡¿Ë¤²Ð¡¿¼Í·â' ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë of its SN6 Starship ¸¶·¿, which means the ¥í¥±¥Ã¥È¡¿µÞÆ­¤¹¤ë could »î¤ß¤ë¡¿´ë¤Æ¤ë a 500-foot hop as soon as this ½µËö

The ºÇ¿·¤Î ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë »Ï¤á¤ë¡¤·è¤á¤ës the SN6 up to take its first hop into the ¶õµ¤¡¿¸øɽ¤¹¤ë, getting it ready to travel ¤È°ì½ï¤Ë its Á°Ç¤¼Ô SN5.

On Monday, the team turned on the Â絬ÌÏ¤Ê Raptor engine for a few seconds, sending a roar, ±ê¾ås and smoke ÁÀ·â out from the base of the ¥í¥±¥Ã¥È¡¿µÞÆ­¤¹¤ë, ¤Ë¤è¤ì¤Ð a ¥Ó¥Ç¥ª ²òÊü¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ëd by LabPadre.

The successful feat means the ¥í¥±¥Ã¥È¡¿µÞÆ­¤¹¤ë can »î¤ß¤ë¡¿´ë¤Æ¤ë its first ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë flight as soon as this ½µËö.

Many may have lost Ìó« in the CEO Elon Musk¡Çs ability to ¼óÈø¤è¤¯ send a ¥í¥±¥Ã¥È¡¿µÞÆ­¤¹¤ë to ²ÐÀ±, but that changed August 7.

The company lit up the prototype¡Çs Raptor Engine during a static fire trial, releasing bursts of fire and smoke from the base - it was, however, the third attempt of the test

The company lit up the ¸¶·¿¡ Çs Raptor Engine during a static ²ò¸Û¤¹¤ë¡¿Ë¤²Ð¡¿¼Í·â ºÛȽ¡¤¸øȽ, ²òÊü¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ëing bursts of ²ò¸Û¤¹¤ë¡¿Ë¤²Ð¡¿¼Í·â and smoke from the base - it was, however, the third »î¤ß¤ë¡¿´ë¤Æ¤ë of the ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë

The nine-story large metallic SN5 ÅÀ²Ð¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ëd its Áª¤Ó½Ð¤¹¡¿ÆÈ¿È Raptor engine and slowly rose into the ¶õµ¤¡¿¸øɽ¤¹¤ë before gently returning to the ground and ¾åΦ upright a short distance away from where ³«»Ï¤¹¤ë¡¤ÂǤÁ¾å¤²¤ëd.

¡Æ²ÐÀ± is looking real,¡Ç Musk tweeted in ÊÖÅú to the ³«»Ï¤¹¤ë¡¤ÂǤÁ¾å¤²¤ë Tuesday evening, later Äɲ乤ëing that ¡Æ¿ÊÊâ is ²Ã®¤¹¤ëing¡Ç.

For a moment after the engine first ÅÀ²Ð¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ëd, it looked as if the ¸¶·¿ was struggling to get ¶õÍ¢¤Î, but then it suddenly rose above its own smoke, hovered and ¡Êµ¡¤Î¡Ë¥«¥à in for a soft ¾åΦ.

Musk has had many ups and É餫¤¹¡¿·âÄƤ¹¤ës with his beloved Starship ¥í¥±¥Ã¥È¡¿µÞÆ­¤¹¤ë and its ¹½À®Í×ÁÇs, but is taking them in stride.

¤Ë°ú¤­Â³¤¤¤Æ the successful hop of SN5, the CEO ³ôd on Twitter that the Raptor engine did not Çúȯ¤¹¤ë after reaching a new high dz¾Æ µÄ²ñ °µÎÏ during a controlled dz¤ä¤¹ ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë.

