Is it a 穀物 silo on 解雇する/砲火/射撃? No, Elon Musk testfires his Starship 火星 ロケット/急騰する '原型' ahead of a possible 500-foot hop this 週末

  • SpaceX has 攻撃する,衝突する another milestone with its Starship ロケット/急騰する 原型s
  • The 会社/堅い 成し遂げるd a static 解雇する/砲火/射撃 実験(する) with SN6 that could liftoff this 週末
  • SN6 is may take the 500-foot 'hop' into the 空気/公表する, as its 前任者?did this month?
  • The static 解雇する/砲火/射撃 実験(する), 試みる/企てるd three times, sent 炎上s and smoke from the base?

SpaceX is gearing up for the first 500-foot ‘hop’ of its SN6 Starship ロケット/急騰する, weeks after a successful 解除する-off of the SN5 (手先の)技術.

The company lit up the 原型’s Raptor Engine during a static 解雇する/砲火/射撃 裁判,公判, 解放(する)ing bursts of 解雇する/砲火/射撃 and smoke from the base - it was, however, the third 試みる/企てる of the 実験(する).

The 実験(する) was 行為/行うd August 23 at SpaceX’s Boca Chica 施設 in Texas, which could lead to a SN6's first flight this 週末.

SN5 made its 'hop' earlier this month and is 現在/一般に 存在 prepped for other 開始する,打ち上げるs that could 準備する the way for the big 使節団 to 火星.

Scroll 負かす/撃墜する for ビデオs?

SpaceX conducted a 'static fire' test of its SN6 Starship prototype, which means the rocket could attempt a 500-foot hop as soon as this weekend

SpaceX 行為/行うd a 'static 解雇する/砲火/射撃' 実験(する) of its SN6 Starship 原型, which means the ロケット/急騰する could 試みる/企てる a 500-foot hop as soon as this 週末

The 最新の 実験(する) 始める,決めるs the SN6 up to take its first hop into the 空気/公表する, getting it ready to travel と一緒に its 前任者 SN5.

On Monday, the team turned on the 大規模な Raptor engine for a few seconds, sending a roar, 炎上s and smoke 狙撃 out from the base of the ロケット/急騰する, によれば a ビデオ 解放(する)d by LabPadre.

The successful feat means the ロケット/急騰する can 試みる/企てる its first 実験(する) flight as soon as this 週末.

Many may have lost 約束 in the CEO Elon Musk’s ability to 首尾よく send a ロケット/急騰する to 火星, but that changed August 7.

The company lit up the prototype’s Raptor Engine during a static fire trial, releasing bursts of fire and smoke from the base - it was, however, the third attempt of the test

The company lit u p the 原型’s Raptor Engine during a static 解雇する/砲火/射撃 裁判,公判, 解放(する)ing bursts of 解雇する/砲火/射撃 and smoke from the base - it was, however, the third 試みる/企てる of the 実験(する)

The nine-story large metallic SN5 点火(する)d its 選び出す/独身 Raptor engine and slowly rose into the 空気/公表する before gently returning to the ground and 上陸 upright a short distance away from where 開始する,打ち上げるd.

‘火星 is looking real,’ Musk tweeted in 返答 to the 開始する,打ち上げる Tuesday evening, later 追加するing that ‘進歩 is 加速するing’.

For a moment after the engine first 点火(する)d, it looked as if the 原型 was struggling to get 空輸の, but then it suddenly rose above its own smoke, hovered and (機の)カム in for a soft 上陸.

Musk has had many ups and 負かす/撃墜するs with his beloved Starship ロケット/急騰する and its 構成要素s, but is taking them in stride.

に引き続いて the successful hop of SN5, the CEO 株d on Twitter that the Raptor engine did not 爆発する after reaching a new high 燃焼 議会 圧力 during a controlled 燃やす 実験(する).

The test was conducted August 23 at SpaceX’s Boca Chica facility in Texas, which could lead to a SN6's first flight this weekend

The 実験(する) was 行為/行うd August 23 at SpaceX’s Boca Chica fa cility in Texas, which could lead to a SN6's first flight this 週末

SN5 made its 'hop' earlier this month and is currently being prepped for other launches that could lead to the big mission to Mars

SN5 made its 'hop' earlier this month and is 現在/一般に 存在 prepped for other 開始する,打ち上げるs that could lead to the big 使節団 to 火星

The engine, a 決定的な piece of the Starship ロケット/急騰する, 攻撃する,衝突する a 記録,記録的な/記録する breaker of 330 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 ? previous engines have only managed to 持続する 290 to 300 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業.

‘Raptor engine just reached 330 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 議会 圧力 without 爆発するing,’ reads the tweet.

Musk also 地位,任命するd a graph of the engine’s 議会 圧力 to 確認する a successful 押し進める to 記録,記録的な/記録する-breaking levels, Teslarati 報告(する)/憶測s.

Musk explained that 300 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 on the Raptor produces a half a million 続けざまに猛撃するs, or 225 続けざまに猛撃するs, of 軍隊.

SpaceX has seen four of its Starship 原型s 爆発する - the most 最近の fiasco 爆発するd in May.

The 原型 Serial Number 4 消えるd into a fireball at SpaceX's 場所/位置 in Texas すぐに the engine was 点火(する)d for a 与圧するd 実験(する).

The SN4 had passed several important milestones during d evelopment, 含むing a pressurization 実験(する) that had 失敗させる/負かすd previous models.

Following the successful hop of SN5, the CEO shared on Twitter that the Raptor engine did not explode after reaching a new high combustion chamber pressure during a controlled burn test

に引き続いて the successful hop of SN5, the CEO 株d on Twitter that the Raptor engine did not 爆発する after reaching a new high 燃焼 議会 圧力 during a controlled 燃やす 実験(する)

The first ロケット/急騰する was 実験(する)d in 2019, Mk1 原型, but was (海,煙などが)飲み込むd in 炎上s during a cryogenic 圧力 実験(する).

The second ロケット/急騰する, dubbed Serial Number 1 (SN1), fell 犠牲者 to another 圧力 実験(する) when it failed to 含む/封じ込める its liquid 窒素.

However, this time the stainless steel cylinder flew off the stand and (機の)カム 負かす/撃墜する 衝突,墜落ing.

And the third time SpaceX saw its third 壊滅的な 失敗 was in April - again the Starship 原型 imploded during the cryogenic 圧力 実験(する).

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