Elon Musk 誇るs his Starship will take 乗客s to space in three years and says humans need to be an 'interplanetary 種類' because the sun will 結局 (海,煙などが)飲み込む earth

  • Elon Musk was a guest on the podcast 'Sway' where he 株d his 計画(する) to 確実にする the long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 生き残り of the human race
  • Musk said we must become interplanetary 種類 in a space-fairing civilization
  • He also 公式文書,認めるd that the Starship ロケット/急騰する is 始める,決める to 開始する,打ち上げる next year
  • Humans could 飛行機で行く as soon as two years, but definitely?three years from now?

Elon Musk has a 計画(する) to 確実にする the long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 生き残り of humanity ? we must become a interplanetary 種類 in a space-fairing civilization.

The Tesla and SpaceX CEO was a guest on the podcast ‘Sway,’ where he 明らかにする/漏らすd 詳細(に述べる)s of the Starship ロケット/急騰する 始める,決める to take people to 火星 and a few bits of ‘doom and gloom.’

He told the host, Kara Swisher, that '結局 the sun is going to 拡大する and (海,煙などが)飲み込む Earth' - 説 humans need to go to 火星.

'This is for sure going to happen, but not anytime soon,' Musk said.?

The 億万長者 also 公式文書,認めるd that SpaceX's reusable Starship will be 重要な to turning his 計画(する) into a reality, 説 humans could take flight on the ロケット/急騰する in just two years.

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Elon Musk has a plan to ensure the 
long-term survival of humanity ? we must become a interplanetary species in a space fairing civilization

Elon Musk has a 計画(する) to 確実にする the long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 生き残り of humanity ? we must become a interplanetary 種類 in a space fairing civilization

Although Musk 予知するs the sun 火葬するing the Earth, 科学の 研究 from the University of Warwick said it will occur, but our sun will not reach its end for at least another six billion years.?

Musk has had his heart 始める,決める on colonizing 火星 for many years and has not been shy about how he 計画(する)s to make it happen.

The 重要な to turning this dream into a reality will be SpaceX's 大規模な Starship ロケット/急騰する, which is has been を受けるing 実験(する)s and construction at the 会社/堅い's Boca Chica 施設 in Texas.?

‘I think we will 開始する,打ち上げる Starship いつか next year, の近くに to August,’ Musk said.?

The billionaire also noted that SpaceX's reusable Starship will be key to turning his plan into a reality, saying humans could take flight on the rocket in just two years

The 億万長者 also 公式文書,認めるd that SpaceX's reusable Starship will be 重要な to turning his 計画(する) into a reality, 説 humans could take flight on the ロケット/急騰する in just two years

‘We will run it in (a)自動的な/(n)自動拳銃 方式, without people.’

‘I think it will be 安全な for people in two years, but definitely three years.'

Swisher asked Musk if he 計画(する)s to take the 旅行 船内に the ロケット/急騰する, but the CEO said he has not thought of it, but is not 判決,裁定 the idea out.

Musk has 以前 said in the past that SpaceX would need to produce 1,000 Starship ロケット/急騰するs over a nine-year period ーするために take one million people to 火星 and told Swisher that he thinks the 会社/堅い is making it happen.

'We are able to lower the cost to space, so we are saving the 税金 payer a lot of money, said Musk.

'We’re 前進するing 科学(工学)技術 of 開始する,打ち上げる by having reusable ロケット/急騰するs.'

'Reusability is very important for the 接近 to space.'

'It is really 肉親,親類d of insane to have a ロケット/急騰する be expendable. You build this incredible machine that 衝突,墜落s 負かす/撃墜する into the ocean and then there is 破片 at the 底(に届く) of the ocean ? it’s crazy.'

There are 現在/一般に a number of players in this space game, 含むing Jeff Bezos who owns Blue Origin.

This 会社/堅い and SpaceX are competing to have their 乗り物 take the first woman and next man to the moon, along with 存在 the first to 開始する,打ち上げる tourists into space.

However, both Musk and Bezos are looking at the long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 生き残り of the human race ? although they have different ideas on how to 確実にする we 生き残る.

Musk sees migrating to different 惑星s as 最高の,を越す 優先, while the Blue Origin owner 想像するs humani ty moving into 大規模な space 駅/配置するs.?

‘But whatever, if you have 前進するd ロケット/急騰するs you can decide whether you want to live on a space 駅/配置する thing or on 火星,’ said Musk.

There are currently a number of players in this space game, including Jeff Bezos (pictured) who owns Blue Origin.?However, both Musk and Bezos are looking at the long-term survival of the human race ? although they have different ideas on how to ensure we survive. Musk sees migrating to different planets as top priority, while the Blue Origin owner envisions humanity moving into massive space stations

There are 現在/一般に a number of players in this space game, 含むing Jeff Bezos (pictured) who owns Blue Origin.?However, both Musk and Bezos are looking at the long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 生き残り of the human race ? although they have different ideas on how to 確実にする we 生き残る. Musk sees migrating to different 惑星s as 最高の,を越す 優先, while the Blue Origin owner 想像するs humanity moving into 大規模な space 駅/配置するs

‘権利 now we have a long way to go because we can’t even get 支援する to the moon.’

‘I think it is 肉親,親類d of sad that we were able to go to the moon in ’69 and its 2020 and we can’t even go 支援する to the moon.’

‘We definitely want to make sure civilization is 改善するing over time.’

‘I am a bit worried we are slowing 負かす/撃墜する on our 率 of 改良 and we’re slowing 負かす/撃墜する our change and we are getting old.

Musk 明かすd the first Starship 原型 in 2019, with the main 客観的な of sending humans to 火星.

The CEO had hoped the ロケット/急騰する would be 急に上がるing in low 軌道 by March of this year and have people inside by the end of 2020.

However, the Starship program has seen a number of bumps since 2019, which Musk touched on in a separate interview earlier this month.

‘'I hope we do a lot of flights,' Musk said. 'The first ones might not work. This is uncharted 領土.

'Nobody has ever made a fully reusable 軌道の ロケット/急騰する. So just having that at all is pretty 重要な.'


The BFR (Big F***ing ロケット/急騰する), now known as?Starship, will 完全にする all mis sions and is smaller than the ones Musk 発表するd in 2016.

The SpaceX CEO said the ロケット/急騰する would take its first trip to the red 惑星 in 2024, carrying only 貨物, followed by a 乗組員を乗せた 使節団 in 2026 and (人命などを)奪う,主張するd other SpaceX's 製品s would be 'cannibalised' to 支払う/賃金 for it.

The ロケット/急騰する would be 部分的に/不公平に reusable and 有能な of flight 直接/まっすぐに from Earth to 火星.

Once built, Musk believes the ロケット/急騰する could be used for travel on Earth ― 説 that 乗客s would be able to get anywhere in under an hour.

To date, the Starship 一連の ロケット/急騰するs have seen 9 実験(する) flights ― some resulting in successful short-distance hops, while others led to 爆発s or 衝突,墜落 上陸s.

The most 最近の 実験の 開始する,打ち上げる ― 伴う/関わるing the?Starship SN15 原型 ― took place on May 5, 2021 and saw the (手先の)技術 完全にする a 33,000 feet high-高度 flight 実験(する) into low-lying clouds, 完全にする with successful ascent, engine 削減(する)-offs, flip manoeuvre, flap 支配(する)/統制する and soft touchdown.

A small 解雇する/砲火/射撃 did 爆発する at the base of the ロケット/急騰する に引き続いて its 上陸, but this was later 消滅させるd.?

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