The test was conducted August 23 at SpaceX¡Çs Boca Chica facility in Texas, which could lead to a SN6's first flight this weekend

The ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë was ¹Ô°Ù¡¿¹Ô¤¦d August 23 at SpaceX¡Çs Boca Chica »ÜÀß in Texas, which could lead to a SN6's first flight this ½µËö

SN5 made its 'hop' earlier this month and is currently being prepped for other launches that could lead to the big mission to Mars

SN5 made its 'hop' earlier this month and is ¸½ºß¡¿°ìÈÌ¤Ë Â¸ºß prepped for other ³«»Ï¤¹¤ë¡¤ÂǤÁ¾å¤²¤ës that could lead to the big »ÈÀáÃÄ to ²ÐÀ±

The engine, a ·èÄêŪ¤Ê piece of the Starship ¥í¥±¥Ã¥È¡¿µÞÆ­¤¹¤ë, ¹¶·â¤¹¤ë¡¤¾×Æͤ¹¤ë a µ­Ï¿¡¤µ­Ï¿Åª¤Ê¡¿µ­Ï¿¤¹¤ë breaker of 330 ˸¤²¤ë¡¿Ë¡ÄÊÛ¸î»Î¶È ? previous engines have only managed to »ý³¤¹¤ë 290 to 300 ˸¤²¤ë¡¿Ë¡ÄÊÛ¸î»Î¶È.

¡ÆRaptor engine just reached 330 ˸¤²¤ë¡¿Ë¡ÄÊÛ¸î»Î¶È µÄ²ñ °µÎÏ without Çúȯ¤¹¤ëing,¡Ç reads the tweet.

Musk also ÃÏ°Ì¡¤Ç¤Ì¿¤¹¤ëd a graph of the engine¡Çs µÄ²ñ °µÎÏ to ³Îǧ¤¹¤ë a successful ²¡¤·¿Ê¤á¤ë to µ­Ï¿¡¤µ­Ï¿Åª¤Ê¡¿µ­Ï¿¤¹¤ë-breaking levels, Teslarati Êó¹ð¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë¡¿²±Â¬s.

Musk explained that 300 ˸¤²¤ë¡¿Ë¡ÄÊÛ¸î»Î¶È on the Raptor produces a half a million ³¤±¤¶¤Þ¤ËÌԷ⤹¤ës, or 225 ³¤±¤¶¤Þ¤ËÌԷ⤹¤ës, of ·³Ââ.

SpaceX has seen four of its Starship ¸¶·¿s Çúȯ¤¹¤ë - the most ºÇ¶á¤Î fiasco Çúȯ¤¹¤ëd in May.

The ¸¶·¿ Serial Number 4 ¾Ã¤¨¤ëd into a fireball at SpaceX's ¾ì½ê¡¿°ÌÃÖ in Texas ¤¹¤°¤Ë the engine was ÅÀ²Ð¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ëd for a Í¿°µ¤¹¤ëd ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë.

The SN4 had passed several important milestones during ³«È¯, incl uding a pressurization ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë that had ¼ºÇÔ¤µ¤»¤ë¡¿É餫¤¹d previous models.

Following the successful hop of SN5, the CEO shared on Twitter that the Raptor engine did not explode after reaching a new high combustion chamber pressure during a controlled burn test

¤Ë°ú¤­Â³¤¤¤Æ the successful hop of SN5, the CEO ³ôd on Twitter that the Raptor engine did not Çúȯ¤¹¤ë after reaching a new high dz¾Æ µÄ²ñ °µÎÏ during a controlled dz¤ä¤¹ ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë

The first ¥í¥±¥Ã¥È¡¿µÞÆ­¤¹¤ë was ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ëd in 2019, Mk1 ¸¶·¿, but was ¡Ê³¤¡¤±ì¤Ê¤É¤¬¡Ë°û¤ß¹þ¤àd in ±ê¾ås during a cryogenic °µÎÏ ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë.

The second ¥í¥±¥Ã¥È¡¿µÞÆ­¤¹¤ë, dubbed Serial Number 1 (SN1), fell µ¾À·¼Ô to another °µÎÏ ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë when it failed to ´Þ¤à¡¿Éõ¤¸¹þ¤á¤ë its liquid ÃâÁÇ.

However, this time the stainless steel cylinder flew off the stand and ¡Êµ¡¤Î¡Ë¥«¥à É餫¤¹¡¿·âÄƤ¹¤ë ¾×ÆÍ¡¤ÄÆÍîing.

And the third time SpaceX saw its third ²õÌÇŪ¤Ê ¼ºÇÔ was in April - again the Starship ¸¶·¿ imploded during the cryogenic °µÎÏ ¼Â¸³¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë.

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